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Apr 2014 · 279
Elizabeth Apr 2014
you had no idea
and you have no idea
how strange it is to be
so close but so far and so in-between but so
lost in my mind, in my worries, I’m
falling but standing and swimming around
and around on the ground, in the sky, I’m
tasting tears on my lips and cringing at this feeling in
my chest in my head in my thought there’s a memory that
won’t leave me alone a ghost it haunts and I wonder
if you’re haunted too by that one time we sat there in darkness
gliding and thinking so much I didn’t pay attention to what was around
and around my head spins to that one time we ignored each
other like strangers with matching worlds inside of us
begging to come out but wrestling to stay inside the building of
music and feelings we might never have and it spins to the times
we were faceless and deep in thought in our own homes together
but apart and I couldn’t look at you because I might fall backwards
or forwards and I still don’t know what I was so afraid of it’s too late
my head spins and spins in the ballroom and I can’t fall asleep
so close but so far and so in-between
and you still have no idea
(I wrote this a while ago.. the feelings aren't really relevant anymore, but I thought I'd post it anyway because I sorta like it.)
Apr 2014 · 731
you love me still
Elizabeth Apr 2014
the weight of the wooden beams overlaid with countless
harrowing splinters
carried on your stainless sturdy back while
you held me there so softly
secure in your hands, even though you knew;
you knew I drove those splinters into your
back to begin with, and continued,
buried them deeper into your skin, you
carried me forward into the day that
I shudder when I remember the way I used to
wound you gladly, without a stain of sorrow
even still turning back now and then to
note what I had done, for shame
the wrath I deserve, you took
you took it all the more gladly, for me
living the life I could not, dying the death I deserve
and you love me still, you love me still
Apr 2014 · 381
this is me
Elizabeth Apr 2014
attempting to breathe amidst these whispering flowers
paint them on the indoor walls, dandelions and daisies
before they're blown away by this whirlwind tornado
approaching faster and faster, day by day, hour by hour
trying not to let these flowers tremble in the
prelude of breezes howling past, as they
infiltrate, without and within
"I paint flowers so they will not die." -Frida Kahlo
Elizabeth Apr 2014
days like these are nearing the end of the
candy in the jar don't spill it make it fall to
the floor as cold and still as the clouds
casting shadows on the earth like
curtains wrinkled above your bed
that day we laughed at everything
colors as bright as the yesterdays of us
needing prospect for the colors of tomorrow
the curtains will be drawn soon
let the sun dance on the floor where the
candy should never have fallen
could never have fallen if yesterday
had never ended to turn to today
dusty blues and pasty yellows are
everywhere but I remember the
***** greens and static reds of yesterday
and I'm trying to imagine the
radiant oranges and light pinks of tomorrow
don't draw the curtains, let the sun dance
Apr 2014 · 631
back and forth
Elizabeth Apr 2014
pacing, pacing, pacing
as if these weathered wood floors were my sanity
a staircase of thought leading to the answers I’m struggling to find
thoughts falling down to join the others on the floor, a river
jumping out of me with every footstep
this afternoon swelling inside and out
making wish upon wish to be somewhere else
to be with someone else
I keep climbing and going nowhere at all
pacing, pacing, pacing
Elizabeth Apr 2014
fantasizing future breaches in this ever-taxing wall
with every thanks due to you, and your cordial way of moving my thoughts
towards you, and upwards into this exotic dream of
clever rhymes and reverie, of fluctuating feelings and wittiness
with the rest of the story remaining untold, prosperity or tragedy
don’t let this breach tear my walls down from the inside out

