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3.4k · Jan 2010
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
Quickly flashes by like a cheetah sprinting through the forest
Hazardous electrical storm which causes damage
Strikes through with it's force
Bundled in the cloud's wrath and fury
It leaves with the satisfaction of the sight's ruin.
3.2k · Jan 2010
I am
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
I am
Independent, strong, me
I care about being free, and the love of my friends.
Loyalty is important to me
Citizenship is important to me
Love is important to me
Don't forget the ones you've loved
Fighting is bad, but it makes us stronger down the road
I take too much for granted
Dream as if you'll live forever
Life is too short for regrets
I am.
1.9k · Feb 2010
Worthless Snack
Lindsey McCarty Feb 2010
You lied, and cheated,Shattered my trust,I believed the fake feelings,Was fully blind to your phony lust.There isn't a point,Of shadowing betrayal,The pain and tears and heartbreak, Keep arriving without fail.So, thank-you for my fantasy,Of thinking we were one,The scars inscribed inside my chest,Can never be undone.Friends don't make you choose,Therefore I'm picking for you,Have fun with that ***** *****,Another flake for you to breeze through.So, in the end, i'm the fooled *****,You're just a useless ****,As they say, we are what we eat,So go **** your two inch stick.
Inspired By Nathan Heinz
1.6k · May 2010
Rollercoaster Ride
Lindsey McCarty May 2010
The roller coaster ride
I never got on
Spinning and twirling
Wish so badly to be withdrawn

Feels like the world's crashing
I'm screaming and turning
As we spin downward
My head's thrashing and burning

As the train rises upward
The crowd is ecstatic
We turn to the left, wrong exit
All turn more dramatic

As we're racing our wheels
Sharp turns, narrow corners
We leave some behind
Emotionless mourners

This ride is strictly
For ones seeking adventure
Willing to make difference
Not nine-inning benchers

So as the ride empties
And all fade away
I notice this trip was a lifetime
As some would say

You lived yours quite wisely
Did not take for granted
A perfect example
Of a hip-hooray chanted

You didn't sign up for this
But this all meant so much
Even when your hope sank low
Your destiny was a personal crutch
1.6k · Jan 2010
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
Living through this tragedy
All because of you
Understanding what you've done to me
Is almost impossible
A joke
And I trusted you.
1.4k · Jan 2010
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
I love you with all my heart
I love you with all my soul
A great friendship which we seek
Turned into more behold.

This feeling that has started
Gets more prudent everyday
You'll be mine forever
Nothing else to say.
Inspired By Nathan Heinz
1.2k · Jan 2010
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
The one who was there
When no one else could be
The one who cheered me up
And promised not to leave.

When that promise meant no more
I look at you with pain
Wondering what I did to you
That could've cause this awful strain.
Inspired By Kasaundra Watta
1.2k · Jan 2010
Losing Touch
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
Being torn between them both
Which one should I choose?
The one I went through Hell to keep
Or the one who would be hell to lose.

The one who's always on my mind
Is the one who stole my heart
But if it's really meant to be
I don't know where to start.

Do I tell him that I love him?
Do I tell him how I feel?
It all seems like my fantasy
It's too good to be real.

My heart longs for this boy
And he can put it to an end
By telling me you want this too
Being more than friends.

People like him
I just can't let go
I want for him to notice me
I just want him to know.

When I said "I love you"
I meant it in a way
Of saying to be with me
Every minute, everyday.

I know I've never said it
I want to tell you though
I'm in love with you
My heart tells me so.

Your face, your voice, your beauty
It all pulls me in
My heart beats for you
Skipping thumps again.

I don't think you want me
In the same exact way
But I see you drifting slowly
Getting farther everyday.

I know that I must stop you
And that "us" deserves a chance
At more than just a friendship
But more of a romance.

