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1.6k · Nov 2013
The Nightmare
LiquidMetalFox Nov 2013
Tossing to and fro as if combating a hostile sea/ dark thoughts cloud the inner sanctum of my mind/ the distress, the bitterness, the anguish, the grief, the sadness, the lonliness, the unfathomably lustful pain/ that I face burn with the intensity of the fires of hell that await me/ Guardians of chaos; harvesters of damsels come for me that I drown in their sins/ rip the fabric of my consciousness asunder/ my ***** sing an aria of sorrow, listen to the requiem of the ******/ a miasma of death flood my bowels/ decay enters my womb and I plunge deeper into madness/  I'm an error; a fault of life as the demonic servants consume my flesh for what feels like a eternity/ as we desend in to the pit of blasphemy, defilement, pagans, and idol worshippers/ he deprives my spirit of the rightousness, tears it from its mortal bond and it unfurls into a ethereal cloud of emptiness/ being ravaged my capture looks off in the distance as if performing an exhibition/ with every touch I feel dead inside all the while the nightmare watches with a disgustingly grim grin....

This was written for a art history class inspired by "The Nightmare" by Henry Fuseli
Tell me what you think of the interpretation!!
1.4k · Sep 2013
LiquidMetalFox Sep 2013
Entering the void with rainy eyes induced by the manipulating agent who was undercover under her covers. And as the rush came this lush dame was soon abandon in the emptiness which were her hopes and dreams/ she could not cope but scream in the darkness that now became her home. She graps at truth but it eludes her, only the false promises that were pumped into her heart remain. They whisper to her constantly, spewing poison in a fading mind, eviserated spirit; body laying in twisted sheets staring at a pitch black celling that reminds her of the heart that was cruely tricked and abandoned longing for the simpler times, but is now choked by the thorns of lost love.  Faith fades, confusion takes hold of once unshakable consciencness of oneself, paradise is lost; a dystopia now surrounds a once blissful secure island of Elysian splendor. Left alone, scorned; this furious angel is being driven maddingly insane by the cold silence that has taken the place of a loving embrace. A million thoughts and questions flood her mind but only one replays itself, "why"? And each time a tiny piece of her heart falls into her hand and slips out of the cracks like grains of sand. But this once radiant muse that would make even the mighty aphrodite envious must pull herself together for the burning light of reality is shining through the darkness cutting through revealing the vacancy which she did not think was possible and face the truth that her thoughts were not her own, but a well contructed fairy tale told from the parasitic snake that fed off her passionate trusting heart. She cries for release to come soon, but alas a new day is steady approaching and now she must hide that pain with a untruthful smile to take attention from the empty void left in her chest; as for the rest? That is unknown......
1.1k · Oct 2013
Good Evening Mr. Hitchcock
LiquidMetalFox Oct 2013
Welcome to suspense
Thought provoking horror
Invoking the mystic art of story telling
Compelling tales weave in and out of a curious yet terrified mind
Stimulated senses, feeling dread, body tenses, psychologically on edge
Eyes widen, teeth clinched as the next scene unfolds
Security blanket wrapped inside tight fist closed
You travel into the unknown; you want to know what's there,
that is why you are here to experience the unseen
The strange and obscene
This is the emotion of mystery; pondering what the outcome will be
The fate of our beloved hero or heroine has already been determined by the grand puppet master
Ladies and Gents the Director of these wonderfully constructed ill-fated events presents the conclusion
that blows the mind, jerks the tears, and chills the spine
You have just become a victim of a maetro's imagination, "to provide the audience with beneficial shocks"

*Just having a little fun with this one
1000 · Nov 2013
Trapped in Carbonite
LiquidMetalFox Nov 2013
Deathly silent all around
lungs ache from screaming vain cries
eternal darkness surrounds
the only clear voices heard are that of a tormented mind
isolated from the rest of the world
bound and chained by insecurities
wanting to break free from an unseamingly indestructible prison
Despire; that phantom meance blocks the vision
