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Lorenzo Dobson Feb 2012
I’ve been alone for a while
No woman to make smile
I’ve been alone for some time
I’m getting used to being by myself
I don’t know nothing else
I don’t need none
I’ve got some friends
I’ve got some people to love
I don’t need nobody
I’m doin just fine
I ain’t got nobody
I’m alright
Lorenzo Dobson Feb 2012
I went around to the corner store
I ask the man behind the counter
Can you give me change?
He says no, you’ve got to buy somethin
I say well I don’t want nothin
All I need is change
He says you’ve got the change
Why are you bothering me?
I didn’t reply
Just walked out of the store
I thought to myself
And thought some more
Lorenzo Dobson Jan 2012
I can't stand the thought of captivity,
but rooms with locked doors don't bother me
Lock me in a cell
Throw away the key
Keep my body hostage
for all of eternity
Beat me black and blue
Show me the definition of pain
Take everything I own
and do it all in vain
Strip me of my clothes
and leave me in the rain
Whip me with your whips
Imprison me with your chains
Destroy my mother
and burn my father
Bring tears to my eyes
and laugh in my face
take my body
Do it all in vain
Let my soul fly
I want to sore with the birds
You can deprive me of material
and attempt to hurt me with your words,
but you'll never get rid of me
My soul is not yours
Lorenzo Dobson Sep 2012
He hurts her
She hurts him
He's hurt
She's hurt
He hurts
She hurts
Lorenzo Dobson Feb 2012
Her hands were cold
Her eyes were sad
She said nothing
There was no need
This was not just goodbye
It was goodbye to me
I didn’t say a word
Just a hug
Not even a kiss
I still wear the bracelet on my wrist
Walking the streets
Tears graze my cheek
I am free
Lorenzo Dobson Feb 2012
I’m driving this car
I’m going somewhere far
I’m doing something good
I’m loving this ride
I’m driving this car
None by my side
I’m riding alone
I’m on my way
I’m headed home
I’ve got a long way to go
I’ve got a whole lot to learn
I’m enjoying the scenery
I’m driving this car
I’m taking my time
I love the dark nights
I enjoy the warm days
I’m driving this car
I hope I’m going the right way
Lorenzo Dobson Feb 2012
I’ve got love on my mind
I’ve got love inside
Love in my eyes
Love at my fingertips
Love at my wrists
I’ve got love down to my ankles
Love from my head
To my toes
I’ve got love don’t ya know
You’ve got love
Let it grow
I don’t know
I don’t know
But I’ve got love
I’ve got love
Lorenzo Dobson Jan 2012
We make eye contact
My eyes smile and hers smiled back
She proceeded along,
And I to shy
Watched her pass me by
In the moment there was bliss
Reminiscent of the possibilities that exist
As she faded into the crowd
My mind was no less aroused
I began to think of seeing her again
I thought for a while and came to one conclusion
I am blessed to have been a part of the moment
Though I'll never know what the future holds
My imagination is left with a frame and a picture
And in the moment I was caught up with her
Lorenzo Dobson Jan 2012
I like the gentle kind of love
A sentimental kind of love
The physical and mental kind of love
The unplanned and incidental kind of love
The sweep me off my feet and into a whirlwind kind of love
The kind of love that makes me realize why I waited
The kind of love that keeps me motivated
The kind of love that understands
Embraces and wants to know me
The kind of love that satisfies curiosity
The kind of love that sets me free from my body
The kind of love with no doubting
The kind of love that makes life worth reproducing
I need beauty to define my love
I need hate to despise my love
I must be patient if I am to find my love
I won't be hasty
I'll take my time with love
I'll be loves student and let love teach me how to appreciate
Reciprocate and share everything that I can make
I'll be waiting
But please love don't rush
Come to me when we're ready
In the mean time I'll be preparing
Lorenzo Dobson Mar 2012
Let the tree be a tree
Let my eyes see
Let me be
Me be
Lorenzo Dobson Jan 2012
I was such a fool
to give myself to women that didn't know my worth
to play a game that wasn't worth my time
to live a life that wasn't worth the lies
to be a person that I now despise
I was a fool
to let vanity rule
to be used as a tool
to let my ego grow bigger than my heart
to try and be something I'm not
I was just a silly boy
playing hide and seek
always hiding behind a cellophane me  
I was such a silly boy
thinking I couldn't be found
but the songs I thought I was singing in my head
were sung out loud
it was only a matter of time before
someone heard my tune
and found it pleasant to dance to
i was elated
so i danced too
If you know love
then you know what it can make you do
It takes love to form a better you
Lust kept me ignorant
Lust kept me hidden
Lust is not true
Love made me blossom
Love made me wise
Love opened my eyes
Love destroyed the boy I despise
