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1.9k · Dec 2012
Lindsay McAvoy Dec 2012
They say if you stare into a fire long enough, it'll clear your memory
If only that was so
They say if you try to forget something, that with time it will work
That's something I don't know
I've been replaying that night over and over in my mind
Trying to believe it was worth it, but my thoughts haven't been so kind
I was mesmerized by that fire, by that bird going up in flames
That a tear had escaped my grasp, and nothing would ever be the same
1.2k · Dec 2012
Lindsay McAvoy Dec 2012
I watched the ashes rise, the wood burn, and the fire play
I stood there in disbelief that something so gorgeous was standing before me
I was taken aback when the flames first burned, I hadn't much to say
The crowd stood stunned, the wait was over and I finally felt free

Packed and bundled closely, fifteen thousand huddling together
Until the fire began to burn strong, keeping us warm in the cold weather

No thoughts danced through my mind like they usually would
Wonder and silence held my mind captive, as in that moment they could

My breath caught a few times and my eyes let one tear run free
For what I was looking at was like nothing I thought I'd ever see

Now my mind keeps prisoner the memories of that night
When the Phoenix kept burning, rising high and so bright
1.1k · Dec 2012
997 · Dec 2012
The Innocent
Lindsay McAvoy Dec 2012
I want to go to sleep, to give my body a nice, long rest
But shutting down and tuning out the world, I was never the best
I want to let my mind stop caring and just be unrestricted
A luxury I thought I had, an emotion I hadn't predicted
With the events going on and the lives that were lost
The dreadful what-ifs are taking over my mind, but at what cost
Thoughts and prayers are pouring out of me, at an uncontrollable rate
The horror not setting in that this was those families's fate
What more do we have to endure, to what extent has the world gone mad
That innocent lives were taken by this irrepressible cad
But out of most darkness, sometimes comes a brilliant light
That can be hard to recognize in the chaos of such spite
This is in regards to the Newtown Elementary School shooting. The fact that someone could even think about taking so many innocent lives, let alone children's lives, makes me sick. God bless those families.
946 · Oct 2012
864 · Dec 2012
743 · Nov 2012
Getting on Fine
Lindsay McAvoy Nov 2012
Take me away.
Let me breathe
I want to get lost in this place
I often dream of a world other than this
I can sit and be and truly love
and run wild and free high above
I need to escape for an hour or two
A place I can hide and be alone with you
But in this real world you aren't by my side
And I'm thanking God I have my place to run and hide
I'm learning to be strong and get by without you
My books allowing me space nowhere else does
But just know I'm thinking about you all the time
Living my life and getting on fine
499 · Nov 2012
Lost Again
Lindsay McAvoy Nov 2012
She had someone, she was found
But as quickly as she was found, she was lost again
She is looking, wants to be found
But as quickly as she was searching she was lost again
475 · Dec 2012

— The End —