I say it all the time
And I'll repeat myself again
I love you more than you think
I hope you understand.
Inspired By Nathan Heinz & Nathan Hartman
1.1k · Jan 2010
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
She's ready to spread her wings and fly
Show her inner beauty and bloom
Sick of being told she's not good enough
When the outside's all they've seen
Not given a chance to show who she is
They turn away from her appearance
She has disadvantages
Ah has flaws
But she's her.
1.0k · Jan 2010
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
Appeals to my eye
But doesn't know I exist
Waiting for him
Is pure agony
Walks right by
Without noticing a thing.
1.0k · Jan 2010
Best Friends Forever
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
The girl in my life
That's been here all along
Grown up with me
As our friendship stayed strong.

We played with dolls
And played dress up too
We did everything
That little girls do.

A few years passed by
We got rid of our toys
Began wearing make-up
And flirting with boys.

Boys did hurt me
And I didn't care
Because I knew my best friend
Would always be there

Six years of friendship
Has flown by so fast
But we're best friends forever
I know it'll last.
Inspired By Dakota Schmidt
873 · Jul 2010
The Holder Of The Gun
Lindsey McCarty Jul 2010
Baby, there's no other,
No someone else,
It's hard to balance this love,
Feelin' like my heart's on stilts

Can't look down,
No, I can't turn around,
They say to love with your life,
But, I don't know how,
Baby, these walls,
They're crashing down,
Just wish you were here to see me now.

Her heartbeat gets faster,
At last her,
Lungs give out,

She's bleedin,
Just wishin' she was dreamin',
She don't want this life no more,
So used to droppin' and leavin'.

But this game she's playin',
All it does is mess with her heart,
Her soul shatters,
And falls apart,
At the scene,
Left with senseless scars.

Now she's screamin',
As her death's redeemin',
"I don't want this pain in my chest!"
Lord, put me to rest!

Never wake me up, bury me deep,
Make sure it's deep enough that n one will hear my screams.

No rear windows,
Can't change what's done,
Her soul lifts beyond the sun,
It wasn't supposed to be her, she wasn;t the one.
Lucky for her, the guilt lies within the holder of the gun.
849 · Jan 2010
My Prince Charming
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
The beautiful figures
Unimaginable passion
His presence makes me skip a beat
He speaks my name and makes me shudder
Amazing beyond compare
I look into those deep, riveting eyes
Only to find the returned intensive feeling
Which burns with grasp
Between him and I.
Inspired By Backwoods
Lindsey McCarty Jun 2010
Will we ever see eachother eye to eye?
Or will everything you told me turn out as a lie?
Everywhere I turn, I see your name, it's on the wall.
Too weak to bear this heartache, my hope begins to slowly fall.

Hope for happiness has vanished, nothing to look forward to.
Wearier to discover my love was but a joke to you.
My whole body begins to shake as I imagine a life without a guide.
I still feel the spark between us, even after you cheated and lied.

I'm beginning to notice all of this is a game you've created inside your head.
I set my heart to every lie you fed me, believed every 'I love you' said.
As I wollow, becoming more hopeless with every shortened breath.
To careless to live, awaiting for the day of my welly yearned death.

My dripping wrists are being scraped with this tiny shard of rust.
So this is my alternative to our passionate lust?
If pain is all that gives me drive to live.
I'll pick up every scent of my blood and breathe it all in.

I've replaced the moaning and pleasure for sobs of agony.
If only you did care that soon, you'll be the death of me.
Exempt from a heart beating in my chest, I start to drift away.
Her whole body, numb and broken, getting sicker everyday.

No one cares for her goodbyes, as she prepares to leave.
Her only choice was to die without love, or so she did believe.
With bloodshot eyes, and her soul still shading rotten.
Her red blood goes out to the girl this cold world has forgotten.
800 · Feb 2010
No More Pain
Lindsey McCarty Feb 2010
A broken heart,
Is a crime unsolved,
In a crazy world,
With nothing resolved.

A lonely soul,
Is a wasted try,
But she will perservere,
until the day she dies.

