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trippy stick
magic syrup
smooth rips
thrown in clouds
****** we floated
arm in arm
hand in hand
reached the towers
our dreaded destination
we lay in a small box
stared in oceans
stared through grass fields
touched, unseen colors
energy through soft bodies
oh, the unknown depths
we tripped
reaching, grasping deeper Love
no visions oddment
pieces content
peace plant
silent chords
dancing freely
your temple in mine
we stay forever more
I won't fight the feeling
My minds guides me
follow it
Soul, everything is
Love, everything is
touched the feeling
it stuck, you helped
no make-up, smiling brighter
hair natural, beauty in you
beauty in me
flowing from depths of toes,
to heights of fingers
happy to be
but death
unknown adventure
take me there
someday, we will meet
I'll be my own God
finding Peace through energy
my iii perceives
its beautiful.

— The End —