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I had a dream
about the ocean

white beaches and
seagulls making the
light flicker as they
fly over me

I had a dream
about the ocean

wild currents and
unknown forms of life
staring at me without
me noticing them

I had a dream
about the ocean

the reflection of
thesunset, carved
into the sea while
painted on the sky
and the salty wind
drying my eyes

I had a dream
about the ocean

black waves ragin
at rocks and humans
and all things disturbing peace
and screaming that I will
never know its secrets

I had a dream
about the ocean

picking up little treasures
it left for me, shipwrecked
little secrets I will
never know where came
from, and the ocean
will smile secretively back
I used to see
in a golden
drop of water
in the sound of
falling leaves
in the arms of solitude

the words are still
there, but not
to me
all I find is
it runs
through my fingers

it all ends up
in a puddle
on the floor
and I'm in too deep
to know whether it's
blood or tears or gasoline

there's only one way
to find out now

*pass me a match
the stars are bleeding
but the city lights
are too strong
for anyone to

they call to me
but I have
no words left
only an empty gaze
as the world melts away

my words were taken
and now they
are dead and

I know
because you returned
them, sent them
in the mail
no note or return address

still I know
it was from you
only you had the
power to take
away my words

I'm empty now
and I was never
full to begin with

and now the
stars are bleeding
while I just
and you don't even
know it's happening

because the stars are
bleeding, and an
empty gaze will not be
Oh, if the world
would only give me
a moment of

There’s a beauty
in the mess of today
a beauty in the
chaos of meaningless words
like autumn leaves
running down the
gutter, driven by
water and wind

But if only winter
could lay a sheet
of snow there, to cover
it all
to let me rest
from what I’m running from
let me sleep under
the clear sky and
dream of nothingness
so I won’t have to
listen anymore, so I
can find
You speak for us
about us
not to us
without listening to
so you don’t speak
for yourselves anymore
why would you?
others should

What happened to
scratching out
your own pattern
in the cave walls and
making your own wings?

Why have you forgotten
that you have wings
and that you can
be weightless
if only for seconds?

You only teach us
about results and test scores
if it’s forgotten tomorrow
well, I increased
the average score for you
they’ll give me a diploma
so I can show everyone
that I was able to
remember what I was told
without questioning
because you’re always right

You forgot
so you don’t teach us
that we can sow
our own seeds
in our own way
and **** our own plants
and after some time
maybe see one grow

Let us fight our own fight
and choose our own weapons
not your medieval ones
they’re useless against the
enemies we face

Let us sing
without being given
sheets and lyrics
that have nothing to do
with us
there’s a song in us too

Let us write
what we know
what we feel
what we learned
not from teachers
but from the smell of fog
from the rays of sunlight
shining through a prism
from water making our
hair seem weightless

Let us speak
without being spoken to
without a manuscript
that’s not from our hearts

Then you can be
proud of us
really, truly proud
and that’s nothing like
empty smiles and
black and white diplomas

— The End —