A broken promise,
Is an easy let down,
All trust fades to black,
Till you come back around.

A single rose,
In the hands of the one,
Could brighten your day,
Make all cursed become undone.
Inspired By Nathan Heinz
781 · May 2010
Lindsey McCarty May 2010
You love me
Are you sure?
So hard to believe
After what you made me endure

I want to believe you learned
But you've hurt me so much
We used to be perfect
Now i frown at your very touch

I look into your eyes
But only to see
All the pain and anger
That lives inside of me

Just like a daydream
This all fades to grey
As i'm left in the dust
To rot and decay

When these three words
Are directed from you
Questioning your love
Is the most I can do
729 · Jan 2010
Pure Beauty
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
The sights around
Aren't something I would trade
Wish the sun would never set
And the beauty would never fade.

The crashing waves
Across the shore
And the water changes shades
To that aqua I adore.

After the sun's shadowed
It leaves it's passion in the air
Although you cannot see it
He left it's imprint there.
712 · Mar 2010
Through The Keys
Lindsey McCarty Mar 2010
Black and white keys are beautifully stroked,
Under these tips, her true feel is cloaked.

The magic of the symphony, hymens her to play,
As music escapes her aching soul, the mind is left a sway.

For this is the only break from the madness, her only place for peace,
So her fingers wind wildly, as the emotions in the air increase..

Her get away to another home is found within the keys,
So she plays her dil, and the music goes still, freedom and happiness, finally at ease.
695 · Jan 2010
I Don't Understand
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
I don't understand
Why life is so confusing
Why people commit crimes
Why we don't live forever
But most of all
Why people leave you when you need the most
Why they let abortion take place
Why love can't last
Why you laugh until you cry
What I understand most is
True friends never fade
You don't appreciate what you have till it's gone
Why it's called a crush
Nobody's perfect.
691 · May 2010
Girl in the Mirror
Lindsey McCarty May 2010
Girl in the mirror
Girl in the mirror
People witness her smiles
Although she lives in fear

Suicidal thoughts
Are streaming through her brain
Thinking no one cares for her
Only causes her more pain

Her life is a burdon
To everyone she knows
She's just an outsider
Fake emotion is all she shows

The cutting and burning
Are not doing her well
Has she stooped so low as to
Sell herself to hell?

Doesn't give a ****
If she bleeds until she dies
Nobody notices the countless cuts
That represent her desperate cries

Trying to realize
Why she was made
Her hand begins to quiver
While she pushes away the ****** blade

Her last plees for help
Shine completely through her mask
She needs someone to love
Bever had the strength to ask

Girl in the mirror
Girl in the mirror
You don't have to live in pain
For all you agony has dissapeared
687 · Jul 2010
Ashes, Ashes.
Lindsey McCarty Jul 2010
So this is my fate?
This Rock hard
Silver Slate
Of Metal...
Stick it to my wrist, then shove a little.

Leads me t my thrush holding dream
Take me away to destiny,
All my blood inside of me

Gushing Out,
Rushing out,
No other ways to get out!

So I depart,
Broken heart, new start.

No more decisions to be decided
No more laws to be abided

Hell, Imma do what I want, and say what I like,
Yah know why ******'? I run this life.

Ain't no one gonna tear me down,
Shoo, listen hear baby, I own this town.
Don't waste yur time trying to flip a frown
This one's solid, like cemented ground

If yah like what yah see
I'll break down to my knees
Begging you to set me free
Emotionally, mentally
Anyway, let go of me!