Apr 2014 · 590
Elizabeth Apr 2014
are you who you say you are?
or is it just a mask?
if I wished you’d show me truth,
would I be sorry that I asked?
so many emotions have been swelling up inside of me lately, but I can't find the right words to say. perhaps lacking inspiration? I suppose. I was reading an old journal of mine and found this poem today.
Apr 2014 · 486
Elizabeth Apr 2014
she liked to weave his words into her thoughts
he liked to stitch her smile into his memories

golden sunlight afternoons turned to a silver-dusted visage
the ephemeral, interlaced with each spool of thread

tapestry can be unwoven, stitches can be unfastened
thoughts and memories, though, not so easily undone
Apr 2014 · 515
I dare you
Elizabeth Apr 2014
you rub your tired eyes and run your fingers through your frazzled hair
you try not to worry, stumble forward into the sunrise
wanting, wandering, absent, unheeding, bemused, a million miles away

you put on your favorite shoes and drink a sip of vitality
you think less of yourself and more of the day
calloused, obdurate, no room for thoughts, try not to daydream, I dare you

a ghost inside a robot. a drifting soul chained to an anchor.
your body has awoken to do what your mind cannot
and you stumble forward and you keep moving into the sunset
today, today, today, and everyday
Apr 2014 · 573
left, right
Elizabeth Apr 2014
tonight I'm tiptoeing the weather-worn railing of an old city bridge
rusted, deep reds, its tarnished downbeat complexion, carefully
ten thousand feet away from the luxury of the ground, balancing
to the left, a canyon, to the right, a waterfall
to the left, a promise, to the right, a dream
Apr 2014 · 2.0k
Elizabeth Apr 2014
the sweetest, most sugar-coated, ponder,
in a jar full of worries and cares.
to that ponder I regard and grow fonder.
pick it out and throw it away.
Mar 2014 · 902
a bohemian princess
Elizabeth Mar 2014
of mosaic sea gem trinkets shimmering in the
colors of coral and gypsy travels
she always found herself on the ocean's shore
between the jubilance of the tide
and the constant of the sand
drinking in the sun's rays as they
sliced through the salt winds
she kept those beams, tucked them away
to give to others with every coming laugh
dreaming in paintbrush strokes and vivid imagination
don't you ever lose that essence of who you are
never stop asking the toughest questions
never stop saying what everyone else is too afraid to voice
~ for my sister ~
Mar 2014 · 386
1 a.m.
Elizabeth Mar 2014
one a.m. thoughts tossing me around in the surging turmoil of
my cluttered brainwaves, surfing them like elastic
waves in the ocean's tide, bobbing up and down
up and down

one a.m. is lonely tonight, wishing the clock would
stop and give me the gift of time
so I can drink in the darkness and become
numb to these thoughts
thoughts of you, thoughts of leaving, thoughts of leaving you

one a.m. thoughts leave me craving something I can never hope to find
searching through the dark for a light
that only morning can bring
why do I keep searching here in the dark?
here, at one a.m.
when sleep slips out from between my fingers and buries itself beneath these crashing waves
Mar 2014 · 572
Elizabeth Mar 2014
the soothing aroma of freshly printed book pages
a soft sandcastle pink glow engulfs the room

where do I put my feet

anticipate the shuffling of life
mixing of voices, now quiet

every heart, every mind
is above this place
it's beauty, and pure grace
sinking into my soul
church conference ~~~ merp derp
Mar 2014 · 580
Elizabeth Mar 2014
my heart walks a tightrope
a river of instability beneath
on soft pink satin ribbon, it walks

don't look down,
     *don't look down
Feb 2014 · 547
Elizabeth Feb 2014
today I'll take chai tea without the sweetness of milk
and I'll drink it slowly in-between the twiddling of my thumbs
thinking, always thinking
the spices climbing up the ladder of steam to the sun
and then maybe I'll listen to the wind waltzing between the leaves outside, cliché
hoping this wind will finally bring in something new
today is serene
the soil still wet and sticky from yesterday's rain
and I'll probably sit inside near the window away from the cold
wind that finds its way to seep into my skin and put a chill in my bones
today I'll remember summertime, as I seldom do
and I'll daydream and I'll wonder
and drink in the spices and form them into words and I'll
keep holding onto the hope that this wind will finally bring in something new
Feb 2014 · 306
why don't you
Elizabeth Feb 2014
let the crisp clear stream
glide over your fragile fingers
take away the soot
trade it for the truth
Feb 2014 · 603
hebrews 13:8
Elizabeth Feb 2014
most good things in life are fleeting
snowflakes that flutter on the breeze
beautifully formed in crystal patterns
suddenly blend into the white blanket on the ground
ephemeral, never to be admired again