and carves an incision into any remaining sanity
Strained breaths become louder
the end being echoed in a societal made coffin
the internal flame snuffed out
this once indigo child; strange and beautiful
now no longer in the mood for life
has given up on the chance of rescue
frozen in her own pain
all that was left were the droplets of a crying maiden
890 · Oct 2013
My mind is a whore for you
LiquidMetalFox Oct 2013
To you I come without question
my thoughts intensify from anticipation
my mind wants to be taken to to your low place
full of despire and filth that Hades itself would not follow
My mental *******
I no longer sense reason or justice, but a craving for the one who devours me
A lustful carnivore feasting on the forbidden areas of my psyche
creating the delusion of me being closer to fine
distorting my thoughts for your own perverted pleasures
I despise it, yet I long for it
I'm nothing without your cunning tongue
As you slide you words in my frontal lobe and play with the private parts of my subconscience
My Mind; that strangely isolated place yearns for another
even if that other destroys the foundation and tears the threads that hold my mental stability in place
but at least in this place though used and abused I'm not alone....My mind is a ***** for you
839 · Oct 2013
I am a Monster
LiquidMetalFox Oct 2013
I told you I wanted you and I didn't
I poured sincere lies into you
I was slowly destroying you and you didn't even know it
I gave you a heart that doesn't exist
   What you hold is artifcial
   just another well built lie
I am a murderer
A killer of confidence, joy, hope
I deprived you of the one thing you hold dear....self respect
   Innocence is lost
   Truth is no more
   No one can give it back
   You are an empty husk
    Devoid of what made you a rational being
    Neither living nor dead
    Wondering with an insatiable need to fill something you will never have again
I haunt your dreams, your nightmares
I torment you in every face you see
I am a Monster
717 · Nov 2013
War with the dark gods
LiquidMetalFox Nov 2013
Traversing the pit of tartarus/ where we shall dance with the devil/ and the chaotic madness of the ravenous hordes who trample those old souls; would be heroes that sought vainglory/ not willing to suffer sacrafices needed/ counsel from the wise ones not heeded!/ we determined spirits war into the sunset as one unit, one mind, one force; we are legion. We are legend/ as we contend with the monster that hail from black mist/a dark sea of death and carnage/ and even though we appear to be battered and bruised, we are never beaten
655 · Oct 2013
Lady Night
LiquidMetalFox Oct 2013
Feeling your astral vibes
Listening to Tales of the forgotten melodies
Heavenly lullabies
My ear drums beat to your tempo
Drowning out the world's seductive lies
Your million brillant eyes stare into mine and lift my spirit to your height
Your soft breath rolls over my skin and relaxes my weary body
My elemental lover
I caress your celestial frame; that supple cosmic physique
I gaze at your illuminated soul you bare every evening
I lose myself when bathed in it
I am in love again
Thank you for releasing me from the pit of heresy cause of my disbelief in it
Oh my Lady Night may I rest in your eternal shade forever
508 · Sep 2013
A Torn Soul
LiquidMetalFox Sep 2013
Trying to figure out what my words are worth, as I float as lonely as a cloud/ you used to hold me like a child/ now I'm rolling in denial/ at you I loathingly smile/ as you ripped my heart; stripped the flesh and salted the wound/ you were the best and I exalted you to heights no mortal should go or ascend/ I should've known my soul you would offend, when I saw you stitching your wings and inserting batteries in your halo/ but I paid no attention 'cause I was itching to be loved/ I was only a pawn, sacrificed to be burned on the alter of the false gods; defilers of pure love/ pure love? of that I'm no longer sure of/ but if there's one thing I'm in pursuit of/ it's a cure of.....You!!!
466 · May 2014
bound by your flame
LiquidMetalFox May 2014
Encased in its beauty
Calmed by its warmth
Fueled by its passion
Let its insatiable will consume me
For I was but an ember, but the fires of thy love have awakened every fiber in my being
Now i live once again! Rescued from the dark asylum; released from a hollowed prison into your hallowed ***** by thy cleansing justice
You have filled this empty vessel with something not even love can express
flooded it with truth that can withstand any false attack!
