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 Mar 2011 LNJensen
Glynis Kearney
Flaming figure so alone
tattered dreamer left ungrown
quiet minstrel lost in song
tell me firefly
am I wrong?

Broken barriers left to rot
sickened sense of forget-me-not
clutching figments left to die
Is this not you
sweet firefly?

Seeking flames of darker shades
beliefs untorn with prayers you prayed
that safest flame is deep inside
you shine your brightest
yet still you hide?

Man child ~ I must confess
you weaken limbs with your lovliness
the scarlet tears that you expire
are nothing frozen
but made of fire!
© Glynis Kearney
I wrote this poem for a friend of mine who, at the time, was contemplating suicide.  He used to be nicknamed Firefly, and hence the various references to that in the poem.   Eventually, he chose life...and the world is richer!

— The End —