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Dec 2013 · 2.2k
The Death Angel
The death angel

The death angel makes her rounds through the rooms of the dying, She lays her hands on them and prays for them, tells them Satan is only lying.

She feels so good inside like she did some good deed.  She feels like she curing the dying, curing a need.

She goes home to her family believing that she did something good for God.  Husband, children at the table, smile at her, and nod.  

She cannot feel true love for she is a narcissist.  She buys, she lies, she prays, what she does best.

As she makes her way through each and every ward, making beds, sweeping away dirt, telling the dying to pray to the Lord.  

She tells them they can be given a new breast, a new lung, a new leg.  Little does she know or care that that their graves others will soon dig.  

It's been said that people that don't know they are fools are rather sad, but this death angel is truly bad.

She tells people that have a year to live or less, that they can be made whole again if only to the Lord they confess.

She visited me one year ago and lay her hands on me, she said I would be healed that day and spend my future in eternity.  

As time went on, I got worse, to the point of my last breath.  That is when she finally came back around, that sweet Angel of Death.

The Angel of Death gets ready to make her rounds for tomorrow.  Never in her heart feeling an ounce of pain or sorrow.

— The End —