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1.7k · Feb 2014
Last Meeting
The Last Meeting

I dreamt the dream again
It repeats
Always the same
Built on borrowed uncertainty
An uncompromising battle within me
It shakes the very core of me
Lingers for days within
Then Draws out through my mouth
Opening doors to feelings
I'd rather stayed hidden

I'll be at the same meeting
It's years since it happened
The intensity burned
My insides ached
His icy stare penetrated
My heart

As I was leaving
My insides started screaming
As he was not following
This brought our last meeting
The last

During the night I used to watch him
Constantly breathing
The steady rise and fall of his chest
I needed this certainty
As the moon that shared all my nights
With clenched fist and warm soft breath
Reassuring me for now
He was alive
The steady rise and fall of his chest

I had become his mistress
His other lover insisted
Keeping her talons in him
So he kept on descending
Into the furrows of the unknown
A place I could not follow
A place I would not go

I fought her for years
Then finally gave up my fears
I walked away in tears
This brought our last meeting
The last

I was standing
He was staring
The taxi waiting
Tears started spraying
My heart near to breaking
Me needing
A fresh start

This form of addiction is far from forgiving
My love had equipped it from the start

Now I keep dreaming
Of the last meeting
The one that shattered my thoughts
We are both staring
The north wind is blowing
On the sun heated sidewalk

The ******
Withdrawing from his blood
The scales are weighing
Between her and me
He has mistaken
Her love from the start

He started turning
My mind started reeling
My hands started shaking
As he kept on walking
So I keep dreaming
Of the last meeting
The one
That shattered my heart
1.4k · Feb 2014
Oh this tenderness
The beauty of you amazes me
As I undress in the sun
Shining through the window
Curtains fluttering in the breeze
This Spanish villas part of me

Your eyes as slender
As an irresistible lover
Watching the silk fall from my hips
Taking me in your arms as this
Is bliss

Years we have waited
To meet once more
Thousands of hours
Hundreds of days
A million thoughts have kept you alive
In my head
Turning over all that was said
Tiny snippets of memory kept me in this eternity
Needing you back with me

Now the dream is reality
Undress in front of me
Lay upon my body
This warm familiarity
I have acted this out in my mind
A million times
Lightening flashes inside of me
Then hush

If only I knew before
Life after death was
As this
1.4k · Feb 2014
Ghost in the telephone
There are ghosts in the telephone
She says

Holding the receiver
As a tiny baby fist
Holding on for life or death
Using the last bit of strength

There are ghosts in the telephone
She assures me
Eyes protruding, lips pursed
She believes every word she says

I can hear him he's still here
Repeating a few words on the air

Late at night he's the loudest
Drowning all other sounds out
He sits beside me in the night

There are ghosts in the telephone
She says

As she unveils herself infront of me in great racking sobs
Her eyes misty as though in fog
As only a mother could
1.2k · Feb 2014
I am sorry
I'm Sorry

The truth
It will destroy you
An August day
While you sweep up rose petals
On our Sun drenched porch
You look at me from under heavy lashes
And say it's ok
You don't wish to be without me
It's ok your always want me
Your never stop

I'll bask in this glory
Thanking God for you loving me
As tears ***** the back of my eyes

The hand around my heart squeezes a little tighter
Until I am breathless with it

In time
There is a difference to us
Making love is no longer rushed
I look at you, looking down at me
But neither of us say it's pointless
Your days a little darker
A little longer
Things a little more useless

The hand around my heart squeezes a little tighter
As the truth picks away at your dreams one by one

At Christmas we pretend we are still happy
Completely in love
While in the garden with your sister
The truth pours out of me in great sobs
She says it's ok your get through this
We both know she's lying
Inside she's crying

I had no right in making you love me
So the hand squeezes a little tighter round my heart

Somewhere along the way
Anger rises
The tension surprises us
You begin to resent me
Hate me for letting you love me

And I am sorry
I stayed a little too long
Cared a little too much
I needed this whatever it was

So the hand squeezes a little tighter round my heart

Invisibly I collect my possessions
Storing them
They lay in wait

Courage appears
At three in the morning on a Tuesday
Quietly I get my things
Wait by the window for a taxi
As the hand squeezes a little tighter round my heart

The knowledge erupted
Watching you hold your new Godson
Looking at me longingly
Knowing I can never give you this
Tears glazing your eyes
Looking so proud
It's wrong for me to keep you
With me this is all your ever be
A childless man

In your hallway
You help with my bags saying nothing
I will never be wife, bnever be a mother
Without you I'll never be anything

As the cab pulls away
You say your always love me
I say I know
But I have to let you go
I'm giving you a chance of what I can't give you
The most precious thing
A family

So the hand completely squeezes my heart
958 · Feb 2014
Heaven sent
Heaven Sent

Such comfort in your breath
Fluttering kisses down my neck
In this embrace I feel at peace
Just as my desire does creep
Into the soft crevices just by
your smile
Heaven sent

