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Nov 2014 · 614
My Favorite Thoughts
Liv Vastola Nov 2014
Deep in a sunflower field
Back stroking through the giant pedals
Huge leafs soaking in the rays
This is where I need to stay

Toes slightly tapping the waters edge
With ease nuzzling my feet into the warm, wet sand
A hand pulling me into the unknowing sea
Diving under the waves and realizing it was only me

The coffee ring left behind from your favorite cup
It sat there and I stared while I ate my Eggo waffles with Vermont maple syrup
The stain affected my thoughts
With you gone I’m still trying to connect those lost dots

The view from our Adirondack chairs
Looking at only the smallest river but the highest mountain
With out you in that chair next to mine
I’m trying to find that one to fill, but it takes so much time

The blankets of yellow pedals caress my soul
Laying on a warm and welcomed pillow of love
The steams they read my face
Leaving no room for my space
Jul 2014 · 450
Communicating With Souls
Liv Vastola Jul 2014
Last night I had a dream
A man was leaning over my body
He whispered in my ear
The words jumbled, hushed and foggy
I couldn't really see him
His voice is all I have left from his visit
When I woke up I felt his soul hovering above my face
I smiled and said,
"Your secret is safe with me"
Jun 2014 · 549
Blooming Flower
Liv Vastola Jun 2014
The moments will fade
The memories will drift from my aging mind
The faces will only be remembered
By the photographs we took the time to capture
He could have come around to ****** me
But I didn’t let him in so quickly
There was only so much hate my body could handle
The minutes dwindled and the sun was set
The heart beat slowly, stopping
The once warm turned cold
That is all I saw
Selected memories kept in storage
Memories of my broken family
We are all twisted in a way
Mine was a curse with no potion to cure
It wrapped around my insides
A vine that
Choked a blooming flower
Nov 2013 · 386
A Momentary Haiku Mind
Liv Vastola Nov 2013
Light two candles
Barely see
Oct 2013 · 735
Ruled By Love
Liv Vastola Oct 2013
This feeling that makes our throats close up and hearts hurt.
Literally my heart has a pain that stabs it
and punctures the aorta.
The blood that once pumped every emotion though my body goes limp.
A puppet with no master to guide the actions.
No owner to light the way.

My knees once went numb with an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion.
Hands wrapped around my calves
keeping them from sinking directly into the garden of memories,
memories that I’ve buried.

Flinging my body from one moment to the next
hoping that I can breathe between kisses.
Lips of strangers caught in naughty acts.
Ripping my cloths and touching my hands.
Pinning my body up against walls of Polaroid’s that you took.
Not one but every photo.

You were there to grasp your grip around my punctured heart.
Poking your fingers in the holes that others left behind.
You shed a tear and then let go of my heart.
I stopped breathing,
my blood overflowed my body
filling every pore and clogging my eyes.
Vision forever tainted.
No more beating or thumping.
No more laughs that skip a beat.

I was ruled by love and it over took me.

I lay down hoping someone will find my pieces,
my clues that I left behind.
I need to be restored.
Body drowning.
I was ruled.
I was concurred.
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
Dance With Me
Liv Vastola Oct 2013
The swivel, point, leap and cross of her feet on wooden floors.
Bending backwards to break the fluid boring motions.
Fingers clenching and opening to reenact a blossoming flower.
Toes circling around her frozen foot and
Shooting up high
To touch the sky.

Violins begin the piece with calming tones followed my soft piano keys.
As the trombones and trumpets trickle in
Her body leaps and lunges,
Bringing her to the ground with one leg pointed and raised to the ceiling.
Dance with me
And then you’ll see.

Reaching out her arms to touch the viewers in the front row.
Stretching her feet out to gain momentum for her ****** forward.
Her head almost sweeps the floor.
Flutes take charge and she swings her hips,
Only to create a **** whirlwind.
She collapsed and held she shin.

No one moved or made a sound. The hall fell silent.
She spread her body out on the paneled ground.
No sound left her lips.
She flipped over her left shoulder and landed in a split.
The crowd clapped vigorously, cheering.
Her mother was in the front row crying.

That girl I saw enchanted my dreams.
The rolling of her body and the extension of her legs filled my thoughts.
I wanted to be wrapped in her arms with mesh tool tangled between us.
I wanted to learn every motion she knew and replicate it.
Her eyes caught mine and she
Said, won’t you please dance with me?
Oct 2013 · 557
Autumn Days
Liv Vastola Oct 2013
It was the quietest moment.
Silence fell upon me.
My mind opened.
So noiseless I could hear the clouds forming raindrops.
Whispering conversations to small beings who won’t understand.
Little bodies finding homes of comfort.

Orbiting around this tree that doesn’t look real.
Falling, falling, hands out and it’s still, caught.
Autumn colors stain the once velvet green life form.
The beauty in the changing season overwhelms me.
Without change nothing will move.
Without movement nothing will grow.

Stop. Listen. Smile.
Happiness has coated the nature of our world.
It’s fall my friends and that alone is reason to smile.

— The End —