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Aug 2014 · 333
Liza Peachey Aug 2014
A blue crisp sky waves hello with no goodbye,
watching the fairies fly.
Dilated daisies smile as I pass,
Shouting mystic memories to the sun.
Crystallized clouds form in a spiraling pattern,
Flooding from the center, reflecting light into the black hole,
They call my pupil.
Apr 2014 · 285
Liza Peachey Apr 2014
Fear is within me.
When I cannot see it.
When I think it is gone,
Old patterns rear their heads.
Punishments I shake with dread,
Lack of love looms in my thoughts,
Creating then,
What I've got.
Apr 2014 · 880
Sister Spring
Liza Peachey Apr 2014
Flowers bud to bloom.
Rain swells the Earth with love,
Animals awake to greet the new day.
Sunshine showers the Earth with wellness,
Mar 2014 · 261
Liza Peachey Mar 2014
Thoughts glide into my mind,
Rainbow cascades of sunshine,
As a young girl I thought all this magic did reside just inside,
But I see it on the outside.
I feel it when my emotions guide with a fluid rush,
I sense it in every being I touch,
This magic,
Is within the trees that grow, old, slow, whole.
Within the food I have to eat,
Every troubling situation that I meet.
Negative and positive energy.
This magic is but the flowing energy of Source.

— The End —