Tell me my love, in this moon's
Never take magic out of the
I will wait on tiptoed feet
To kiss you softly upon the
Desire I want in the furrows
I'll be here waiting tomorrow
622 · Feb 2014

There is a her shaped hole in this world
A black void
If you look hard enough you can still see the sparkles of the departed
Black diamonds of the afterlife
The entrance left open
In case he needs to follow

It's not in the leaving she said
It's in the living once I'm dead

The cold cold bed Sat in our room
The silence in the telephone
This is what the worst will be
The carrying on without me

It isn't in the leaving she sighs
It's in the knowing I didn't survive

She asked him once to be brave
Carry on forget her name
Give some meaning to his life
Leave behind the cold dead wife

How can you love me she asked
When all I want is to depart
How am I faithfully yours she cried
He just looked at her and sighed

It isn't in the leaving she cried
It's in the living once I've died
Where I'm going has no name
The darkness consumes me again and again

I'll wait for you she said
She promised as in life and death

I warned you along the way she said
I tried to make you see
I never belonged to your world
I was never truly me
I belong to the nether world
I was put here by mistake
I'm waiting for it to draw me back
To take again my place

This is what she's seeing there
He's too used up to even care
Watching his restless nights and days
Keeping the haunting mind at bay
The last vision in his head is his wife hanging above the bed
559 · Feb 2014

I made a promise once
If you can win a promise
I won
This promise broke my heart
Shattered it
It's in my body in shards
Floating around
I move slightly
It pierces my organs

This promise will be the death of me
And I can't wait
I'm looking forward to it

This promise was our love breaking
My knowing
We wouldn't make it
I won this promise
And I'm loving the pain of it.
552 · Feb 2014
Judge us
Before you judge us

Before you judge me tell me one thing
Do you know how dew feels in the early morning
Do you know what timber makes that crackling sound
When you sit by a fire on open ground
Tell me how bright the stars do shine
While lying on your back with your lover beside
Why do weeping willows weep
They cry for the humans souls they keep
How do bluebell woods look in May
A carpet of fragrance such beauty are they

So before you tell me we can't stay
What do you know about the land that we lay
We may be different, gypsies are we
But we love these lands more than you see
We travel around from woods to creak
Past babbling brooks and chestnut trees
By steaming streams and Rocky mounts
We love this land, why doesn't this count
Romany women so small and beautiful

Tell me how midnight sounds while sleeping on hallowed ground
The night it creeps into your embrace
The perfect partner love can make

Before you judge me tell me this
What sound streams make when meeting lakes
While rivers join the big wide sea
How does it feel when admiring these
Tall trees sore the open sky
The most beautiful colours with the sun rise

So before you judge us and make us move on
Have a care for what your doing
As we are still human

We're love this land until the day we die
This is where we started our lives
542 · Feb 2014
I will always be as this
BodyI will always be as this

It is as clear to me as on a freezing day
During the night
Then as day seeps in
Your features are as bliss to me
So as I play with silence like it's a toy
This life is elusive to everything
Not just this

So I watch
Then silently leave
And pray you wake up
Without  feeling loss
The loss of me

It's not easy
A constant struggle it seems
But there lingers
A constant hope in me
That one day I'll be worth it
Worth the pain
Of you giving up

I have always loved you this way
A shadow forever on your face
It's an extra necessity
It's the only way
We have known us
Cramming all three of us in one life
Curling around square corners
However uncomfortable it gets

I learnt to share you
She's laughs at this
Looks at me
Pulls back her lips
Revealing razor sharp teeth
Embedding them in your neck
******* you dry
Spreading her venom through your veins

She has you when sleeping
She'll have you when you die

There is a sadness to my life
A tree trying to grow behind a larger tree
Never getting enough light
Some days are spent holding us together
Pulling you back
Some days are spent dreaming
Of better days

Without depression
Named her
538 · Feb 2014
The brackens
The Brackens

Do you remember the Brackens
We went there when we were young
That was our secret place
Me and you had so much fun

That's where the woods are winding
Tall tall trees
The earth went on forever
At least that's how it seemed
I could smell the earth around me
Hear the owls within the trees
Tiny animals scurrying around beneath the fallen leaves

Do you remember the Brackens
Sky so clear it gleamed
Running together through the woods
You used to make me scream

On our backs counting stars
I was so full of hope
Playing beneath the moonlit sky
The moonbeams did elope

Do you remember the Brackens
I do every day
My face pushed down into the mud
The mice and deer decay
The thorns that cut into my back
My sore and bloodied knees
The rotting leaves within my mouth
Under the dying tree

The horrible way you took
The way you made it hurt
Ripping through my insides
Cutting through my thoughts

I remember the Brackens
I think of those woods each day
I'm still trying to build a life
To keep the mind at bay