constantly I forget not to chase those snowflakes
captivated by the thought of their beauty
in awe of their delicate dance
I get so caught up in their being
they are so suddenly gone

the way, the truth, the light
the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow
you are the only good thing in this life
you are not fleeting
you are forever

and with your fingers you untangle
the cobwebs that have cluttered my mind
and you trace delicate crystal patterns in the darkness
as you show me what I have been missing
and begin to show me what is to come

the night has grown darker and the
snowflakes begin to howl in the strong winds of the
snowstorm outside of my window
even still, I want to chase them
but you bring me back to safety
you bring me back to you
hebrews 13:8 is one of my favorite verses. so simple and yet so powerful.

"the grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever." isaiah 40:8
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
the one about a boy
Elizabeth Feb 2014
you and I are like
the strong minute hand and the fragile second hand
of the old grandfather clock in the library
there’s a harmony and a connection
they belong together
but they’ll never actually be together

you and I are like
two cars on a desolate country road late at night
as they pass each other from opposing directions
for a moment, all they can see are the headlights of the other
blinded from anyone and anything around them
but it doesn't last that way for very long
the journey continues

you and I are like
this movie i saw once with a happy ending
but that movie didn’t last long either
or the hundreds of poems I’ve written about you in my head
that never actually lived to breathe on paper
or the wildflowers in the field that are killed
by the frost every year

when our eyes locked from across the room today
it didn’t last very long
but in a way it did, behind my eyes
inside my mind, I still see you
your eyes looking into mine
and maybe it’ll always be this way
the way the minute hand and the second hand pass each other
without turning around for a second glance
a second chance
and you’ll always pass another car on the road
perhaps the same cars day in and day out
going different directions, suddenly they’re gone
and movies end, words are lost, and the annual freeze is inevitable

and I hope that, eventually
I won’t look at you and search for a second chance
because when it comes to you and I
just like the passing hands of the grandfather clock
goodbye is as inevitable as the death of the wildflowers
and as painful as the headlights in my tired eyes
my fear, my dear
Feb 2014 · 388
crystal echoes
Elizabeth Feb 2014
crystal echoes in the ripples of the water
the moon watches over the leftover thoughts
of the day circulating in the minds of those who
fight to stay in this moment before it joins the multitude of yesterdays
piling up like the clothes you've been meaning to wash
the dishes you've been meaning to clean
the people you've been meaning to love
the words you've been meaning to say
you watch the liquid moon on the water as it dances free
away from its concrete place in the sky
you are the moon, but you are also the sun
don’t forget that when this night is over
you will shine again.
Feb 2014 · 703
Elizabeth Feb 2014
empty hugs and second glances
stone cold stares and rigid stances
fill the room that strangest day
play their games, you’ll be okay
Feb 2014 · 481
my heart
Elizabeth Feb 2014
open my heart and what will you find
a rugged traveler and a delicate mind
velvet dreams and vanilla mornings
songs of gladness and flowers adorning
wanderlust daydreams and simple poetry
firefly memories and crystal royalty
tired eyes
and you

mostly you
Feb 2014 · 366
ten times brighter
Elizabeth Feb 2014
rain falls like ink blots forming words upon the busy canvas behind my eyeballs and all I can see is your face peering around each letter.
i tried to remember why I was still alone when the longing in my heart stretched itself upwards to fill the empty spaces in my mind.
if you were a song I would put you on repeat in the silver dusted moonlight
during the long drive home late at night
the stars, being the greatest audience,
would shine ten times brighter.

— The End —