Burst my brains out, so I know how you feel
Baby, these emotions are too unreal

As I leave your ring
Beside your bed,
Kiss your head,

Light the match,
No lookin' back,

Burn myself to the mother ******* ground,
Ashes, ashes, my body falls down.
683 · Jun 2010
Lindsey McCarty Jun 2010
Why do I try oh so hard
For love I never will recieve
I convince myself to fall for you
And your sickening lie, I believe

I give it my all, for us
To be passionate together
But I'm wobbling on this platform
And your heart controls the lever

My heart has been blackened
Beyond what most would attempt repair
Left sobbing in pure darkness
With brown eyes flooded with despair

Heartbreak's first form of agony
Awaiting pain to slash me deep
Just when I starve for your warmth the most
My heart to cold for you to heat

So I scream to the heavens "Why do I live?"
Am I doing this only to breathe
This forsaken love, that never existed
In which I still try to believe.
Inspired By Nate Heinz.
683 · May 2010
Mother's Day
Lindsey McCarty May 2010
My mom is great
My mom is terrific
She is always there for me
Let's lay down some specifics

She birthed me, she bathed me
And held me when I cried
She was there for my first steps
And caught me on the slide

As i grew older
She sent me off to school
Showed me how to be polite
And to follow all the rules

Taught me how to swim
Helped me ride a bike
Cooked all of my food for me
So I could find out what i liked

She'll be there when I'm off to prom
For my first heartbreak
She loves me and forgives me
For all of my mistakes

I am still growing older
Not long, and I'll be gone
But everything I learned from her
I'll be sure to carry on

On day I'll be laying
She'll be beside me all the way
The day I have a child
I will turn to her and say

Mom, you've raised me strong and well
I'll be a good mom too
I don't think this plan could go wrong
With a terrific mom like you
Inspired By My Mother
665 · May 2010
Lindsey McCarty May 2010
******* me over, every single day
Wish this pointless life I'm living, had more to say
All my soul is hearing, is this screaming erray

Losing more grip on life, with every painful good-bye
It is turning out, this whole world before me is all a lie
My heart is telling me, I will never have the strength to fly
I lay here in this bed of thorns, and cry, cry, cry.

Perservering does no good, when all i do is bleed
Dripping out the agony, my soul must soon be freed
Freed today, or freed tomorrow, I will surely die if I'm in lead
Everything I do in life, I'm failing to succeed
So instead of trying for same pride, I bleed, bleed, bleed.
Inspired By Hot Chelle Rae
658 · Jan 2010
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
I love you
Which is needlessly said
I wish you were here
To clear my crowded head.

The pain keeps returning
And then I want you more
My feelings are stronger
Then ever before.

You didn't understand
And you probably never will
I'll try my hardest to stay strong
Although I need you still.
Inspired By Nathan Heinz
658 · Dec 2010
Out To War
Lindsey McCarty Dec 2010
the world has not yet met the peace, when this battle's taking place
the men in their camo, doing us right
loved ones, and strangers doing their best
to keep the world peaceful, they fight

for all that is good in the world
they sacrifice by leaving their land behind
we pray for the strength of the courageous
and we give out our all to the ones who have died

while our loved ones are over seas serving
we'd love them to be safe and unharmed
although she's away, i'll think of her today
while she lays her pride down, and bears arms.

while we await their return from the treacherous journey
families eager and anxious to finally embrace
with their trooper that has been gone for so long
to finally see her face to face

they unboard the passengers, dressed head to toe in grey and green
as women men and children jump ut of their seats
cuz we all know, that now she's home
that hole in a families heart, that missing part, is finally complete <3
This poem is dedicated to my cousin, Erin.
657 · Feb 2010
Worth It?
Lindsey McCarty Feb 2010
She longs to fit in, and feel like she's wanted,
The neverendingness of being laughed at and taunted.

Doesn't consider the future, or what her loved ones would think
She puts that bottle to her lips and gulps down a swig-

She forces down a few more, as her friends do as well
The dizziness kicks in and the headaches excel

She's completely indifferent, taken over by her mind
Her body is functioned in all ways unkind

In the morning is only when she figures out
The ones she thought who were friends, she knew nothing about.