I remember that you loved me once
There on top the hill
I remember that you ***** me once
And your friends did too

Do you remember the Brackens
I really hope you do
The way you gave me to your friends
To do with me their will

Them shouting and cheering in my face
Pouring ***** down my throat
Pulling at my underwear
After ripping off my clothes
I felt their hands all over me
Shoving in my hair
As they pulled my head back
And had their way right there

The insides of me did curl up
I closed my eyes real tight
As they entered my inner parts
And bashed away all night

Now I have your attention
Your eyes are right on me
I'm going to make you see

You didn't completely shatter me
Just winded me a while
As you can see I got back up
Hunted you down have I
Although it haunts me everyday
I'm better than I was
I got up out of bed
To **** all of you off

I was not your puppet
Never yours alone
What you did to me was evil
So your never make it home
Please don't look at me like that
I'm not the first to lie
I can see your doing what your friends did
I see your gonna cry

Now be a good boy
Open up your mouth
This is how dead leaves taste
As I blow you through the mouth
518 · Feb 2014

I am a little restless with the sound of a child screaming
It's hard to keep breathing
I try to shut my ears to it
That tiny thing screaching
Walk away real fast
To stop the intensified feelings
Of that baby wailing

It's easier to stay away
All alone in my home
When it's her first birthday
I'd rather stay at home

I could never hold your daughter
With those tiny little hands
Watch her pursed rose bud lips
These things I couldn't stand
The smell of warm milky breath
The suckling noise they make
This tiny person all brand new
These things I couldn't take
I could never change a *****
Or pat her back to burp
With her little eyes all glazed
It just wouldn't work

Please don't think me selfish
As you can never see
Or feel the hurt of the childless
Your never feel as me
My insides are empty
From hope throughout the years
That never amounted to nothing
I spend some days in tears
That inside I'm broken
My heart it cracked in two
For the wanting of a baby maybe even two

When she grows up and gets married
Has a baby of her own
Then your be a granny
But I'll still be alone
494 · Feb 2014

We are the children of the Four
A wandering race
The leaves,trees and streams feed us
The earth water and winds sustain us
We belong to no man
A race so complicated
You talk about us with hushed voices
From behind your hands
Always looking down
The idea of us so precious

You don't deserve us
Never looking in our eyes
As though the simple mention of us will bring you conflict
Our women so beautiful
Seeing them leaves the vision in your head for days
So you look away
From our mystical,regal creatures

As we are the children of the forests,rivers,dessert
The snow in the north
We have always been
We have always existed
You gave us our name
It was never your right
You called us gypsies

You look at us and see aluminium homes
Your curious eyes scanning our sites
Picking up on the old battered cars
Camp fires and dirt
Nomads fighting with black eyes
Traveling through these lands

You do not see our beauty
As you are not children of the air
A race so loyal like thunder and lighting
Inside our homes lives a love so vast and thick
You can scoop it up and eat it
It feels like candy floss
Smells like Apple blossom

We a deadly protective race
Taught from years of persecution
We learnt to only live with our own
Wandering through life
Never having a home

When we burned,fire was so angry
Our ash turned to snow flakes
The wind was so distraught
Our ash fluttered over holy ground
Settled on the barren
We grew a paradise
Earth was so hurt you took her children
For you paradise will be forever out of reach
Teasing you
Just before it's in your grasp
The ocean washes it away
Burning us made water scream
You had killed the children of the Four

We don't expect to be understood
Our wisdom lays too deep
The Nazis didn't just **** and persecute the Jewish souls
They killed us too
Put your nose in the air
You can still smell us on the wind
Do not carve me into stone

Shortening my breath everyday
Ease, don't carve me into stone
I'm not quiet ready
These insecurities in me,
I swear there killing me
So please don't judge me
Just give me a minute
Time to reflect
On the things I've done
All I regret
Please don't set me into this mould yet

I see this eternity as a catastrophe
A never ending cycle of hurt
Constantly seeking me out
Chipping away at my head, pulling at my scalp

Ease, don't carve me into stone I beg
I'm not sure if I can do it
Loose myself to something as this
I felt the flutter
A butterfly under the skin
This decision will determine everything

But a life as this in my hands
With all the bad things I 've done
How can I decide the fate of a human
As I'll never be particular in weather
you should have tea for breakfast or cider
Eating pudding before your food hasn't been a problem for me
I have no right in saying what's best for this life
I'm a dribbling mess most of the time
Why do people not take these things into consideration
before reproducing

This act could determine all of eternity
Like a spider web deciding how many birds will hatch
Everything is connected
This child could be, when it's grown inside of me
The balance between good and evil
As thoughts of responsibility consume me
And motherhood looms
Ease don't carve me into stone
Don't know if I'll make it alone
481 · Feb 2014
To feel again
To Feel Again

