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Just go away. 
Everyone go away. 
I don't need your ****. 
Wait...I do need you.

I need someone. 
A warm body next to me. 
Help, I'm trapped.
 I can't break free 
From these bonds of my mind. 

I hate you but I need you. 
You make me feel something. 
Even if I find bruises tomorrow. 
I love(hate) you 
With all of my heart. 
I can't love,
Not really. 

I can't be alone. 
If you go, 
Leave someone for me 
To hold onto for dear life. 

I'm scared. 
Can't breathe. 
Seeing sounds, hearing colors. Where am I? What am I? 
Why am I? 
Don't answer that. 

I live because you won't let me go. 
I can't do this. 
Please release me. 

I am alone forever.
Expressing myself as an autophobic.
Speeding heart, heavy breaths,
I did this to myself.
Look, the cuts, so dark and deep,
Bring my soul to rest.

Trembling fear, poisoned thoughts,
Why the ****** slits?
Fall to sleep, red on sheets,
I don't think I'll make it.
Wrote this about 5 minutes ago, just off the top of my head.
I'm in recovery
From a failed attempt;
Or did I succeed
At my true intent?

Some would call me
An attention-seeking *****.
I feel like I'm trapped
Inside these prison-like doors. 

You changed me for the better,
Or at least it seems that way.
I haven't seen my blood
Since that long gone day.

I tell you "It's the only outlet I have!"
You reply "No, you have your pen in hand."
But all I use that for is
Drawing your name in the sand. 

"I need that razor blade,
The blood; a river of red."
"No you don't," you tell me,
"You can quit before you're dead."

I can see now
This is the only way:
Let you believe in me
And aid when I stray.
This relates greatly to my life today, and parts of the quotes are real.
You know what I'm thinking
By just a glance.
You know how I'm feeling
By just hearing my voice.
You know who I love,
You know who I hate.
You know when I want
A night in,
You know when I want
A night out.
You are my best friend
And I am yours.
We complete each other
And nobody can take that away.
You are the one person
That knows me better
Than I, myself do.
I love you.
For my best friend. I love you, Juan.
I keep saying
I'm almost over you,
ALMOST over you.
But the truth is
I never really will be.
The only thing that changed was time,
And it suppressed the feelings,
But now I'm standing face to face
With the purpose of my life,
I feel like nothing matters
More than you.
You are my love,
My life.
For this eternity
And the next.
White and yellow lines
Passing me in a gray sea
Lowering heavy eyelids
While the horns start to beep
I know I should pull over 
Keep my sure safety
But these lines on the road
They hypnotize me
I'm running away
You don't care any longer
Just let me go now
Your place is the bed
Only leave for the kitchen
Make me a sandwich
I was feeling sexist against women when I wrote this (I am a woman).
A flawless silhouette in the darkness I see,
Standing just an arm's length away from me.
You turn your head for one last glance
And walk away in a weary trance.
You promised you would change your way,
But never had the will to stay.
Your feelings for me are lost and gone;
My feelings for you are that I still long
To feel your touch and embrace you tight,
But I can't do that since you left tonight.
This was my first poem, written when my first love left me.

— The End —