A real friend would pull you away from that situation
Instead they were amused by her risky contemplation.
To the teens being peer pressured, Say NO.
644 · Jun 2010
Count The Stars
Lindsey McCarty Jun 2010
His voice so soft, his stare is controlling
My head's way up in space, he has my eyes rolling
They are so far back in the pit of my head
So I can picture him holding me closely instead

As I sit, his arms embrace my touch
When I fall for him, he'll be there as my crutch
I listen to his heartbeat, racing in the dark
We lay under the moon, just counting the stars

I twine my fingers into his nicely
We both get lost under the whoosh of the night sea
In one another's stare, hearts pulsing and burning
Getting closer each moment to what my lips are yearning

He reaches slightly forward, wipes the bang from my cheek
Through the pushed strand, he makes it so I cannot speak
We melt as one, as he kisses me, my head's in mars
He holds me tight, forever, as we lay and count the stars.
Inspired By Tyler Keech
641 · Mar 2010
Fair Warning
Lindsey McCarty Mar 2010
So sweet,
Cry, scream,
Eat, sleep.

Learns more,
Crawl, walk,
Grows more,
Run, talk.

First grade,
Then on,
Grows up,
Soon gone.

New love,
Grows big,
Hitched up,
Lust gig.

Plus sign,
Kin borned,
Were warned.
Inspired By Abortion Prevention
636 · May 2010
Only Exit
Lindsey McCarty May 2010
Memories, darkness, unforgettable pain
My weariness is your sickening gain
Falling into your stupid, mind-boggling game
Each and every time, it's always the same.

This trickery has led me straight into a deep black hole
They call it depression, I say it's my soul
Sit, cry, review my sorrow
Hoping and wishing I see no tomorrow

These scars I have thrashed so deep in my wrists
Are all my crushed dreams will consist of
When you abandoned me, terrified, alone
I accepted hell was my only home

Getting used to the hurt, entering day in and day out
Now that my mind has freed itself, nothing else to think about
To call this suicide, would simply be a crime
This reoccuring process, is what has caused me to die

As i pick up the barrel, this seems like my only escape
Finger hesitates on the trigger, eager to enter my only fate
Sweat gushes out, and tears pour out of my eyes
At innocent gunpoint, because of your lies

This room's getting darker, spinning as my vision blurs
She fires a bullet, his selfishness was what murdered her
As she lay deceased, sprawled out in her ****** blood
Tears and fear dismiss her body, her hope begins to flood

Free from the sopping red river, she is away from all anguish
How she begs god to forgive her, this was her only wish
As god began to speak, in her life, he took control
He did what he thought was right, before the devil plunged her soul

When her family arrives, to her flesh on the floor
The scene will leave them confused and soar
All she would say, is the pain had led her to a style of strife
She took the one exit that would exempt her from her life
Inspired By Backwoods...
635 · Jan 2010
The Full Picture
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
The past is called my enemy
And future, just a mystery
I've made mistakes
But that's all part of my timeline.

Hoping to change who I am
To who i used to be
Sick of feeling so unloved
Tired of picturing who else I could be.
629 · Mar 2010
For Dad [haiku]
Lindsey McCarty Mar 2010
Ancient engine roars.

Mountains of white blind my shield.

Daddy's polaris.
Inspired By My Father
624 · Jan 2010
Be The One
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
The life before us is yet to come
In fear of the endless possibilities
The countless outcomes of this game we call life
We wander
Unaware of surroundings
Praying for change
While others wait on that day
When you realize
You're the only hope.
Inspired By This Society We Live In
620 · Jan 2010
Flashing By
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
They all just seem the same
The days keep flashing by me
As if they never came.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday
I need to change this mood
Make something of the time I'm granted
If only I could.