Death takes the insecurities out of the living
They say things get better
If you stop fighting the anger goes away
The tears simply dry up
A sheet of ice freezes over the emotions
Leaving you numb
But broken
Storm clouds hover amongst the stars
Waiting to creep back in

Time moves slowly
But still it moves
The further I get from you
The more it wounds
Life cruelly goes on
Birds still wake
This earth still cries
The heavens shake

This world is cruel
This life restricts
Taking me further from
With every waking breath
I would stop the living to have you back
Give my life for one more kiss

There is a beauty to the restless
We wander amongst the alive
But everyday I find
Your further away with time

I do not want to forget you
I don't wish for this numbness
Or this heavy ice I carry
Oh if I could just change this
If I could still feel
Rid me of this numbness
As emotions make you real
The distant dream you are becoming
Would never exist
Surely it is better to feel
Than be as this
477 · Feb 2014
Only I
Only I

There is a spell
This magic is a voice
This voice is sterling
It provokes
US into the shape of heavenly beings
Choosing life
Rather than non-existent rules

I'll fight you till you subdue
I'll speak wondrous tales in your ear
Submitting you to be restless

I'll be your darkness, light
Only I can sate this plight
Me alone shall condemn your days
457 · Feb 2014
Dear God
BodyDear God

She's dying over and over again
From the insanity of the missing
The heart will repair
Though I wouldn't dare say this
At the sky she stares
She says life must go on
I must go on

I don't want to be without him she says
As she opens the second bottle of *****
If I'd had a choice I'd of gone with him
But I'd never wish for him to ever feel
This crushing feeling
Not for a instance

In the night she thinks I'm sleeping
But I hear everything

Dear God
I was wondering if I could have a moment of your time ?
I know your a busy bloke and that,  
your tired with all these voices shouting up at you,
I would be too.
But I thought I'd give it a go.
I know your the universal spirit and there's  lots on your mind,
so I tell you what I'll talk and you can just listen,
give me your views at the end.

I was wondering if you've looked in on me lately
See God
I'm feeling incredibly unhappy,
Distraught you could say,
miserably alone.
I know there's millions probably billions
I don't know the average,
but no matter.
I know there's other's wanting your attention,
The people dying from cancer or
The African village women screaming for you to stop the men taking their kids,
Putting them on smack to fight there twisted gorilla wars.
Our boys in Afghanistan getting maimed and slaughtered.

So firstly I was wondering if it's normal to feel this way ?
You see I think of him so much he enters my dreams as soon as I close my eyes,
Is this your doing ?
Tell me what I have to do to stop this fog,
Tell me when I reach the other side I'll still be me,
Tell me it's ok to still cry silently,  without even knowing,
Tell me how to stop the tears,
Tell me,  if this ache in my chest relieves,
Tell me,  I'm standing this pain to be with him again,
Go on tell me ??!!!

I'm so alone I bet you got all the Angels up there keeping you company,
Hay I thought they were supposed to be down here looking after us ?
Point is, the real point is
You got something of mine and I want it back.

You took all my grandparents without asking,
Let them all die of cancer slowly before their time, all of them.
By the way I think you've had enough cancer out of my family thankyou very much,
Do you feed off it ?
You took my dog when I was little,
Your know the one, scruffy little Jack rustle up there running about,
He's a proper little *******.
Missed him awfully I did
You took my dad three times on the operating table,
but he's still here.
It was like holding your breath for six weeks every time he went through those shiny metal doors,
I mean what sort of a sick joke is that ?
"You can have him"
"No you can't"
"You can have him"
"I want him back"
It felt like I had aeroplane ear,
All five of us living in an empty house moving around each other like ghosts.
If the bible's true you should know all this.
But I got an idea you haven't looked in on me at all.

I'm not blaming you, well I am sort of,
I think your a really good bloke but took too much on,
We all do it now and then don't we.
I mean the church wrote your book didn't it,
It's really down to Matthew , Mark , Luke, and John,
you should really send them boys down here,
I know a lot of people who want a word with them.
They're responsible for war,
Famine and mass genocide,
Because be honest all wars start at religion one way or another don't they.

I bet if you felt one second of what I feel,
He would still be beside me, and the empty feeling,
I couldn't give a  name to would disappear.
The aftermath of such evil wars wouldn't of happened.
I don't believe you would still let our boys in Afghanistan get themselves blown up and shot in the head
I don't believe,
If you felt an instance of this loss
You would've of let Osama bin Laden get away with all the lives he took on 9/11.
The Jews getting gassed and thrown in pits of thousands

I'm Sorry I've gone off track,
What I was saying is,
my dad told me if he'd of died when he got kidney failure
It's God's will.
Well if it's your will,
Do me a favour and send my husband back
I wasn't finished with him yet.

