United States Over several years I have written many poems, over 1000 presently. This is just a selection of a few of them I am posting on this site. 5 followers / 740 words
Thousands of places I looked for you In the shadows of my mind A child of brades I visioned once Ah, you were a vision of my dreams And now you by my child, thank God All dreams come true, finally, so it finally seems.
"I too yearn to be free, But my roots will not, of that allow me. Forever, I am bound to this spot, And in the end, my withered trunk. will serve, as my own burial plot."
Today is the day I lingered in deep though of yesterday But now I find it so bewildering why I ever did Is worry just humble thoughts colliding Or is it that the unknown of the tomorrows unleashed in just another humble sigh?