When Sunday rolls around
Another wasted week
If I could look into the future
Happiness is what I seek.
Inspired By Nathan Heinz
599 · Jul 2010
Reality Of It All
Lindsey McCarty Jul 2010
I don't care where were going
Or how we get there
If it carries my freedom
I'll travel anywhere

I want to run free of shackles
And breathe in the pride
I swear I won't waste one more second
Of this beautiful ride

Now that I've actually
Seen and been through bad times
I must come together
And hear the Earth's chimes

Listen carefully
To what he had to do
He sacrificed his life for us
For the sins existence of me and you

So look over his actions
And don't waste your life
Live every moment as if it's last
Overcome all grief and strife

Take a walk through a meadow
And listen to his creations
For what he's made there's nothing like it
His extraordinary sensations
592 · May 2010
I Never Told You
Lindsey McCarty May 2010
This, I should have shared with you
Except, I never did
You always begged me just to talk
But, I only kept it hid

Now it's digging way down deep
It's ******* with my heart
I would have tried to tell you
I had no clue how to start

I miss your ripe, green eyes
Staring back at me
The warmth of your smile
That had always set me free

The hand that interlocked
Fit perfectly with mine
Everything that made us strog
Let two hearts intertwine

It has all vanished
All feeling shattered
If i begged you to stay
It wouldn't have mattered

I finally accept the failure I am
While the tears escaped and fled
I reminisce these memories
Rewinding in my head

I can't believe I want this back
After everything we've been through
But before I lay down to sleep
I pray and dream of only you

Every morning I awake
Is yet another dissapointment
I only want to embrace those hugs
That made me realize life's extent

I never even told you
Or explained my jealousy
I never tried to let you know
I miss you and me
Inspired By Nathan Heinz
587 · Jan 2010
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
Tearing my heart, and doesn't care
Wishing he would stop and stare.

Take a moment and look around
See if what's lost, can be found.

Lost composition in my life
Better change it, and get it right.
Inspired By My Father
559 · Jan 2010
Endless Games
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
Confidence, Self-Pity
Opposite ends of the same game
Can't choose both, so you settle for less
Less than is deserved
And the dice roll, like the wind blows
The game goes on.
Inspired By Nathan Heinz
558 · Jan 2010
Growing Up
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
Comes a point in life
Where you depend on yourself
And only yourself
Need to know how to protect
And defend
You were raised to face this world's challenges
Be strong
Show them what you are.
555 · May 2010
Silly Girl
Lindsey McCarty May 2010
Is this what I'm seeking
With this wonderful boy?
Not sure what to do
To him and all, my heart is a toy

But he's funny, he's nice
Adorable, sweet
Whenever I see him
The blood rushes to my cheeks

I laugh when he's flirting
I frown to get my way
He's always asking me
Why not today?

The answer to this
I really don't know
Is it that I just don't want
To let our friendship go?

So boyfriend, or best friend
Whatever it may be
This boy will always
Mean something to me
545 · Jul 2010
My Everythin'.
Lindsey McCarty Jul 2010
You're my honey, my sweetheart, my one true love,
Your touch releases me, as twelve freed doves

Everytime I dance into your unescapable stare,
I frequently realize the pure burning we both share

As our feelings flee, hands melt to eachother,
When I look into your eyes, I can't dream of loving any other.

I couldn't imagine a life, with any meaning at all,
As i sink into my black hole, you are there to catch my fall.

You made my heart beat with a more vast sensation,
Your lips on my neck, now I'm losing concentration.

The love and lust are what keeps my soul alive,
You were what was right for my spirits to rise.
537 · Mar 2010
For What I Was
Lindsey McCarty Mar 2010
Don't wish to be remembered for something i'm not,
Or forgotten for the honest of me,
I want to walk tall, be known by the all,
And not fake what the world and I see.

What I am is not broken or wearing,
I'm not one who's known for a crime,
I am the one in the crowd, who would scream it aloud,
That this life is a privelage, and is granted one time.