And if you can't do that,
Tell him something for me,
Tell him I love him,
But lie, say I'm ok.
Say I'm getting by,
I got sleeping tablets off the doc,
Say I'm almost happy.
Not to worry.
Tell him I'm rushing towards death for him,
That I've stocked up on *****.
God, tell him I'll be there soon.
456 · Feb 2014
My Grandmother
BodyMy Grandmother

Warming lights surround you
Quilting the sharp silence
Outside dawn begins
Earth starts stretching
Straightening out the nots
Caught from hours of slumber
Night moves on to blacken
another sky
And Calmness stills the room
All is as it should be

Your drifting in an endless sleep
I know not if you'll wake
Or lay your eyes on me once
Softening my heavy heart
As death appears, he waits by
your side
Head dipped in respect
In white and gold robes
I ask him for more time
An hour, a day, a second
His comforting eyes say no
It is your time
You must go

Aged hands under silken skin
That have tended plants, raised
Healed hearts, comforted souls
Loose their warmth
A last breath escapes your
I look at death pleadingly
But nothing can be done
I have to let you go now
You must do this alone

Death picks up your soul up as
an orb
Glittering like a large diamond
To ferry you to your kin
I see them through the void

never again will we sit on the
As dew wakes up the grass
Trees shacking off the night
Just talking
Soaking up the invaluable
That resided deep within you
Every snippet a precious  gem
Id buried them within
Where no other can steal them

I show no tears
As they only fuel pain
From a young age
You taught me to be brave
Knowing my life would shatter
More often than not I'd feel
senseless pain
Somehow you knew my path
was not to be easy
I was born with thunder raging
inside of me
Your compassion carried me
Over potholes and rocky paths
Your soothing voice steadied
Till I made it safely past
Inside of me a hatred boiled so
you explained how understand
That I was lucky
Then this wisdom you taught

As I lay out your body
Readying you for your last
I wonder
Did i tell you enough
Of the love and admiration i
had for you
I was blessed everyday with
Did i make you aware
Without you I'd be crushed
Were you aware
You made life easier
The road slightly smoother
Life not so daunting
Teaching me never to give up

My mother weeps at your side
Your legacy missed her
She will never know the
desilute feeling
As thunder rages inside
For this I smile gratefully
Wrapping your body for
Happy you left peacefully
And not just your jam recipe
Was handed down to me
451 · Feb 2014
I love you enough
I love you enough

I won a battle
I came out on top
Your be happy to hear this
Maybe even jealous
I tried to write the perfect
I couldn't
They never quite did you
So I burned all of them
They didn't make me shiver
The perfect poem for you
should be read as a whisper
Hummed as a song
As I won our battle
I came out on top
I won our battle
And your gone

There's a wood by our home
In May the woods are turned
Bluebells carpet the ground
Violet, blue, pink
This is where we lay
Blowing wishes up through the
As we said how much we loved
each other and why

After a long life
We'd stroll along the beach
holding hands
Our dog would still be alive
We'd have enough money to
make him live forever
He'd bark at our heels
Not throwing his stick quite fast
His poor little docked tail
Playing with the waves

At Christmas our house filled
with our family
Generations of our life
Exceedingly happy
We'd do route 66
Take years if we wanted
Kiss all the time
As were still in love, not just
Buy a Jacuzzi
Skinny dip at 80

Too early, so young
Life destroyed you
This is what our love had
amounted to

The perfect poem still hasn't
Even though I live through the
There is no beautiful words for
It doesn't rhyme
It is no sonnet

It's simply this
That night we stared at the
I told you I loved you enough
I'd be happy for you to go first
you said i can go forward
you would stay  
not wanting me to feel life's

I said your going first, this
battle was mine til the last
I'd be left with life's
The damp in my heart would
My remaining days
I would suffer impeccable
Loss being relentless
I love you enough
To stand the destitute days
Cold nights anxiety makes
Emptiness of loneliness
I love you enough for you to
never feel this
I love you enough
for you to die first
This is what my love amounted
I love you enough to be the
I love you enough
451 · Feb 2014

I am explosive
You stupidly take it
Ripping away at you
Shredding skin
Shattering bone
Battering you
With harsh words
Wounds slightly open
I pour salt into the cracks
of long forgotten mistakes
A life sentence
Lived on borrowed skin
As I continuously wound you
And again

I held you up
But I needed holding
But I held you up instead

I will **** you slowly for this
I will rip your skin from your body
Only to heal it with kisses

Fire surrounds me
Licking my skin lovingly
The electric blue of your eyes
Amongst the bloodshot
Keeping anger in
Searing me
This is beauty to me

I am explosive
There's nothing you can do for it
So hold on to what I was
As that girl won't be here long
She let you get away with everything

Inspiration turned to shards
Sharp as razors
She's no longer here
Do you not see
I kicked her out
The moment you tasted infidelity
437 · Feb 2014
Would I
Would I

