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Aug 2012 · 625
is it love?
Lisa Aug 2012
love for fidelity sake
leads you past the earth shake
lends the ears and makes thighs quake

Lisa Aug 2012
Shall my thin lips find the base of your co ck
Shall I linger a while playfu.l and demure
Shall the walls built between us fade a little more as the words purr
Whistling trees become silent in our connection
Staring at your face of the welcoming pleasure
So soon the wait will seem like time is still
and you will thank me for loving you so well
Jul 2012 · 801
Strapped to your pain
Lisa Jul 2012
She stood inside the doorway
awaiting the betrayal of whispers told
I dare not give into the paranoia her eyes hold

Her anger is cast in a direction lost
Her pain is evident at a greater cost
No rest for souls spent up with hate

The weariness of my gaze
should explain my need
Longing for rest
since the day
made my heart
Jul 2012 · 589
Her untimely presence
Lisa Jul 2012
A gleaming thought projected from the lady so undetected
inside the fenced gate where she starred at the stones
the ghostly silhouettes underneath
a frightening owl shined his beak
Summer brighter than years before
She sits much nearer to the bedroom door
...for in shortened shorts and tightest shirt...a silence overcomes the earth
Waiting for the golden hour to chime......the lady fades away in time
Jul 2012 · 785
if I told you a secret....
Lisa Jul 2012
I can do all but help you with your self inflicted schadenfreude mind...'s these days I barely muster strength and will enough to pardon myself from ill thoughts that provoke sadness...

still my thighs are chubby but have yet to fully throttle against one another
...aaahh the wavy thread of fat that gathers at the waist still evident as I try to find ways to camouflage....

another rising in my throat as I accustom myself to others self inflicting wounds...
....the phlegm and sadness finds it's way rising up to try to choke me

phlegm---like the water from the glass that trickles into the windpipe--- avoiding it's intended destination...
you know the one---the way it should help not hinder....
the way people should use kindness not splinter

— The End —