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692 · May 2015
first poem about you
sunshine May 2015
your touch is like electricity in my veins
i crave you
you're like the sun
radient, warm
your smile is contageous
it could cure anthything,
it cured me

they say boys are made of snakes and spiders,
but they haven't met you
you're sweet, you're sensative.
everything about you invites me in.
the way you caress me when we say our goodbyes,
to how you stroke my smoothe skin, showing me that you love me.
but what you probably don't know,
is that i would cross the 7 seas to kiss you one last time
i would climb mountains to see you smile,
or to feel your kind embrace
because i've never loved someone like i love you.

but i'm cold
and you burn.
672 · May 2015
sunshine May 2015
your touch was ecstasy to me
and i'm still trying to get sober
505 · May 2015
sunshine May 2015
her voice to me is as necessary as breath. she helps me when no one else will. she understands me. she's the most beautiful human being, and she's doesn't know it. i'm in love with her, but she's not in love with me. she loves elise, and there is nothing that i can do about it. it hurts, it stings. she isn't even with elise, but she yearns for her. i yearn for her. elise treats her like ****, she treats her like she's nothing. but she's everything. she deserves everything. and i ******* love her. i barely know her but i ******* LOVE her. i want her. i want her to want me. i want her to yearn for me the way she yearns for elise. she deserves more than the world, and i want to give it to her. i want to be her supporter, her shoulder to cry on. she needs to be appreciated every second of every day. she isn't, though. she is treated like nothing all the ******* time. she deserves to be treated like she's priceless, because oh God she is. she is like rare artwork. you might never come across someone like her again, so you better ******* cherish her. you better ******* love her with your all. you better hold on, because she could be gone within a blink. and you wouldn't want that, now would you?
419 · May 2015
sunshine May 2015
it's been so long, you've moved on.
i try, i try so **** hard
to not have you constantly on my mind, overwhelming me.
i'm so angry, with myself.
someone is making you happy
that someone isn't me.
i loathe myself because i couldn't give you what you deserve.
but i want you, parts of me need you.
but time has passed, and you're still gone.
and i'm still here, trying to grasp you, holding on to what we had.
but you were ripped away from me, leaving parts of you with me.
and here i am, still wanting you. still missing you.

— The End —