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Lilly Rose Nov 2013
I think
I've finally
Gotten a grip on my heart
Even if it's only for a second

I think
I've changed
And I'm a little stronger now
My heart
Can handle
Something new

My heart
Can hardly beat
From all the abuse it's taken
But something
Is telling me

Something deep
Deeper than the depths of heart-
Maybe even my soul
That it's time

Things will be alright this time,
I hear

I want to take a chance.
I want to give my heart
That chance
To live again

I've learned
That the pain
In my heart
Is worse
Than any physical pain

My heart has a limp
My soul has a chip
I've just gotta
Give my heart the chance.
Lilly Rose Nov 2013
Who gave you the right to take my dreams?
And still keep yours?
Who do you think you are
To shatter my dreams
Call them petty
To replace them with yours?
Who do you think you are
To break me to pieces and expect me to get back up
To shatter the image I've built in the mirror.
To tell me who I am.
Who do you think you are
To steal a dream from a girl
Such a little girl she was.
She grew up fast.
You made her.
Her dreams
Merged with yours
She left hers
With her forgotten childhood.
She left it.
Left it for the Forgotten
The Forgotten feelings bubbling inside.
Dreams are not broken.
They are shattered.
Too many pieces.
Lilly Rose Nov 2013
They say
Time will wipe away
The tears

And give way
To a new beauty

But I know
As minutes
And weeks
Tick by

That I will not forget you
Your smell,
Like sweet musk
Your eyes
A chocolate brown
Your height
Protecting and strong

I will only wait
For tomorrow's sorrow.
Lilly Rose Nov 2013
I've always thought
Summer's breezes
Were sweet and beautiful

Until the breeze
That blew threw my heart
And took you with it

I held out my hand
Fell to my knees
For you
But you were gone
Before I had the chance

I'd fallen
Like a feather onto the ground
Soft and gentle
Into your arms
Where you caught me

But now
The summer breeze
That runs it's soft fingers
Through my soul
Takes it with you
And you disappear

I hadn't realized
How much of you
Was my heart
Until I realized

                                I miss my heart

— The End —