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2.2k · Sep 2012
My Greatest Accomplishment
1.6k · Sep 2012
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
You wish you we're deaf
So you never have to listen
To my senseless stupidity,
And mindless whining.
1.6k · Oct 2012
Miracle Worker
Loren Mercier Oct 2012
I've heard every line in the book,
Sweet talkers and liars
From both sides of the tracks.
I can tell without looking,
I can smell the lies on them.
But there is no lying in your lines.
You lighten the weight of the world with your words.
If I could do for you what you do for me,
I'd do it for all eternity,
But I'm not eloquent like you.
I spent more time getting into trouble
Than learning in school.
Before you, It took two glasses of wine
For me to loosen up.
Another cup to get me ready for bed.
I used to wake up with wine on my breath,
But what you do is so much better
Than three glasses of wine.
You are three glasses of wine,
Al Green on the stereo
Capable hands working the kinks out of my shoulders,
And A warm mouth delivering kisses to my neck.
You are a miracle worker,
Because you never fail to make me smile.
1.2k · Sep 2012
Jumping Ship
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
It's pretty clear
You want to jump ship,
Sick of my ****,
Your flirting in front of my eyes,
And that's fine,
I know I've never been enough,
For you, for my mother,
For anyone.
So go ahead,
And jump ship.
Swim with the fish.
That you know you love more than me.
Just don't expect me to throw you a life preserver
When the tide drags you down,
I hope you can breath under water like her.
I hope you ******* drown.
1.2k · Oct 2012
Loren Mercier Oct 2012
There is a big difference
And betrayal.
The damage from cheating
Can last a long time.
The damage from betrayal
Can last a lifetime.
1.1k · Sep 2012
You Gotta Die Of Something
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
I went to the chip shop yesterday and ate a year off my life.
They have fried everything there.
Fried macaroni and cheese and fried pizza.
Fried snickers bars and fried twinkies.
I know the stuff if murdering my heart,
but I'm too old to care anymore.
Some things are worth it.
1.1k · Sep 2012
Twisted Mazes Kill
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
Wandering down a twisted maze,
I can't find the doorknob,
The ten watt bulbs are flickering
I do not know which wall is which.
I sting, I itch.
I am burning, its stifling,
I'm dying in this maze.
1.0k · Sep 2012
In My Life
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
I don't know what's good for me,
I don't know where I belong,
But it is undeniable,
That when I woke up in the early morning hours,
And saw your face, I felt a warm feeling I haven't felt in so long.
I can't account for the whereabouts of my better judgement.
But I can say for certain I want you in my life,
And I will meet you where I can, and share what I can,
Because, even though I am selfish, you accept this,
Others hurt me with my own faults,
You embraced them, and came back into my life,
When I wasn't sure what to blame,
For that lead tarp feeling around my heart.
I need comfort and freedom,
But I absolutely need you
In my life...
I'm just coherent enough,
To put the water on in the morning,
I wish I could take the easy bets,
And flip my cards with no regrets,
But I would see you again,
And it would tear me down...
I've been torn down so long,
I want to build something,
That won't crumble
Like a house of cards,
I have such mixed feelings,
I know I can be happy either way,
I win some cash,
And buy some champagne,
Flash a smile, and the night is accounted for,
I just don't want to be the origin of more love tragedies,
I break everything but even.
Just tell me true,
If we can do this, without jealousy
Sharpening the knives, and angry voices condemning.
I want what you want, and what she wants.
But can any of this be worked out,
I know the odds of every hand,
But this kind of math eludes me.
I need a long walk off a short pier,
A cold beer, and some wind in my hair.
I need what I had, that night long ago,
When you popped in
And shared words,
I'm so sorry I disrespected you,
But you know how I am,
I am a steel roller of emotions.
I pave the way towards smooth love,
Or flattened passion.
Just understand
I need you to stay.
870 · Sep 2012
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
Your words are elaborate,
In their condemnation of me.
So much better than me,
You have to stand on a stool to kick me.
856 · Aug 2012
Loren Mercier Aug 2012
I want a man
who has a big

I can care less about the size of his

I want you to cook,
And clean,
And do the laundry,
And do the food shopping
With me.

