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Oct 2013 · 818
Who are we?
Lola Oct 2013
I don't know you but you have probably sat in a classroom at some point.
"Who was Adolf Hilter?"
"What is y = 9 + 2y? "
We spend so many hours perched on chairs and learning facts/equations that eventually will fade from our minds
Material that will need be useful in real and actual life
The real question is who are we?
Who am I really?
Am I the galaxy of freckles dusted on my nose?
Or the bruises etched on my skin from my tendency to drip over invisible molecules?
Research shows that every single one of us sees ourselves lightyears more attractive than we really are but at the end of the day, we aren't just mere flesh
Trends will fade, faith may dismissed, and love might only tear us in apart
So why do we **** time by scrutinizing ourselves and others, manifesting on our every flaw and lovers that will never hold us again?
I think the trick is to consume everything the universe has to offer us before it begins to gnaw on you
Feed off everything you find righteous
Relish literature
Become infatuated with nature instead of man
The sea, flowers and the sunset will never pierce your heart
The mountains and the stars will never judge
The only real way to truly live is to find peace with yourself
Find your strengths and know your limits
Indulge in whatever makes your heart swell
Be passionate about what you love or towards who you love
Because every second you just sit and try to **** time, your biological clock is ticking silently
I don't know you or your story but we both lack knowledge of when we will cease to exist
when our lungs will tighten and we will be reduced to nothing but shriveled bones
So take a chance
Go on a road trip
Call that person who has been on your mind for so long
Say hi to that pretty girl or boy who makes your heart stutter at the risk of being rejected
Each of us is currently at war with ourselves
And our every decision will determine what the outcome will be
Will it be a life of continued misery or will you live better, magnificent days with faded battle wounds and inner peace?
The ultimate choice is yours and so is this moment
Do something with it
Aug 2013 · 842
Lola Aug 2013
It's the color of the sky was when we made love in the meadow with only the constellations watching and your eyes were shining with desire.

Before you caged my heart, took the key and tossed it into blazing fire.

It's the shade of the ink I used to write you the one thousand and one love letters which remain stacked on my nightstand

It's the coffee I sip each morning before the sun rises as I stare out the window, reminiscing about the days when my smile was genuine and constant memories of us didn't burn my fingertips

It's the cloud of darkness that trails me as I stumble helplessly, trying an escape from the gloomy prison also known as my mind

It's the ashes that bind together to form my aching soul, ever since the single reason that once kept my feet planted on this planet and my lungs from disintegrating has disappeared

It's the material that sticks to my skin  as I mourn the girl I once was, for that carefree and free spirit is six feet under with the ground and hopefully heaven bound

And last but not least, it's the last thing I will see when I reach the point where I can longer cope without you and I've have enough of the demons thrashing in my head, because with the simple click of a trigger, everything will be red.

Aug 2013 · 787
Feel fall
Lola Aug 2013
It was simple.

He was the Moon and I was a dull star, yearning for his affection.

I knew from the moment we first crossed paths, that he would never crave me the way I craved him but naively, I slowly began let myself orbit around him til he became the core of my existence.

It was not long before that there was an eclipse and he become infatuated by Earth’s utter beauty and aura.

I could not even detest him for it as she was colorful, uncomplicated and happy , essentially everything I would never be and more.

So I smiled and pretended all was well until gravity could no longer embrace me tightly and I could finally free fall in to the galaxy eternally ,never to be seen again and every detail of the Moon forever imprinted of my mind until my heart disintegrated, in hopes that maybe he would hold on to at least a piece of me.


— The End —