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Lizzie Larson Mar 2016
You told me to study the word,
you gave me its meaning,

& I do not wish to fail.

I saw the word, & turned it to action.
I sliced it open, & turned it to poetry.

I do not wish to fail.

I made sure to remember it.
I performed it, & created it.
I lived it.

You may see it as a failure
but once again,
I passed.
I sat, hidden,
the word hovering over my left wrist, screaming,
Lizzie Larson Mar 2016
friday night,
i gave in to a ubiquitous temptation
& watched as deep scarlet dripped into a
puddle of guilt.

saturday morning,
an analogous feeling greeted my bedside,
& i gave in.
empty house, running faucet, a voice telling me
everything would be okay.
i gave in to the water coffin,
yet couldn't keep myself down.
a passing interaction between me & my end.
Lizzie Larson Mar 2016
I’m from empty lines
& potential poems,
from scattered words
& phrases so far up
I cannot grasp them.

I’m from the ink that bleeds from my pen,
a habit I’m still learning to break.

The stains left have
gotten in the way
& have diluted my legibility-
I can’t read my words anymore.

I’m from, “you’re mumbling”
every time I try to speak,
but words hold no meaning
& mine lack a fighting spirit.
They prefer the comfort of a womb.
Lizzie Larson Mar 2016
In light I found only a melancholic ballad,
breaking bones I never knew I had,
bearing skin I thought I shed
With its words-
tender, true
traces of myself exposed within
its wicked lines
as if to say,
you’ve missed the mark,
with wasted words & a heavy heart.

Now you must bear the burden
of yourself,
once more.
Lizzie Larson Mar 2016
Cigarette butts beside sprouting lilies,
so white against the dark music playing
in my head.
Skinny legs cast a deep shadow,
a lifeless field of grass
under a cloudless sky.

Scratches in dark wood-
a painful reminder
of the lone leaf next to me
having fallen prematurely,
a shallow shadow,
blanketing a shallow life.
Lizzie Larson Mar 2016
manipulation of words.

Pure ideas clouded-
In the lining of my left lung.

Synapses forfeit truth,
a metamorphosis of kosher climaxes
& solemn forebodings of oneself.

A dense combination of words,
printed nothings
meaningless on paper
& lacking sincerity.
If only I could remove my left lung.
Lizzie Larson Mar 2016
Tell me why it's come to this.
Sitting alone at coffee shops,
wondering what happened to us.
Why I'm left with half a pack of cigarettes
& cold coffee I payed $1.75 for.
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