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Jun 2011 · 865
Cold, cold night
Lindsey Carnley Jun 2011
I see you floating
A delicate orb
Your purity forever shining
Trapped in the night's sky
If only you were a little closer
I'll never have to wait for you again
Waiting endlessly
Every night
Are you waiting for me too?
Lost in the night?
The cold, cold night
growing up in a huge city, i was never able to see the stars because of all the lights cloud the night sky. it wasn't until i went to Yosemite that i got to see stars for what they are; beautiful
Jun 2011 · 1.8k
Lindsey Carnley Jun 2011
We all come from many places
We all see through different eyes
We go  through many changes
We learn to laugh at our mistakes
We learn how to see from different perspectives
And as we age
This generation becomes the elders of the next
And as they grow
A realization strikes
The accomplishments made weren't just for us
But for our children
To inspire them
And when they make their own accomplishments
We can see ourselves
We live on in the history books they read
Even if we can't last 'til tomorrow
A legacy can
when i was a wee eighth grader i was asked to write an read poem at our promotion ceremony. i wanted to state that everything we do, every mistake we make, every speech we make; that's how our children will remember us, and that's how we become immortal, by building a legacy.

— The End —