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Liz Jul 2014
how love can be
so tumultuous inside
it can be biting and cruel
making one a shamed fool
it rips and destroys
with a shout or subtle whisper
what love is this?
only fallen in nature

but there is a love
that is glorious indeed
it stays true and never wanders
you become his life partner
it builds and it praises
words kind and tender
what love is this?
only from your Creator
Liz Jul 2014
Oh weary traveler
Soiled duster jacket and sodden shoes
You long for rest
From a journey of fools

Take heed your time is near
That will set you apart
A door and a key for you
No longer a wandering heart
Liz Jul 2014
Show care for yourself
Your thoughts and your soul
Your neighbor as well
Avoid the black hole

You will be grateful
He as well
That you cared enough
You are not in Hell
Liz Jul 2014
Beautiful and free
Innocent and pure
Gentle eyes and form
She flies alone

Traveling many miles
Through peace and war
Struck down at times
She survives them all

She is tender to the eye
Resilient inside
Still searching
Searching her heart's desire

Resting on a limb
She sees him
Could this be?
Alas, no
He sees her and turns back
Back to his memories

Heartbroken she takes flight
Beautiful and free
Innocent and pure
Gentle eyes and form
She flies alone

She knows not there is one
Strong and free
Brave and pure
He is searching
Searching for his dove

— The End —