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Jun 2016 · 602
Stop the clock.
Liv Farr Jun 2016
A stopped clock sits blank,
hands still,
in the corner of the room.
The evening sun trickles in encasing each pane in the last light of the day. It illuminates a field of dirt and grime plagued by carcasses clinging by their wings to the hope of freedom in a time that never came.
My heart beats slow
It's all i hear.
In the moments between each dull beat, there's nothing but a blank space that echoes off the walls louder than I've ever known before.
You are here,
but you're not here.
If you were here time would resume. Hours would feel like minutes and minutes, mere seconds. We would run in circles chasing the hands of time desperately trying to yank them back with hopes of just one more moment.
But you're not here because hours seem like weeks, and weeks seem like months.
So i sit here.
Blank face
Hands still
In the middle of the room
where time moves around me.
Liv Farr Jul 2015
Thousands of Americans
at the hands of police officers.
Look at the masses,
all races,
all religions.
You've unleashed a torrent
long-simmering tensions.
What a sea of people
in the capitol on a chilly December day.
You've electrified a larger audience,
Thousands of American citizens
who can't breathe
in their own communities.
"This is an American march."
a history making moment.
He traced his small hand on his poster
and wrote
"Don't shoot me."
This poem was created by selecting certain phrases from the news article which is the title of this poem.
Jul 2015 · 549
Love Affair
Liv Farr Jul 2015
The lonely moon held the horizon after a desperate search.
For love.
For light.
But at first glimpse,
of his morning love,
He closed his eyes and died.
Jul 2015 · 483
Snow globe
Liv Farr Jul 2015
Each day I stand motionless,
My feet glued to place,
Some say stubborn, but I'm stuck in my ways.
I'm encased in this glass society.
So fragile. In need of a shake,
To stir up all that remains of past flames.


Dance gracefully when tossed to the sky
But I choke for air as they cloud my mind
And I guess it looks different as the eye of the storm than it does as,

I witness,

You shake up my world once more
But my smile etched face wont change
Long after the dust has settled.

— The End —