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589 · Mar 2015
A Rebels Stance
As we stand talking face to face
Upholding the laws of social grace
You may see me timidly holding my stance
Chained to the bond of my circumstance.

But under charades of fancied beguile
Merrily skips a loose denial
And tearing the ropes encircling me
Is a mind that goes running, running free.

You look at me now and see an acceptance
Of all that’s been told despite an objection
But I am no prisoner of all that conforms
What you see is posturing tuned with the norm.

Deep inside this material prison
Defiance dances in passionate rhythm
Ignoring the shackles binding me
Is a mind that goes running, running free.

Within this mysterious essence
Disguised in such typical form
Are fields that wildly span the horizon,
And a voice singing on in a storm.

When the land of the self is examined
Its truth is a beauty to see
Neath the dust of its blanketing body
Lies treasure you cannot perceive.

Ignoring the choke that silences my voice
Dances a body with powerful choice
Unmindful of myths you've heard about me
Is a mind that goes running, running free.
538 · Jan 2015
Though darkness now itself abounds
Many dreams can still be found
For every moment spent in sorrow
Possibilities ring full tomorrow
I may be a human being
Who also soars on golden wing
In a heart once filled with song
Fear can never last too long.
458 · Jan 2015
Day Dreamers Call
On this night
If given the chance
I’d be riding through the bright city streets of New York
Surpassing the speed limit
In my yellow convertible

My hair flying high above the state of worry
The music hard, loud, seductive
Blissful amnesia my state of mind
The broken promises, all forgiven
And long ago forgotten.

The wind, an infinite array of scents
Forming a bouquet
Around my disenchantment
And healing the wounds that once ran deep.

A singular traveler,
Setting forth an adventure
For parts far away
And unfamiliar.
454 · Jan 2015
The Conman's Maiden

I knew when you came here
The truth would reveal
A thousand misgivings, a million appeals
Your words a disguise now
For actions concealed
And I left to wonder
Are you false?
Are you real?

Your warmth and conviction
When telling your lies
Shanghaied my logic
Bedazzled my eyes
A dozen maneuvers
Outsmarted my questions
A game long since honed
Via force and deception.

I could not be strong
When under your spell
I knew what the truth was
But I wouldn't tell.
And as you continue
Your seductive denial
I can’t help but wonder
At your own heart beguiled
Into a dream
Of no longer knowing
Which is reality and where is the scheme

But I cannot judge you
Nor seek to condemn
For I was held captive
By more than you knew.
What drew me and kept me
Was more than a con
But a hope for your truth
To finally shine through.

You are for the most part
A man in disguise
Yearning to impress
Fearing reprise
The light is within you
And its you who's not free
You can’t let me love you
You're unable to see
There’s nothing to fear here
It’s real
I’m me.
427 · Jan 2015
Brother Farewell
You’re free now, baby
No more restraints
No ominous darkness behind each day
All the fears have gone their way
The aching bones
The lonely heart
They've left you now
You can start your time anew
Without suspicion
Or worry
Or lingering despair
You’re free now, baby
So go your way
Your path is bright
Your heart unchained
Time for reality, no more delusion
The way of the soul invites no confusion.
Your truth is unfettered
And puts rest all illusion.
God Speed, my brother
I’ll see you soon,
In the place where the light shines
Bright as the moon.
My brother took his own life in 2013. Its left a lingering wound.

— The End —