So I trickled out if your life
As water through a spring
Smoothing over the points and rocks alone
An adventure
I didn't give you another thought
You were irrelevant to me
I told myself this religiously
Just someone I used to know
Until now that is
Now I've done everything I wanted
Traveled the world
Now your everything I need
Standing in front of me
Funny how life turns the tables so easily

Do you remember how it used to be with us
Yes, we used to be In love
Is that what you call it
I remember it differently than that
I remember never knowing

So I ask a question that's lingered forever
Would I of been your wife if I'd stayed
this is
all you need to say
The bitter weathers beating at your cheeks
The air now almost too cold to breath
Leaves crisp underfoot
This revelation will destroy me yet

I'm just passing through I say
Trying to hide the injustice
Of watching you play with your wedding ring
I'm just passing through
This Certain clarity
I see Is Soul destroying
My island Carved out of the consequences of my decisions
Starts shacking
I feel it swaying, I see it starts sinking
I was safe here until this evening
The birds start flying
The fish swim deep
Nature scarpers
emotions erupting
My island was tropical once
Now it's an iceberg

The revelation of this truth
Ignites our old youth
My lake starts rippling, from indecisions
Confusion Settling in
As you did love me in the end
I remember  the enormity of the hoping
Not knowing Was soul splitting
It was easier to leave you than not knowing
So I went traveling
Stumbling until i got used to the terrain

We were children
One tiny decision changed everything
I started mapping out my future
Carving you out of the paper island

We were so young
Brought up on summer sun
Dry grass under foot
The way it always got
Warm nights you no longer get
the world was a different place then
than it is
All that was certain
your not loving me
Your not caring
Scared of saying
The simplest sentance
Has brought us to this moment
All i was sure of Now means nothing

I'm just passing through
I say
After all its Christmas
Ill be gone by new year
You can go back to pretending your wife is the love of your life
I don't say this aloud
I was nothing
I'm just passing through I say
As nothing can be changed
435 · Feb 2014
Too Late
Too Late

I was always late
For you
And I never rushed, never thinking I had to
Time stalked me like a wasp
I floated  through life as if on a cloud
Thin air masking my mistakes
I was as elusive as life gets
Time meant nothing
And I'm sorry for this
I'm so sorry for this

I met you on a corner
Bitter weather battering your cheeks
Blue eyes sparkling under a mass of dark hair
You had waited an eternity there
We drank coffee on a bench
Mapping out the stars until dawn seeped in
As all thoughts provoked a certain clarity
You decided it would only ever be me
Always me
And I'm not sorry

I was late to the airport
Flying to Naples, no more planes for days
It had been years since you'd seen your family
So I watched as frost lay  like icing over your dream
We played with silence like a toy for two weeks
And I'm sorry for this

The day of your parting
An hour of snow lay around your feet
A car skidded, you landed on the bonnet
I should of been there
I was at home reading an article
As your heart beat for the last time at the hospital
I should of been holding your hand, telling you I loved you
So I missed your departure too
And I am sorry
So sorry

Time is muffled
Churches like conveyer belts for the living and dead
As babies join this world, people leave it
The hurse shot to the church like a police car
I imagined it having flashing blue lights
Saying he's dead, he's dead
And I am too
I was late for your funeral
I'm not sorry for this
It was something I couldn't bare to do

But, we're you aware
The later I was
The longer I had you
You always calling
Where are you
Where are you
The longer you were in this world
Even if I wasn't next to you
The longer I loved you
The longer I knew you
The later I was
The longer you were in this life
Not rushing out of it
The longer I had you
And I'm not sorry for this
I'll never be sorry for this
427 · Feb 2014
Invisible Thread
Invisible Thread

It is in the aftermath that the worst occurs
The devastation in the knowing
That we are nearly parting
The silence after being
The laying there saying nothing
Listening to us breathing
Just waiting,just watching the clock ticking
Willing it to slow

This is the last time I say
I need to make it work

The still after the storm
We rushed at first
Dismissing my rings
Impatient with each other
Needing the feel of us in each other's skin
In each other's bones
Tangled with our limbs

This is the last time I say
I need to make it work

Above the bed words are suspended in air
All things unsaid between us
Just out of reach,to high too grasp
The sweet somethings
That are agony to say as it would be admitting
That we are something
Something we weren't expecting
So we say nothing
Lay there waiting

But we could be everything
As we are perfection
Earth shattering,heaven like
Shuddering against one another
Trying to catch our breath
As though we are the only ones  in this world living
Existing only for this
So we are watching
My wedding rings shining
Waiting for the inevitable
The me
leaving you

I unwillingly walking away
The magnetic pull struggling against me
Like a net around my body
Pulling me back to you
My insides in agony
Our invisible thread near snapping
Stretching as far as possible

This is the last time I say
I need to make it work

Over my shoulder your staring
With knowledge in your eyes
A slight curl of your lips
As you know it's all lies
I'll be back again
Or we surely won't survive
422 · Feb 2014
Ghosts in this house
We are ghosts in this house

I am a ghost in this house

A shadow of the past shapeless moving around you silently.