Lorenzo Dobson Jan 2012
I don't mind spending time
watching people pass me by
beautiful people
lost people
happy people
insecure,sad people
people in love
people who need love
we all need love
i love to watch the people
doing their thing
everything that they do
i love people
even when they don't know it
i do
i watch them with wonder, curious eyes
hills, boots, jeans, slacks, and ties
dresses, skirts, shirts, and accessories
behavior, character, attitudes, and outlooks
these people are interesting to me
from the way that they look
to the way that they see
i love these people
but they don't know me
Lorenzo Dobson Jan 2012
I don't want to spend my life struggling to die
Living in vain
I want to enjoy the rain
sun, hail, and snow
I want to plant peace and watch as it grows
I want to be free of the troubles that nobody knows
Let me be free
Let love be with me
Let love be a tree
With apples to spare
for you and for me
Lorenzo Dobson Jan 2012
I wanna be like the trees
Growing consistently
Living in harmony
Living free
Designed intricately
When the wind blows I'll wave to the passers by
To those in need I will provide
Giving them a home and air to breath
A place to play
and a foundation to lean on
Shedding leaves to grow new ones
Starting as a seed
My aspiration will be to touch the sky
To shed fruit that will nourish earths inhabitants
I will speak to the people
without a mouth or a voice
Just a message written in my rings
Give and grow endlessly
Lorenzo Dobson Jan 2012
The moment has passed
To where I don't know,
but the moment is gone
and with it I watch her go
Love heavy in my heart
Tears graze my cheek
Down my neck and back into me
I know someday again I will see
For now my vision is blurry
because the moment has passed
and to fall in love again
I am in no hurry
Lorenzo Dobson Mar 2012
I've been abused by love
Used by love
Subdued by love
My love is to strong
To ever lose my love
I want you to see my love
Need  my love
My love is simply a seed
My love
Plant it and watch it grow wings my love
I am free my love
From everything that's inside of me my love
I give to you
I live for you
I am you
And you are me too
All this love that I have is inside of you
My love grows in you
Holds on to you
My love is your love
Our love is so new
I want you to free my love
So that you can see my love
Love my love
Nothing above
Nothing below
Our love will grow
Our love will grow
Lorenzo Dobson Sep 2012
No problem
No solution
No solution
No problem
Lorenzo Dobson Jan 2012
Give me a chance
To woo you with one dance
Let my grace light up your face
I'll show you love without my lips
Your hand on my shoulder
and mine at your hip
We'll dance into the abyss
This dance will never be a memory
because I plan to dance endlessly
Put your head on my chest
listen to  my heart
Hear how it beats for you
Know that it will stop
if you leave me to dance alone
This dance floor was made for us
Let's make it our home
Lorenzo Dobson Feb 2012
I’ve seen some things
Lord knows these eyes have seen a lot
Teenagers in love
My best friend got shot
Life ain’t no joke
But you’ve got to laugh
That’s all I know
I don’t know much
I’m just a man
I see, I try to understand
I try, I do what I can
I’m just a man that sees
I don’t know what it means
I’m just trying to figure it out
Lorenzo Dobson Sep 2012
Why do people act like we don't need each other?
When the fact is
We need each other!
Men don't wanna need a woman
Women don't wanna need a man
Who are you fooling?
How do you plan on reproducing?
Do you plan on reproducing?
What are you here for?

Every day of your life depends on the billions of people that go to work
every, single, day
If no one shows up to do their job
You don't eat!
You don't have any luxuries!
We enrich each others lives in every way possible
but we don't thank each other enough
We hardly even acknowledge passersby
We don't appreciate what we do for one another
We don't acknowledge all the love around us!
We don't wanna see...
I could blame a hate, money, and power driven government
but it's not their fault
We are smart!
We are powerful!
We know better!
We are better!
The government is not to blame for what goes wrong in the world
I am
and so are you
It's our fault!
We let this happen!
We watch guns tear down the life of so many humans
and do nothing
We let children be stripped from their homes to be sold as slaves
*** slaves!
We let our earth become a wasteland!!
We did this!
Not the government!
The government is not that powerful
We are!
We decide what happens next.
Lorenzo Dobson Sep 2012
She invited me into her home
I entered
I didn't wipe my feet
I didn't bother to take my shoes off
I left footprints all over her floor
I raided her refrigerator and her snack cabinet
I sat on her couch
I laid in her bed
I showered
I used her towel to wipe me clean
I put my clothes on
I left without saying thank you

— The End —