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Lori Jean Mar 2011
Shush. (I don’t exist today).
I’m a figment of your mind at play.

Shush. (I hear not what you said).
Your anger does not enshroud my head.

Shush. (Those memories do not linger).
The song is gone, so is the singer.

Shush. (You don’t exist to me).
We never touched, you did not flee.

Shush. (This heart does not feel deeply).
You did not sell your soul so cheaply.

Shush. (The moments don’t click by.)
Mans creation; an imagined lie.

Shush. (Reality is not near).
Don’t disagree; you are not here.
copyright 03.28.2012 Lori Jean Vance
Lori Jean Mar 2011
Gumdrops come in many colors
Yellow, orange and green
My gumdrop hides his color
So his feelings can’t be seen

His character is charming
His humor can’t be beat
He’s loving, kind; a friend of mine
Yet, he creates his own defeat

Avoidance is an issue,
Procrastination set in stone
His fears are locked so deep inside
He fights the world alone.

I understand his silent walk
My feet step in his tracks
Circumstances changed the soul;
True confidence we lack.

When tragedies besieged him
His body young in years
He coped the only way he could
While fighting back the tears

He lost himself eventually
Gave in to worldly sins
But, Gumdrop has the strength of few
He stood-up, once again.

With work, he rose above the clan
Temptation everywhere
He faithfully now walks the walk
Recovery he shares

Sadness still surrounds him
Eyes open for dark skies
Preparing for the looming breach,
He limits joy inside

Why would he risk familiar odds?
Reality is rough
To avoid the possibilities,
Is safer than to trust

Don’t try to understand him
He won’t let you in
He’s had to learn the hard way
He won’t get kicked, again.

But I am pretty lucky,
I’ve known him for so long
With memories and good times
and Billy Joel’s top songs

I wish for him bright colors
Prayers I’m always sending
But Gumdrop holds the steering wheel
He writes the script and ending

Yep.  Gumdrop is a blessing
My friend he’ll always be
Can he step outside his comfort zone?
I guess we’ll have to see.
copyright 03/20/2011 Dedicated to my awesome and lifetime friend, Gabe.
Lori Jean Mar 2011
Hit me with your best shot
Show me what your wit’s not
Expose the heart you’ve not got
You’ll likely take the dare

Looking good you think so
Such a fool, you don’t know
The world’s a stage for no show
I see through you like air

Running scared you fight life
Caring not, you mock strife
Instead you wield the sharp knife
I jump your worthless snare

Kick me when I’m real low
Better me them some joe
God knows you’ve got enough foe
See if me you scare

Justify your filthy deeds
Violence fulfills your needs
So old now, where did that lead?
And you say life’s not fair

You’ll get what’s coming- just wait
The narrow road is too late
You spit upon the Lord’s gate

***** you, I don’t care.
Lori Jean Feb 2011
Title:  “I came, I saw, I conquered”.
(A familiar quote by Julius Caesar after victory in a short war.)
More than the standard reference this sentence is also a delightful representation in the first person.  Thus, the drama begins in the title, itself.   The title is meant to emphasize the beginning; one person speaking of himself in the first person.  A person in need of power and victory.

1st Stanza:  With one voice
With one voice he strikes in anger with effective words.  He desires for all things to uplift his need for approval.  With glorious speeches he calls for others to join him.  He becomes more encouraged as he calls out his grandiose ideas and philosophy of things to come.

2nd Stanza:  The Bond of Unity
The uncontrolled need of the power-hungry ruler requires even more to satisfy his ego and personal needs.  Without this step, he would fail.  He succeeds however, as his call to strangers is heard and they eagerly gather to be controlled and commit to fight for the cause they now believe in.

3rd Stanza:  State before the War
The “Angel” represents either (or both) of the opposing sides preparing for battle.  Both sides now feel they are doing the right thing for the right reasons; pure intentions.  At this point, actions begin, testing the opponent as the drama heightens and preparations ensue.

4th Stanza: Woe to the conquered!
From one with power and angry words – to the veracious battle.  Reasoning is lost.  Only winning counts now.  The ground has been laid for treacherous harm.  Emotions unparalleled.  All crimes now justified.  Destruction inevitable.

The poem itself is meant to increase in intensity with each stanza.
Latin phrases are used for drama, depth, and intensity.  
Lastly, the hidden natural elements of Wind, Air, Fire, and Earth represent man’s nature.
Inevitably present and capable of fierce and volatile chaos.
You will find one of each of these elements in the first line; last word, of each stanza.
The authors explanation of an otherwise unclear poem.
Copyright Lori Jean Vance 02/13/11
Lori Jean Feb 2011
Number me zero
But please, take no offense
My body requires
What the mind can’t make sense

Number me zero
Not two minus two
Nonexistent; unable
To spend time with you

Number me zero
I simply cannot commit
The soul and heart earns
Yet the ability’s spent

There are some lucky days
When you can number me one
When twitches and trembles
and the pain seems all done.

These are glorious days
When normality flows
I feel I belong
from my head to my toes

Please always remember
When you cannot perceive
The cancellations and distance
are not you, they’re me.

The physical and mental
will kink without warning
When I cannot achieve
It is I, that is mourning.

So number me zero
If that is what you must do
**I’d rather you number me zero,
Than pretend the untrue.
To Debra and those that take personal and cannot conceive that my ability for consistency, simply can't be achieved.  I miss your friendship.
Lori Jean Vance 02/13/2011
Lori Jean Feb 2011
Are his sins so great to justify the harm?

Are your hands so clean and white to
Ridicule; alarm?

Was your time so wisely spent
To spew your words of hate?

Will your judgment passify
the hurt that you create?

Is your throne so golden
To stand above the rest?

Do you feel a victory
To shame, to crush, to jest?

Do your means enthrall the lack
of something you hold dear?

Does your “court of justice” claim
support of comrades who live here?

Did you think before you tied
The knot upon the noose?

Do the stains upon your soul
Justify your truth?

If you can answer “yes” to these,
I shall kiss your feet alone
For you started the trial
Fanned the flames
The conclusions, you shall own.

If you cannot answer “yes” to these,
You’d best leave well enough, alone
Abandon reckless disregard,
And abdicate your drones.
In response to The Court Of Bardic Justice, Case #1; Poet Accused.
Lori Jean Vance 02/11/2011
Lori Jean Feb 2011
Your words bang hard against the unwritten Wind,
Uncontrolled souls explode; destroying others within
Una voce.  With one voice.

Searching frantically, identity lost in the Air
Your tongue slaps the stranger; now all gather there
Vinculum unitatis.  The bond of unity.

In anger the Angel spits streams of Fire
She swings at the world; opportunity tires
Status quo ante bellum.   State before the war.  

Unbridled words; foundations lay Earth
Reasoning lost.  The war is now birthed.
Vae victis!  *Woe to the conquered!
Copyright Lori Jean Vance 02/10/2011
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