Carefully stepping on the stair steps that don't creak.
Sliding along the oak floors.
Wearing invisible clothes that don't crease.

Wondering constantly for your warmth to come back.
Grace me with your presence once more.
To be as we were solid
unbent perfection.

You are a ghost in this house

A breeze through the attic window that shimmers the curtains.
The cold side of the bed.
Wondering awake untill we meet again.

We walk circles round one another
Our hands never touch
Our bodies never meet.

I look for you in everything
Room to room but no luck

You am a ghost in this house

You bound up the stairs loudly but never make a sound.
I turn as I think I see a shadow.
Sitting on our bed with your head in your hands
A crying broken man

We are ghosts in this house

One alive, one dead
Moving around one another
But forever looking
410 · Feb 2014
Never Forgett
BodyNever Forget

She can't quite picture his lips
The sincerity in his smile
The scar through his right eyebrow
The dark hair that fell into his eyes when he looked down
The hands that held her
The comfort in the sound of him breathing next to her
The voice that steadied her
These things she can no longer picture
And this haunts her
And everyday gets harder

He doesn't enter her dreams as often
Though it still hurts
Like a winter chill that freezes all your thoughts to one person

The agony under her ribs near bursting
The feeling of their love making
Remembered is the way it felt when they entangled their fingers
The warmth of his kisses
The certainty of love
Saying this must be it

She's forgotten
The exact shade of his eyes
The crease of his brow
The curve of his back
She writes his name on her hand every morning
Although the dementia is eating away at her brain
She won't forget his name
She'll never forget his name
407 · Feb 2014
That kiss
That Kiss

I fell backwards
Seeing all in slow motion
You standing, you kissing her
So our love has run its course
This fact sinks in with a whisper
As you trail back to me
Not knowing I've seen
Your stuff is waiting on the
pavement when you get back
All neatly folded
I thought that was the end of
No awkward lies, no need for
parting words
Just the end.

I'll wipe you out of my memory
while I stare at the ceiling, as
midnight consumes
Glowing stars pointing me back
to the reality of the unfeeling
I never feel much anymore
I'm not human you would say
Truth is
Its easier this way

The iridescent sky leaks gold
And Angels slumber in an
eternal life of bliss
As everyday gets more difficult
with it
I plan things in my head
Amazing how much time you
took up
I twiddle my fingers, agitated
and restless
Life beckons within, then a
possibility of happiness
Surely I should take this

It was but one kiss, I know this
Shadows loom with it
This tiny slight of happiness
As the nights get darker
I remember how moonlight
would flicker
as a candle on your face

Little snippets start to rise
through the mud
Dirt that I burried on top of you
I thought that was the end
But little things keep getting

You hunted for the Santa Claus
film a week before Christmas
I didn't feel festive and fell
asleep through it
Waking up to Christmas
pudding and eggnog,
that warm cuddly festive feeling
came back to me
It resides somewhere still in me

In Paris we sprinted from a five
star restaurant bill
Wearing silk, breaking my heels
This night you captured my
as we ran through Paris
barefoot in the rain

The hotel room in Venice had
rats in the cupboard
We didn't want to leave the bed
So we made picture's on the
ceiling with lamp light
Falling asleep to softly slapping
that night I Knew it would only
ever be you
It's still you

You skinned a cable for the
copper,made me a bracelet
The arthritis in my wrist was
driving me crazy

You drew me a Christmas card
every year, even when you
turned thirty

You were useless at making me

We were so care free ,
look at what's happened to me

These little things keep
wounding me, but also make
me happy

If I could take back that kiss
It still would've ended as this
You needed more than I could
In my world it wasn't important
That you
Knew how I loved you
How I needed you
That every morning I thanked
God for you
You never knew
As I never told you
And now it's too late to
Don't ask me to change my poetry again

I got a bad review,a terrible review
"Give it up" it said
Please stop writing, you stupid fool
We don't want to read anymore of your ****
Your wasting your time
Your poetry's crap
Can't even spell, punctuations non existent
So I'll write for my fans I've only got two
But they like my work so f..k you

I'll put pen to paper
Join beautiful words
Write a poem for the masses
I could use big words
I don't understand, look to the dictionary for every line
Leave a blankness in your head
Wondering what the hell it said

From this poem your feel astounded
Magnificent,marvellous, absolutly gorgeous
All the beautiful words I've put down
Look lovely, sound wonderful
But don't mean a thing

I'll tell you what is little-known
What school is like if you actually go
I never went to college you see
No chance of a university degree
Pretty much what you see
Is what you tend to get with me