You must play an instrument
I dont care if you ****,
As long as you never quit.
Quitting is sooo

I can spend the whole week inside,
I love nature, but trees don't pay the bills,
these skills keep my PayPal filled.

I want you to put the coffee on, before I wake up,
Because I forgot to set the timer,
And Put the grounds and filter in,
Even though it was my turn,
And hand me a cup as I walk into the room,
And never mention my forgetfulness.

Starched collars and dress shoes
Don't do it for me,
I need to be able to strip you down in seconds,
Not get lost in your coat and sweater vest,
On the way to your flesh.

Catch me off guard,
Make me laugh,
And I'll be yours,
Even if you grow stale,
And make me cry

I know how love works,
Because I have broken enough,
And saw the tiny cogs and gears inside.

All I want
Is someone,
Who will give me the key to their
Let me move in, and make it my own.
And even after I wreck the place up,
In an irrational fit, and storm out,
keying your car on the way,
You'll never change the locks,
Or take my key away.
I **** at titles. I'm open to suggestions.
635 · Sep 2012
Second String
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
It ***** being second string,
Mocked and belittled for having deep feelings.
Openly betrayed and wickedly abused psychologically.
Over and over and over again.
601 · Sep 2012
Let It Rain
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
To me its all the same,
But when it rains
I don't complain...
Because it gives me an excuse
To sit around the house in sweats
Drinking Irish coffee...
Other than my being lazy,
And a bit of a lush.
Something a little bit lighthearted, for a change.
590 · Aug 2012
Made For Each Other
Loren Mercier Aug 2012
I see the impression of your lips
On faces all over town.
From here to Carson city.
You touch whatever you want,
Whether its for you, or not.
You call me a ****.
Well then we are made for each other.
580 · Sep 2012
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
That moment you realize that everyone hates you,
And always has. And you are the least important person
In everyone's life, and you are too cowardly to **** yourself.
Just realized it.
503 · Sep 2012
Thank You
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
I don't understand why
You can't see
I am
Not worth the titanic effort
You put forth each day
Just to bring me some happiness.
Your eyes must be faulty,
Or you must be touched in the head.
The few things I do for you,
Are nothing compared to all you do for me.
I'm selfish, petty, and cruel.
Either you can't see
Or you see and don't care...
Either way...
Thank you.
495 · Sep 2012
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
Hated and belittled by everyone I know.
Never will it dissipate.
Forever will I feel this way.
Never was I worth it.
474 · Sep 2012
No Good
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
My mother told me I was no good.
Never enough, not pretty enough,
Not servile enough.
I knew I was the number two.
I knew that her love for me was not the same as my sister.
She told me it, and she showed me it.
I gave her all my love,
But she treated me like absolutely nothing.
Incessantly, and that's fine.
I'm glad she's dead.
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
The tears shed,
by the cup full,
wild claims of love and devotion,
the heart rending claims of
people believing they were in the way
of other peoples happiness
when it has always been me.
It has always been me in the way
of everyones happiness.
Never once have I done anything right.
I'm sorry,
for being in the way this long.
456 · Sep 2012
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
You are.
You always have been.
You hate me.
You always have.
I was never your friend.
I loved you.
You never loved me.
I am your least favorite,
And I always was.
Just admit it all,
And I will go away.
444 · Sep 2012
Middle Names
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
I had a middle name
I'm pretty sure it would be
443 · Sep 2012
Dying To Your Laughter
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
I know I am dying,
And I can hear your escalating laughter.
The whole time you knew,
And kept playing your game.
You won.
434 · Aug 2012
Mr. Impossible
Loren Mercier Aug 2012
I want a man
who can do
the impossible...

Like folding fitted sheets.
402 · Sep 2012
I Am So Glad
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
That you are happy, living your perfect lives.
You took the best I had, and left me here worthless.
402 · Sep 2012
Stupid (10w)
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
Foolishly thinking that you were actually worth a ****
That's me
394 · Sep 2012
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
You mock my dead body.
393 · Sep 2012
I Never Had A Chance
358 · Sep 2012
Loren Mercier Sep 2012
Does not exist

— The End —