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Lindsey Williams Nov 2011
Every nerve in my body was withering in,
Away from my fingers and toes.
Numb because I have to be.
Numb because I don’t want to know.
Please, please I know that I asked,
But if i’d known it was this, i’d have stayed out of your past.
There is a reason that thoughts are safe in your head
But now that I know my heart sinks like lead.
Now that I know, I don’t want to know.
Lindsey Williams Nov 2011
A barren road,
Clandestine place.
The path unwalked,
Sand undisplaced.
The final destination,
The route unpaved,
The end location,
Travelers be brave.
No light.
No pavement.
No lingering sounds from a nearby city.
Just a heart that pounds.
Lindsey Williams Nov 2011
Daisy May, dear Daisy May,
Always sweet as apple pie.
She never seemed to frown,
And would never harm a fly.
Under her spell, the boys would fall
At the bat of just one eye.

Straight A’s in school,
Never broke a rule.
Her parents can’t complain.
Bright blue eyes, and flowing hair,
And a smile as convincing as a dare.
But alone she sits at lunch,
And alone she is all day.
This is the sad story
Of the girl named Daisy May.

Under a mask, she did hide
Every part of her that did not abide,
With her fake facade of content and glee,
And everything she did not want to be.
She hated how alone she felt.
She hated how she looked.
She hated how she could memorize every word inside a book,
But the one thing that she wanted was too far outside her nook.
Everything came to easy to Daisy May,
But her plastic shell was slowly cracking,
As she pretended everyday.

She was always praised for her work,
But all she wanted was a friend.
And in the end nothing matters,
Not grades, awards or anything she read.
“Daisy May has Run Away” all the local papers said.
But after this point, no one ever mentioned her again.

No one cared to look for her,
And no one ever would.
She had tried with all her might,
She tried as hard she could.
To hid behind a pen, behind a book, behind a smile.
But that plastic grin could only last for such a little while.

Ten years later, in a tree, near the outskirts of the town,
Some kids found a journal that was worn and beaten down.
The pages were filled with lists and doodles, with poems and fears,
Every page stained so deep, as if it had been cried in for years.
On the very last page, in deep red ink,
A rhyme was written, so potent the words seemed to stink:
“Daisy May is Dead.
She’s hanging from a thread.
All I ever wanted was a friend.”

They never did find the corpse of Daisy May,
But some say she still haunts the tree,
Where she sat alone,
Shed her mask and cried in secret,
Each and every day.
Lindsey Williams Nov 2011
It all began with an explosion,
Some force from outer space.
We don’t know how this all happened
But we know this is the case.
Billions of years upon the making
Churning, burning, spinning fast
The chances so slim for our existence
But that point, I will make last.
There is no god, we all just happened
Please get that through your mind.
It’s all part of nature’s cycle.
Humanity it blind.
The birds.
The trees.
The sky.
The night.
What makes more sense
Is a god who said “Let there be light”.
Explain to me how love evolved,
The beauty of the trees.
How everything is naturally pleasing.
The birds and the bees.
No animal loves the way we do,
And yet we see no proof?
There is no gene for jealousy or lust
And still humanity’s aloof.
My belief in god
Does not hang on numbers or in books.
My belief in god
Is found in all the crannies and the nooks.
The beauty!
The beauty!
Explain to me the beauty
Of the sunset,
Of the grass,
Of the person you love.
How can you look at them
And still believe there’s nothing above?
All just a collection of organized chaos and parts
Passed down through careful selection void of divine art.
How do we know what’s right, what’s wrong?
You cannot rationalize that our consciences just came along.
I don’t rely on science or math to tell me what is fact.
I only can speak of what I feel, and how I choose to act.
I don’t know exactly what is out there, or what religion is true.
But I know that there’s more out there than just me and you.
If you believe there is no god,
There is no wrong or right.
So do what you want,
Nothing matters, its alright.
We are nothing but random chemicals,
Thrown together at some time on some night.
And somehow,
Through luck,
By chance,
By fate,
Everything was beautiful.
Everything was beautiful.
Lindsey Williams Nov 2011
Words on the the walls of a subway train
Safe from weather, safe from rain
Locked inside, no need to hide
Anonymous thoughts from a sullen mind
Anonymous feelings from a girl that’s a freak
Anonymous heart of a man who’s meek
Anonymous cries from a mother who grieves
Anonymous scribbles from a boy who can’t even read
Void of context, and missing a name
What’s written here has not been tamed
An open book with pages never to fill
Clandestine catharsis, the panacea pill

— The End —