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3.6k · Feb 2015
Working Mom's
Lora Gail Lucas Feb 2015
Women work the all time with out no break,
On call all the time.
Running after earns, and family too.
Keeping up with all things men and kids lose.
Is always there no matter what.
Not asking for nothing in return.
Giving all that she can till she has nothing left.

Making you smile when you are down and out.
Open to all things you have to say,
Mom's are going to love you no matter what.
Staying up late to make sure the job is done.

So tell your working mom that you love them
  for all that they have done,
And just give them a hug just for fun,
It will make their day,
And it will be better then any thing you can pay,
because it is something no one can take away!
355 · Mar 2015
Say a little prayer for me
Lora Gail Lucas Mar 2015
By: Lora Lucas

I am so hurt with pain,
And at this point I don't know who to blame,
It is bad when you don't know who you can trust,
But all the lies, lust, and dust,
But I know one person who will never let me down,
Who is always around,
Just because you may not see him there,
Does not mean he not here,
When I feel all is lost and I want to give up,
he gives me a push and some good luck,
Where the door is locked in front of me,
he will be there with the key,
So say a little prayer for me,
because at this time I am in need?
354 · Apr 2015
No one knows
Lora Gail Lucas Apr 2015
No one knows the things I hide,
There is more to me then what meets the eye,
But all we see is what is on the outside,
because we're to scared to go a long for the ride,

No one knows the tears I cry,
Because their to sorry to just stop and ask why,
Their to busy with their so called life to even stop and say,
Hey are you okay,

No one knows the mess I'm in,
But maybe a true friend,
But even then they don't know it all,
Because I just won't depart that wall,

No one knows the life I live,
And just how much love I truly have to give,
They just see what they want to see,
And trust me that's ok by me,

No one knows
346 · Apr 2015
An Angel
Lora Gail Lucas Apr 2015
I admit it wasn't love at first sight for me
but my second glance i know it was meant to be
I thought i'd grow old not knowing what love is
then God blessed me with an angel from above
i often catch myself thinking about how we meet,
then i catch myself thinking that you will let go,
i just keep hoping that you'll be true to this love,
then i remember that god has sent me an angel from above
You have made me so happy you just wouldn't know,
You've got me on such a high i feel i'll never again be low,
You are so handsome to me i compare you to a dove,
that's because god has sent me an angle from above,
Now that we're together i am never going to let go,
This must be real because i wouldn't know what to do if it wasn't so,
I'll keep hoping this is what is meant to be,
Because i want to spent the rest of my life with this angel god has sent to me
wrote this poem for my true love
338 · Apr 2015
Thanks Friends
Lora Gail Lucas Apr 2015
My heart is full of saddens and tears,
that has been done to me over the years,
Just trying to pick myself up and keep a float,
almost feels like a joke,
But I know some way some how,
one day I will get out of this dark black cloud,
But until then I need you God and my dearest friends,
because with out you all this would shall make my world end,
Thanks to you all my close dear friends for helping me pick my head up,
and giving words of encouragement  and some good luck.
310 · Feb 2015
In my eyes
Lora Gail Lucas Feb 2015
If you was to look threw my eyes,
you would see the reason for my cries,
I have been beat, cursed, and told all the lies,

If you was to look threw my eyes,
You would find all the reasons for my smiles,
I have made friends and loved ones over all my miles,

If you was to look threw my eyes,
You would feel the reason for my scares,
I have been given over the years this far,

If you was to look threw my eyes,
you would be blinded by death,
I have lost everything thing till I have nothing left,

If you was to look threw my eyes,
You would know just how I feel,
But you can't that's the deal,

You can never see what I've been threw in my eyes,
So who are you to judge what is lies,
And what I see with my eyes.
272 · Feb 2015
Losing someone
Lora Gail Lucas Feb 2015
It is hard to stay on track,
With out you I find myself looking back,

I remember every word you use to say,
And I can't get over that very day,

It hurts just to go around,
Knowing that you are no where to be found,

But I hold on to what you've said last before you went away,
That you loved me and that we would be together again one day,

When I get sad and down I just close my eyes and see your face,
And we are back in our happy place,

I just wish I could make the trip to where you are,
but I can't get there in a car,

I just hope you knew that I loved you,
And that I wish I could have done more for you but I didn't have clue,
That your life on earth was almost through,

(God tell my dad I love, miss, and think of him too?)

— The End —