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Lin Cava Nov 2010
She waits behind the bedstead
as a young boy falls to dreams
Though he cannot see her
she keeps him safe from screams.

Her one and only purpose
to bring him, finally home
that one day, when his time comes
his heart won't stray or roam

And softly in a golden glow
old eyes will see her there
a weathered hand placed inside hers
he leaves without a care.

Behind him on the bed
an old man lies in state
as a young heart travels with her,
his Angel, who did wait.

Lin Cava©
Creative Commons Copyright
Lin Cava Nov 2010
I am so angry.
Tired, and so angry
Hurt and missing
the softness in my life
the gentle touch
the kindly spoken word
the look of love
to convey a touch
from across the room
or across the globe

I don’t care
about anything
or anyone
after being for others
what I wish I had
for me
and nothing
comes back

words said to provide
what they think
I want to hear
and never
a care
or a thought
never a hand pitched in
only criticism -
do it this way
don’t do it that way
“you’re wrong,
am I right?”

I’m so done.
Embracing that which
trails so far behind me
but has come ever nearer
and nearer
until I smell its unsung
until I know
this broken heart
won’t hurt any more
if I just give in
just give up
just turn
and offer it -
for the black dog.

Lin Cava©
creative commons copyright
Lin Cava Nov 2010
Such a lovely ring, she said.
It even looks good on my ugly hands.
As if those hands were lacking.
As if those hands –
hard working hands –
Bore no beauty of their own.

My mother’s hands,
That held the soap
To scrub my baby toes;
Whose hands were there
To show me how
To blot my runny nose.

Those hands that later
held my hands
And patiently did teach me
How to tie my shoes -
Then held them once again
To coax and guide my own
To write my cursive name
Until the time when I alone
Could do the very same.

My mother’s hands,
That fed me,
And tucked me in at night;
Who touched my fevered brow
And soothed away my fright.

My mother’s hands,
That all my life
Gave comfort, care and hope.
And when my children came to be,
I watched my mother’s hands -
a new grandmother’s hands -
Touch my children, tenderly.

My mother’s hands,
Yes, weathered by their toil,
The fingers wide,
And aged with years –
and just like her,
Still sure and strong
Yet gentle as they ever were.

My mother’s hands –
She looks, and says they’re ugly
But I don’t know what to say.
For when I see
My mother’s hands
It’s the beauty of
The love they gave,
Assuring strength
And constant grace
All held within
My mother’s hands.

Lin Cava©
Creative Commons Copyright
Lin Cava Oct 2010
I have built this wall,
brick by brick.
I’ve mortared it all,
sturdy and thick.

I remember the time
I was washed in forgiveness
my face wet with tears -
my sense of self released
as I lost that heavy load.

I turn, and start another
line of bricks,
heavy with the mortar
until it sticks.

Each year the wall gets thicker
and the light is sometimes thin.
Each week the wall gets higher
so that nothing will get in.

Still, I can remember when
I was stripped of all my woes,
the weight of sin washed clean,
burdens lifted from me
to feel that touch within.

I turn, and start another
line of bricks.
Heavy with the mortar
Until it sticks.

It has been many years
since I began this wall.
I've spilled too many tears
as the bricks built up so tall.

And though the memories
allow the light’s way in,
I know - deep inside of me,
I’ll not break down again.

I have built this wall,
brick by brick.
I’ve mortared it all,
sturdy and thick.

I know that when it’s done,
I've placed the last brick of this room,
that when, at last, I’m through,
it will become my tomb.

Lin Cava©
Creative Commons Copyright
Lin Cava Oct 2010
Mars flickers above.
Moody Red blinks his response -
To Venus' hot wink.

Lin Cava
Creative Commons Copyright
Lin Cava Oct 2010
I hear her call me now; Calliope.
She dances in rooms made all of windows,
In delicate tones her calls reach sweetly
Stands naked amongst cast off silken bows.

So lightly she leaps among the sunbeams
Her gift bestowed, poetic cache replete
A tiny figure, seen only in dreams
On her face, her happiness shines complete.

I hear her laughter, tinkling playful sounds -
In her mischief, she will often refuse
To part with her gift, of which, she abounds
I’m glad you found me again, little muse.

© Lin Cava
Creative Commons Copyright
Lin Cava Oct 2010
Staccato taps upon my window pane
Reflect the way I feel
The pulsing of my angry heart
Dark, dark the time ticking like the rain.

The shadowed world melts beyond my sight
In tense, taught moments I lie in wait
A moving force, fast, out of control
Contained within, the urge to move in flight.

Lightning flashes reflect dark eyes back
The semblance of a wretched twisted face
True Evil painted, writhing in the glass
A captive frozen picture of hatred done in black.

The rain has turned to pouring in a roar
Loud against the walls, the roof, the mind
Beneath, a sound, the turning of the latch
I wait for you, set to pounce, beyond the door.

Lin Cava©
Creative Commons Copyright
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