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946 · May 2014
Lonicia Kjeldsen May 2014
I need heat!
I need to feel sweat dripping down the spine of my back, dripping down, down, down my pleasure crack!
I need never ending sunshine with occasional tepid rain storms!
I need a new romance, an affair, a *****, raunchy, whirlwind, wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am kinda exploit!
I need color!!
I need the arts!!
I need sophistication, class, but I also need hot islander women with mouths like ******* sailors!!!
I'm in need of reinvention, reincarnation, a ******* remix!!
I need people who aren't afraid to get ******* naked and to move with their fluid ******!!!
I need dancing, rockin-rollin-head-bangin, ***** dancin', bump and grind, pop lock and drop!!!
794 · Sep 2014
Lonicia Kjeldsen Sep 2014
Windows open, cool breeze gliding upon the sound of rain and crickets with the desolate call of a train in the distance..
Tired muscles feel the texture of soft sheets as I lay with my thoughts of uncertainty and stillness..
My disposition is one of longing yet tranquility creeps along the edge while I ruminate the moment.
Every breath a mnemonic passage of transient motion.
472 · Aug 2014
Morning Love
Lonicia Kjeldsen Aug 2014
Wake me up with sweetness
..and honey dripping from my lips
Shower me with sighs of ecstasy
..fingers testing supple skin
Lick my soul burning deep
..and I'll give you the Universe on your tongue
353 · Mar 2014
My Desire
Lonicia Kjeldsen Mar 2014
Thoughts of you touching me
leaving me
craving, aching

Thoughts of you kissing
dark places
secret places
only you know how to find.

Thoughts of you tasting
my skin, lips,
your tongue tracing deep dips.

Thoughts of you lingering
your smell
your taste
salty, musk of your skin.

Thoughts of you permeating
my senses
leaving me
always wanting more.
329 · Aug 2014
Light My Fire
Lonicia Kjeldsen Aug 2014
I want to feel your chest,
feel your skin next to mine.
Heat upon heat, burning up the sheets.
Friction drives the flames
of passion.
The beds on fire!
Should we stop or keep going?
Pumping faster, grinding,
breath heavy,
We're just fanning the flames of desire.
Flames, and smoke, and sounds
of ******* engulf the room.
We won't make it out alive.
The screams, moans and grunting overshadow
the crackling of the flames.
Higher and higher our ****** soars,
sweat dripping from every pore.
The heat so intense as we come to a brief halt..
**** it's hot!
Baby, please don't stop.
300 · Sep 2014
Lonicia Kjeldsen Sep 2014
Why must I stand here holding my heart while each drop of myself crashes to the floor?
The frenzied madness of my mind can't keep up with the mess.
Out of breath, out of time.
Why must I stand here holding my heart while I long to be whole and one with my soul?
The memories plunge the depths of years past when only for a moment our love lasts.
A thoughtful glance, a sured reach for my hand.
Why must I stand here holding my heart when it only longs to be you?
Then I look and see you holding yours too.

— The End —