Where and if I shall live this born beauty,
And pass on to the life after now,
My past yearns to live long, with my mem'ries shared strong,
For my life's adu, take a bow.
536 · Jun 2010
Take Me Away
Lindsey McCarty Jun 2010
I try and keep it camoflauged
So no one else becomes alarmed
Since I keep it shadowed so well
Twice as badly I get harmed

Attmpts at doing away with this pain
To start off A new day fresh
But all I can see are these echoed memories
That keep on burning through my flesh

Screaming out, I'm on my knees
Alone with nobody to catch my fall
Keep getting shoved down further
To save my breath, I start to crawl

Spasms burst straight through my chest
My torso sinks to the tile floor
Right when I thnk it finally has ended
It's round two and round three, leaving me bruised up and soar

Clueless, I am dying
With not one person to lend me a hand
Way too weak to move a muscle
Feeling as if I never will stand

As depression explores the rest of myself
Spreading through like a fatal disease
I relentlessly let it **** me
The pain in my heart is finally at ease
Inspired By Nathan Heinz
531 · May 2010
Painted Hollow
Lindsey McCarty May 2010
What the hell's your problem
All you do is deny
I guess that's all you ever did
You forced my heart to just up and die

Left me with this anguish
And it's seeping through my skin
Everything is telling me just to hate you
I can't, for hate is the deadliest sin

I just wish you'd hurt this badly
Attempt to see through these bloodshot eyes
If i get ahold of you
There would be no time for any final goodbyes

You are a worthless coward
These memories of me will fade and pass
While I drown in this agony
My heart is shattered into shards of broken glass

Bleeding through my clothing
Oh, it's sopping to the floor
Make all this pain vanish, please
I don't want to experience it anymore

When I suffer, it brings you utmost joy
Just laugh it up, you *****
This fire in my heart seems unhealthy
I think I might get sick

On my knees, trembling so violently
Alone because of you
Cleaning up this mess you've made
Is the least that you could do

You wouldn't do just that
And so you leave me to wollow
Every ounce of pain you've put on me
Has painted my heart hollow
Inspired By The One Who Was Untrustworthy, All Along...
521 · Jan 2010
I'm Here
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
Don't you worry
Don't waste those tears
You'll never be alone
As long as I'm still here.

You're too beautiful
In too many ways
Don't dread on the future, love
Let all clear away.
Inspired By Nathan Heinz
503 · Jan 2010
To Forget
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
Where you're standing
Is where I want to be
Jealousy and loneliness
Is just a lost part of me.
500 · Mar 2010
True Shine
Lindsey McCarty Mar 2010
The star outshining the whole entire sky,
All the other twinkling want to know the reason why.

Why they can't have some sympathy, they all urge to fly,
All glowing bright as they begin to intertwine.

So why must one, and not them all share the righteous fame,
Given by Lord and Heaven above, they all were built the same.

So as these stars perservere beauty, they all know the real,
That they're all stars in their own way, as glory fails to seal.
495 · Feb 2010
My Only Desire
Lindsey McCarty Feb 2010
Pure, fragile, untouched, unseen,
For this is what i come between.

Never knowing what is next,
Afraid to put it to the test.

Every smile, grin, and every laugh,
Is all due to my other half.

And when those smiles fade to frowns,
It's the bad things that are forcing me down.

Yes, i'll be strong, and get back up,
My happiness will not corrupt.

This dark past, and empty mind,
will not keep my heart confined.

I'll find my way, i'll walk through fire,
This is and has been my only desire.
Inspired By Nathan Heinz
490 · Jan 2010
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
The time for no worries
And a time to have fun
To make some great memories
Time to soak in the sun.

Stay out late
Party all night
Forget about drama
Don't start any fights

Enjoy it while you can
It will be something that you'll
Miss really badly
When you're learning in school.
489 · Jan 2010
What About Now?
Lindsey McCarty Jan 2010
Gave you what you wanted
And you threw away my heart
How could you leave me alone
Scared and ripped apart.

Yet I'm still confused
I always thought you were true
I guess what I thought
Is starting to cut through.

Us was just a dream
Now only a nightmare
How could this be what I wanted?
This side of you I wasn't aware.
Inspired By Nathan Hartman...
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