And with that may the armour that you have gifted me reflect the brillance of your unbrideled love forever
Unwavering; Bound by your Flame
455 · Apr 2014
Dark Sky Blues
LiquidMetalFox Apr 2014
Endless shade blanket the heavens
Birds cease their beautiful melodies
Oceans stand still as the moon halts its protective light
The sun dying; hiding behind the horizon
Time has takes her hands off this forsaken place
soon forgotten and lost by the one that created it
Life relinqished; spirit fades and the fire inside extingushed from mere words spoken transformes one wraith-like
Walking the desolate plains seeking atonement for sins one hast not committed
Trials are not held for one such as I, only ******* awaits this guilty innocent
despite the blackness that surrounds there are embers in this withering heart that still flicker for my emotional sadist
Loves executioner/
in my folly, shackled, I'm still pursuing her
so to the stars, moon, and sun never shine your light again because then
soon it will be cold enough for you to want me to hold you
some random words came to me in the middle of the night
423 · Dec 2013
Dial up
LiquidMetalFox Dec 2013
My life is like being trapped inside a computer...with a slow connection.....ERROR 404 file not found.....
405 · Aug 2014
stop running
LiquidMetalFox Aug 2014
They say you are a contradiction of life! No you are a contradiction of the norm and the mundane/ you're raw and unchanging/ different and amazing/ the embodiment of the excellence that's missing in this damaged world/ so stop running from who and what you are and only run towards fate/ as you may be the only one who can save us from our sad state....
400 · Jul 2014
Electric Blue
LiquidMetalFox Jul 2014
I can barely breathe, time stands still as if I was a stone sentinel
I nary see another soul but yours/ droplets of rain dance around you as it pours
she is the star in their broadway show
she looks up, her stare stops the heart from beating,for that look killed the person I once was
I could swear you're under a street light, but oh no thats a natural glow, one that I must know
standing there piegon toed unsure of yourself
but I was sure of one thing, you were going to be caught; by me
only in my thoughts I see
a peek of the unique mystique emitting from a sleek physique
I imagine your words would stimulate and activate the left and right brain
I anticipate and steady await the gorgeous life we might obtain
happiness through one mind and one flesh
proof that we stood against time and fate's test
my tangible love; passion embodied
we fit hand and glove; I stand enthralled
in awe of what the heavens have brought
the lead role in my eyelid movies
in your departure the heavens must've fought to keep you,
but instead guided you to me
the girl whose eyes are of a radiant hue
oh how I must have you,
my dear electric blue......
248 · Aug 2017
Cross faded
LiquidMetalFox Aug 2017
An unsteady tempo beats in my temples/ I speak in a strange tongue, an unknown dialect escapes my lips/ curious watchful glazes litter the uneven room that I slowly navigate/ it rocks back and forth, I ask, " where is the captain to this ship"? Those watchful eyes I mentioned now look with laughter some with disgust/ it is a must no imperative to find an area of safety/ I hate it but the constant swaying has cause sickly bowels/ as I continue to speak the strange language an even stranger liquid I begin to spew forth! What's happening!!?? Now darkness is all I see before me/ it seems like days/ I remember nothing/ I awake to see the that I am in different rocking ship/ more watching eyes/ I still speak the same unknown language hearing the same uneven tempo.......will this dream ever end? Will I be forever doomed to repeat the same cycle? Well, at least I have something for this persistent thrist
LiquidMetalFox Aug 2017
like a child running thru a flock of geese enjoying the rush or that same child flying with arms wide open down the aisle of the local grocery store saying, "hi" to every unique face. Not thinking about what someone thinks, not bogged down by troubles that the world has brought upon themselves but looking thru a pair of curious eyes where the world is beautiful, where every person is interesting. Creating fun out of a shoe box, the colander that mom drained the water from noodles for the spaghetti last night, and a wooden spoon slaying a dragon that happens the family dog asleep/ the carefree laughter of butterfly kisses from mom in public. Not caring if someone laughs at them, because she doesn't see them only their mother's smile. It's the presence of innocence to make you believe in people again......
That's what freedom looks like; in case you were wondering
119 · Nov 2020
Devil Eyes
LiquidMetalFox Nov 2020
Do with me as you please/ partake of my flesh/ consume my soul/ oh devil eyes; they terrorize/intimidate/ mesmerize/ I'm tempting fate/ break me down,
reconstruct me in your deformed image/ I fall and crumble like the impregnable walls you are now inside/ with the look of desire I know now false but it doesn't matter for I am as damnable as you/ looking for trust in lust the definition of insanity for believing in such/ this fallacy! It's madding!/ Those devil eyes causing me to lean toward those earnest lies that drip from you lips on to mine/ tears roll down my cheeks/ you taste them with a serpentine smile/ dearest despair why do I crave you so......cause it's too quiet/ and quiet feels too much like loneliness

— The End —