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Lily Darkheart Jul 2013
My guardian angel, my protector,
Where are you now?
Why have you abandoned me in my most desperate hour?
You can't retire now,
not whilst you're still needed,
Surely, it can't work this way?
Please, come back to me,
I need you for one last day.
Lily Darkheart Jul 2013
I'm lost in a dark, dark maze,
Where are the lights to help me find my way?
I stumble and trip in a confused daze,
Trying to find a way out today,
I need to see you again,
I'm lost without your love...

There's nothing ahead,
Just a sky filled with black,
Then I hear something breathing,
Maybe I'm dreaming,
I turn around, but you aren't there,
Please come, I need you,
More than ever now,
But the more I wait for you,
The more I see you're not coming.

I need someone to rescue me,
Alone, I can't face my destiny,
I can't find my way,
I'm just lost in a maze,
The memory of how I got here,
Is a bit of a haze…

I admit it, I'm scared to be alone again.
Lily Darkheart Jul 2013
If I had a pound,
For every time I've felt alone,
I would have everything money can buy,
But nothing I'll ever want.
It really is a shame,
That you can't bottle happiness,
But an even bigger shame,
That you can't bottle love…
Lily Darkheart Jul 2013
Love is like a butterfly,
It's lifespan very short,
It briefly flies, and then it dies,
Leaving you to mourn,
Don't be deceived by it's bright colours and beauty,
For Love can pack a punch,
It might seem like a good thing, but I assure you, when it ends,
You'll never want to trust again…
Lily Darkheart Jul 2013
My heart's been broken so many times,
It's now 100% glue,
And yes, that means there's no way, I'm ever forgiving you,
I've tried to forget, tried to move on, tried to mend my aching heart,
But, for the most part,
It's all been in vain,
I don't know how to end this unbearable pain!
I want to start afresh, start again, turn a new page,
But I can't do that until I forget, you're frightening rage…
Lily Darkheart Jul 2013
People lie all the time,
They say they love you, they say they care,
But when you truly need them, they're never there.
I lie too, I'm no exception,
Every time I say I'm fine,
Truth be told, I feel alone, unloved, used and worthless,
I need to find a way to clean up all this mess,
It's time I started being honest, maybe others will follow too,
It's time I came out about my true feelings, and how I feel about you…
Lily Darkheart Jul 2013
The night falls, as if slain by the sun,
All night-creatures cower and hide, for day has begun,
Whilst others are rising, we fall to slumber,
It's the only peace we get,
For our lives are just nightmares we cannot wake up from.
Make no mistake, we don't live these lives by choice,
Are destinies cannot be changed, we're just puppets with a voice.
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