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893 · Jan 2015
Bomb Pops
Liz Stevens Jan 2015
My brothers and I, sat on the front porch,
as cool sweat beads trickled
from our foreheads
to the bottom of our chins.

My mother swatted
the screen door open.
She stood, with the hem of her pink apron drenched
in flour, looking like the neighborhood Betty Crocker.
She was holding three bomb
pops for three darkly
tanned children.

We ripped off the parchment,
revealing the frozen crystal
beads latching on to each pop.
We looked at each other
as we concealed our childish snickers,
and on the count of three
we started our favorite competition.
We began licking our pops
Like dogs lapping
water on a hot day.

Twenty licks in, my tongue,
started to lose speed,
and my world, temporarily,
in slow
and I was left with a throbbing pain in the middle of my head.

My pop was almost gone,
When I licked it so hard
it did a somersault
in mid air until it reached
the cement ground
and formed a patriotic puddle
around my feet.

We looked at each other,
faces stained with blue raspberry artificial flavoring,
as our boisterous laughter filled the air.
776 · Feb 2014
Write My Feelings Away
Liz Stevens Feb 2014
I never let you have my heart
But I gave you my emotions
I dove into your crystal blue eyes
And floated in a pool of your sweet words

Our talks seemed to stop time
I loved every second
As our moments together drifted by
My feelings grew stronger

One day I heard stirrings of another
And like that my emotions were tossed aside
Now at the sight of your face
I disguise how I feel

Maybe you knew how I felt
Possibly you didn’t
Either way
I will write my feelings away

With each stroke of my pen
I will forget your loving glances
Stroke away your sparkling eyes
And write away the marks you left on my heart
669 · Feb 2014
Liz Stevens Feb 2014
When quiet tears turn into boisterous laughter
and disappointment becomes joy

When my greatest shortcomings
become victorious achievements

When I discover that my troubles don't tower over me
and my worries crumble to the heart of the sea

When frustration turns to peace
and I take a sigh of relief

When I trust someone enough to open my heart
and unbreakable bonds are made

When I relentlessly pursue my dreams
because I trust the one who is watching over me

When these moments come to pass
I see the authentic beauty in my life
580 · Jan 2015
Dear Grandma,
Liz Stevens Jan 2015
On Thanksgiving Day
Sweet smells leaped
From the kitchen and danced
Upstairs and woke me up

Later, the grim reaper disguised
As my mother in a fluffy bath robe came in,
Looked me in the eye and stole
A small portion of my heart

It took only a second,
For my heart to sink to the ocean floor,
for my body disintegrate in the water,
all I had left, was the burning flame behind my eyes

The day I knew you were gone,
I swirled the turkey and mashed potatoes on my plate,
And couldn't think of anything
To be thankful for.
Liz Stevens Apr 2014
If you truly love something
You will suffer for that love
The passion will burn in the pit of your soul
Until you dig it out
And let it grow with your tears

Words are my love
I search for them in the deep corners of my heart
When my soul can no longer withstand the burning sensation
I rip them out
And splatter the blood on the wall
Like paint on a canvas

My words are my soul
in its purest form.
My stories are a collection of tears
that willingly let drip down my face.
488 · Apr 2014
Thank You for Lying
Liz Stevens Apr 2014
Empty promises flow from your mouth
Like lava spews from a volcano
Oh, how I love it when you do this
As your flaming arrows pierce through my skin
You spark a fire in my forest of dreams

For some strange reason
I must say thank you
Because you taught me
That my creator is the only one I can really trust
Because of Him I choose to forgive you
404 · Jun 2014
The Light-Part 3
Liz Stevens Jun 2014
There is an ironic truth to the light
It never disappears
It never grows dim
However, sometimes our vision is obstructed
By tragedies, storms, distractions—life
And our stance, once strong and confident,
Grows weary and droops in despair.
When the winds start to blow,
We squint our eyes,
And try to find our way.
The light fades.
When you are encompassed by darkness,
The light is still there.
Open your eyes.
Look up.
See, the light never left.
376 · Feb 2014
Because of You
Liz Stevens Feb 2014
No matter how many clouds I see
Because of you, I still believe in sunshine
When the past looms over me and shadows cloud my vision
Because of you, I trust the one with clear sight

When cynicism filled my heart
You showed me that happy endings are still possible
When I could not see the good in myself
You helped show me that beauty was still there

When fear stopped me in my tracks
You taught me to have the courage to keep walking
When my hope in society diminished to nothing
You taught me to be the key that unlocked the good

Because of you
I am me
A little messed up
But thanks to you, loaded with promise
To my mother, the most inspirational woman I've ever met. I hope that when I am her age, I can be half the woman that she is. I love you. Happy Birthday!
358 · Apr 2014
Mirror, Mirror
Liz Stevens Apr 2014
“The eyes are a window into the soul”

Eyes are the windows that we see the world through.
They capture the joy,
the sorrow,
and the pain of life
Each time we look at someone,
When we really look at them,
We get a glimpse of their soul.
Whether it be a stranger,
or the person that holds your heart.
When we peer into their eyes,
we see them for who they are.

Next time you look in the mirror,
ignore your physical beauty,
and stare into your eyes.
Look through the windows.
Behind them are stories.
Tales of struggle and triumph,
victory and defeat,
success and failure.
Each record valuable.
Each story significant.

Look into your eyes,
and see your soul.
That's where your beauty lies.

Even though we experience times of struggle and doubt. We must never forget the that best is on its way.
333 · Jun 2014
The Light--Part 1
Liz Stevens Jun 2014
I was so close.
There was a light at the end of the tunnel.
I was almost there.
I fought, tooth and nail, to reach the light,
But as I chased,
As I grew closer,
As I craved it more and more,
The light grew dim.
Suddenly, there was no dream to peruse.
I felt like a stranded traveler that looks down at his map to find his way
But, despite his efforts, cannot find it,
Because the markings have disappeared in the darkness.
I sit there and wonder.
Lost in my own fear.
Where is the light?
310 · Jun 2014
The Light--Part 2
Liz Stevens Jun 2014
Eventually, everyone makes a wrong turn,
And feels stranded in a sea of confusion.
When the storm grows so thick,
you question the very existence of light.
It’s only natural to deem yourself abandoned and hopeless,
And question the meaning of truth.
To doubt the abilities that you have.
It’s only natural.
Your mind begins to play a picture show,
Of the moments leading up to the storm
You begin to ask
Why did the light leave?

— The End —