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Jan 2014 · 1.1k
Swinging Memories.
Lily Morrison Jan 2014
Lets take a walk down memory lane.
Let's go back to when this all began.
I remember your sweet lil face once so radiant and full of life. Your eyes wide open waiting to see what the word had to offer.  Playing with rocks and chasing lizards. You closed your eyes and swung as far as you could. You climbed the highest stairs and made it to the top of the largest slide. Oh darling…you felt brave at that moment. Those were the best days off your life. They were quickly shadowed by the darkness you never foresaw.
Lets take a walk down memory lane.
Let's go back to when this all began.
You see you built this wall around you.  Not to keep people out…but to keep yourself locked in. you feared the imperfections would show. Don’t blame yourself lost girl. How can your innocent soul know?  You were tricked. They said it was a game and why wouldn’t you trust your family. You were a child, less than ten years old. You did what any child would do: You played. One by one they would take their turn while you were positioned on your knees as an animal. That was their game…It was a game that all animals play. Oh sweet girl. Your innocence was ripped from you. It was torn apart and destroyed. You had no hope at this point. You realized the cruelty of the world was that someone would always come along and hurt you. If it wasn’t them someone else would try.
Lets take a walk down memory lane.
Let's go back to when this all began.
You were taken from the harm and brought to a whole new world. Those eyes wide open looking to see if there was hope in this world after all. For a while you believed there was but you couldn’t be sure.  Something told you not to let you guard down.  You taught yourself that there was one person you could trust everyone else could potentially hurt you. Your cute face disguised the ugly truth. You were worried that people would suspect. Often described as a handful wreck less and impulsive. You owned up to all of them. They kept you safe for a while. You see what you didn’t know at the time was that the wall you had once built was now starting to crumble. As you got older you regressed. You became a frightened toddler who needed protection.  You began to throw tantrums and more than anything you wanted to cling on and once more feel protected. Your insecurities would always be there creeping in the dark.  Hold my hand dear girl. Let me help you.
Lets take a walk down memory lane.
Let's go back to when this all began.*
Remember the girl with hope in her sight.
Remember the world still has a lot to be seen.
Remember the lizards and remember the rocks.
Beauty is an imperfection.  Peek from the crumbling wall. Look out and see that this is your life.
It’s scary but it’s also filled with beauty.
Jan 2013 · 629
A Whisper Would Suffice
Lily Morrison Jan 2013

I'll shout it to the moon, to the sky and to the stars.
When the daylight hits the day
I'll shout it to the birds the sun and the beautiful clouds.

I LOVE YOU!!!!!*

Now if I am willing to shout it to the world why is it that a simple whisper can’t escape my lips to let you know I love you.
Dec 2012 · 1.1k
Lily Morrison Dec 2012
I was the pyro that never got burned.
The euphoria brought by you was inevitable.
One gaze is all it took to ignite this passion,
A false dream fueled the fire.
The flirtatious dancing flames had me mesmerized.
I was drawn.
There was no escaping.
The flames had risen.
No lo longer alluring but it was too late.
I was caught like a fly is to a spider’s web.
I was roasting in the pit.
My passion had me burning in the flames.
There was no escaping them.
I played with fire and I got burned.
Dec 2012 · 647
The Walk
Lily Morrison Dec 2012
The moon walked me home tonight and whispered in my ears
face your fears
embrace your flaws
don’t live in regret

I continued walking with her florescent light illuminating my way
my fears are failure of what’s to come.
my flaws will be my strength.
Regret… now there’s something I thought I didn’t have.
I pondered on why it was so important for the moon.
I realized that regret was like a germ, without notice you may carry them... so hidden but there.
I look back and I can pin point the moment I caught it.
Changes that’s all it made. I forgive life, I forgive you and I forgive myself.
What was brought needs no explanations. It happened. Let winds of this night blow away what once was there. Oh Luna cradle me tonight and whisper once more, your lullaby.
face your fears
embrace your flaws
don’t live in regret

Jun 2010 · 952
Lily Morrison Jun 2010
I seek guidance from the moon, she who knows my thoughts and dreams.
Oh sweet moon hear my gentle plea.
Shine bright and enlighten me in my pondering thoughts.
You have seen me shed tears and drop down on my knees.
I search for hope, a signal to know that you haven’t given up on me.
Cradle me and sing a lullaby.
Embrace me with your presence.
You the moon who watches over us at night
Luna, tell when it all went amiss, how the world turned so cruel.
When did people give up on humanity???
Oh sweet gentle Luna you look so frail and tired.
Tell me your secrets and share your wisdom with me.
Mahina, I’ve been deceived once more
Help me in my battle against the solitude I feel.
Two sides and several phases tell me what it’s like.
Have you suffered from not knowing who you are?
I am lost and conflicted by who I am.
I want to escape the gravity keeping me down.
Oh charming moon I feel so weak.  
How do I escape from these laws that have been made?
Moon, I am afraid.
I am frightened of the challenges that lay ahead.
How do I face the darkness???
Luna, bring your warmth and light to me.
Don’t dessert my paths.
Don’t dessert me.

— The End —