I don't know how to write poetry
All I know is what's inside of me
The rawness, blatant truth
Sometimes happy, mostly not
My writing will shock
Make you see some truth
As raw as possible, this is what I do
I'll never sugar coat things
Make them easier to swallow
The big wide worlds out there and its  *ING horrible
African children dying in pain
Their mother's **** sliced off, ***** and maimed
Our boys fighting an endless war
So those countries can have much more
Children blowing themselves up
As their told its the way to God
This governments  
people are freezing
As our war veterans can't afford the heating
What kind of world is this that we live
When people are starving,dying and sick

Don't ask me to change my poetry again
Or I'll shout it from the roof of your office building
386 · Feb 2014
Your Demise
Your Demise

Tears as loose as the ribbon fluttering from your hair to the floor
Stepping back I wonder if this agony is justice
That a last breath
So you hold your head up high
As fate has sacrificed the utter astonishment from your eyes

There is but a wish
To close those eyes for good
I know this on the wind
Would help you if I could
Smile at your demise

Ill hold you in the palm of my hand
as if a sugar rose
Letting the sweetness perspire
Into my flesh
Ill hold you as this
As the sobs retch through your chest
Ill smile rather than laugh
As laughing takes more effort
More muscles contract

So we act
As if playing a game
The winner shall rise upon a white cloud steadfast and gallant
Towards the prize
I will smile at you loosing this
As he walks me home instead of you

Truth is I don't really want him
I taking him because I can
I'm seducing him as I never liked you much
I never said I was a good person
382 · Feb 2014
The end
The End

And as the days go by you rub away at me and peel back the pages of my skin
Soon I shall be raw sore and broken
As you undo me so you have undone me once again

And I am me and you are you and we are nothing

I am broken and your hands are too small to gather me up so I fall through the cracks each day a little more
Then what's left is the black side the dark spiteful Sharpe bits like leftovers of a roast chicken

Photos of us are in the shadows overcast by clouds our hands held strong covered by darkness sat with the what ifs and the could've done

So I wait and you wait for the sun to shift and show us the light again
But the clouds don't move and we never again feel the same

So we are gone fallen to the low ground the ground beneath the grounds where people rarely go as they never make it back again

Claw away at the mud cracked on our bodies trying to get to the light
Every day the we that we were is further away

After a time we close our eyes and forget what was till there is nothing left of us
Just two people that used to be in love
377 · Feb 2014
Just a smile
Just a smile
While passing the bar
It's all he needs
So he watches her
Long legs, blonde hair
As the music beats through her chest
Arms swinging above her head
Provocatively swaying her hips back and forth
Dancing just for him on the open floor
Men mesmerized by this utter stunner
Making him jealous, he's getting angrier
A magnificent woman
A goddess if there ever is one

Later he lays her out on a bed of silk
Fanning her hair like liquid gold
Tempting her with his delicate touch
For this night they're in love
Caressing her hips with his manly hands
Devouring her body with his own
Tantalizing tasting her lips with his tongue
A naked Angel he's just won
As she quivers beneath his touch
One last breath escapes her mouth
She is quiet, she is spent
Shuddering from her warm embrace
Removing his hands from her throat
Quietly leaving after collecting his clothes
Carefully not being seen or his wife will know

An Angel was found in the woods today
Naked from head to foot
On a makeshift bed of leaves
The most beautiful woman you've ever seen
Long hair, golden silk
She'd been drugged, ***** and killed
377 · Feb 2014
Your perfection
Your Perfection

You moulded me to your perfection then bounced me around the room
to show ownership of me to your friends

So I purred and smiled and batted my eyes

Acted asthough I enjoyed it

I loved all of them the way you taught me
So you were pleased for a while
For a while I was safe

You bent me out of shape and pushed me as far as I could take
So I tried to smile and bat my eyes but I couldn't help but cry
It made you happy for a while

These chains swing and hurt my wrists as they break and cut my veins

I'm lying here alone unclaimed
I wish to feel the hurt again
I want the tears upon my face
The cold gleam in your eye
I need you to be happy for a while

The darkness stinks, I'm in disgrace all used up a broken face
Bones are broken beneath the skin
I love your smile you've such a grin
Now at least your happy again
373 · Feb 2014
For a second
For a Second

Just for a second there
You could of been him
Just for a second
But for the clothes your wearing
Eyes the colour of straw
You could of been him then
When I saw you from over there

Turn your head just slightly
Yes there it is again
That air of masculinity
Your cheekbones are the same
Your hair the same shade of brown
So dark it could be black

Just for a second there I thought I had him back

For a second my tummy dropped
My knees they felt all weak
Hands they had some feeling back
I swear my heart did leap

For a second there
All was right
Again I felt complete
The missing in me filled back up
A smile began to break

I am nothing without him
I rattle around in my skin
Trying to make some sense
Of why his life did end

Just for a second there you could of been him
Just for a second

— The End —