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Nov 2019 · 247
lindsey rose Nov 2019
Our love,
My dear,
Could move mountains.
It could redirect
The course of rivers,
And it could
Force Mother Nature
On her knees.

Our love,
My sweet,
Commanded the seasons.
With the rise of our passion
Grew ferns and
Budding sweet peas.
Yet now
The remnants of our affection,
Branded on golden leaves,
Fall, dead, to the ground.

Our love,
My dove,
Is cold as the snow
Where Mother Nature
Her throat slit
And her blood
Colouring the sweet
Ground beneath her
And her lips
A solemn goodbye.
Oct 2019 · 189
lindsey rose Oct 2019
Lets blaze through mountain trails
        While the setting sun
                   Blows her flames unto the trees
                   And breathes our gentle trail,
         Through a glowing mask of life,
To death
Aug 2019 · 111
And his name was infinity
lindsey rose Aug 2019
Like the waves that crashed on the shoreline
And sent shivers down my spine.
Like the infinite sweeping 'cross the sand
Only to be ****** out to sea.
The endless blue horizon tempting me forward
With the only promise being a briny death.

His name was infinity
With eyes of raging oceans
And with skin akin to sea foam.
Always tempting me forward,
Always beckoning me to follow him
Into the salty underwater chasms.

Those chasms,
I thought them to be his love,
Deep and endless,
But I soon came to know
That those chasms that captured my heart
Hadn't a trace of his.
Aug 2019 · 141
I love you
lindsey rose Aug 2019
Theres fragments of my soul
Scattered around one word

You are
In every breath i take
In every tear that falls
In every blade of grass
In every star in the night sky

You are
My everything

I see you
Everywhere i go
I hear your sweet voice
In every swooning song
I feel you
I feel your arms
Wrapped tight around my heart
Squeezing the life out of me

Never let go
and this is my most recent one :) i'm not sure theres much of an improvement in my writing, but theres an improvement in my mental state, and thats all i care about. i'm gonna keep posting some old pieces until i run out
Aug 2019 · 87
I Want
lindsey rose Aug 2019
I want it to be 50 degrees and raining
Chilly enough for a jacket or hoodie
I’d be in the basketball court down by the park
Bouncing around a ball,
Shooting baskets,
Trying to spin the ball on my finger.
Then i want it to rain
I’d start running around the court
It’d be barely cold enough to see my breath
Coming out in gasping clouds
Maybe then the rain would pick up
And i would lay down on the cold concrete
Feeling the rain fall on my face,
Feeling the weight of a soaked jacket,
And feeling the weight of my thoughts on my mind
Im afraid of what they may think,
The ones who gather outside the basketball court,
Waiting to see what i make of this game.
I want to be able to scream,
Cry without having to worry about the world hearing me.
The rain would continue to pour
I want the people to leave.
I want them to realize im not going to entertain them with a game.
The world smells new
Like the rain is washing away
The fear and doubt that plagues my mind.
I dont want the rain to stop.
I dont want to leave the basketball court
That has provided me a place
Of such devine comfort.
So i stay,
And the rain continues to pound against me.
This is the first poem i ever really finished! Wrote it over a year ago now :)

— The End —