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Jul 2016 · 170
In the beginning
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
In the beginning; God created
The heaven and the earth
He said let us make man
And he loved him so much
God made the garden
And let man live there
He gave him a wife
To show that he care

In the beginning; God
Call the light day,
And the dark night
He breathe into a man
And gave him life
God made two great lights
One rule by day,
And one by night
He smile at his creation
For this is good in his sight

In the beginning; with
His work, he was please
Adam took a wife, and
He named her Eve
Eve bared two sons
And they were brothers
One became raged
And killed the other

In the beginning; God
Made this world
He formed it with his hand
With so much love
To redeem us from sin
His son he did give;
Because of the beginning;
Through Christ we yet live!
Jul 2016 · 191
A Higher Power
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Things go wrong in our life
And we know that they will
We find our self-struggling
Climbing steep hills
When we find our-self low
Reaching for the sky
Afraid to smile
Because we have to sigh

The cares of the world
Pressing us down
The mountain gets
Higher round by round
Life amazes us with all
Its twists and its turns
There’s a higher power
We seems to learn

We try so hard in life
To just stick it out
The burden gets heavy
And we often doubt
Sometimes we often wonder
What is and what ain’t
Not knowing that our victory
Is closer than we think
Faith and failure
Walks hand in hand
The little things in life
We find hard to understand

Trouble seems to find you
No matter where you go
And you find your-self sinking
Much deeper than before
You count the time of rescue
Every second in the hour
And now the day
Seems brighter, Thanks
To a Higher Power
There’s a lesson we must learn
When things turn inside out
Trust in the higher power,
And just stick it out!
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
I sat in the park
Thinking of you
Can’t get you off my mind
No matter what I do
I see you with another
As you drive by
My head hang in shame
I bow my head and cry
I can’t see much, because
My eyes is fill with tears
When you walk by me
Did you know how I feel?

Every day at twelve O’clock
I come to this place
Sometimes I sat; waiting
On you for days
When we were walking
Barefoot through the sand
You could tell that you
Are my only man

Now you walk away
And finds another
Someone you chose
To be your lover
Where can I go,
What must I do?
I am not use to
Living without you

I am hurt and
Feeling all alone
Let her go; I’m yours
Please come home
I will forgive you
For walking away
I want you, I need you
What else can I say?
Rescue me from sitting
Here feeling blue
Come back to me;
I’m not use to living
Without you!
Jul 2016 · 213
If it's not in your heart
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
You say you love the Lord
And want him in your life
You say you need a true friend
To comfort you at night
You said the Lord saved you and
Fill you with the Holy Ghost
You never stop lying
Running from coast to coast
Stop pretending you are doing
Right if it's not in your heart
Stop saying you are holy
When you don’t love the Lord
You go to church on Sunday
Because it is a tradition
Serving the Lord everyday
Is always the main issue
It seems to be in your mind
And not in your heart
You are playing your script just right:
Down to the very last part
When you stand before the Lord
On that great getting up day
If you didn't live your life right
What do you think he will say?
Do what the Lord ask you
Right down to the very last part
Stop living church in your mind;
And start living it in your heart.
Jul 2016 · 189
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Just to hear the word
Make me shake in my soul
It’s no picnic there
I am often told.
It is a lake that burn with
Brimstone and fire
If God say it is there
Then you know it’s not a lie.
Just imagine being in that offer
Place they call hell
There is no time out
They won’t even ring the bell.
Fire is going to burn you
So what can you do?
If there is water there
I bet you; it is hot too.
There is no cool side
From one place to the other
I wouldn't wish this on
None of my brothers
They say you will hear screams
And people crying for help
I am afraid to go there
I only speak for myself.
Hell is a place that we should
Try to escape
It’s not up for review, nor up
For debate.
Hell is a place you cannot
Talk your way through
Whether you believe this
It’s strictly up to you.
Jul 2016 · 1.2k
A Recipe for going to hell
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
First you start with the devil
1 cold heart
2 cups of whiskey
4 cups of jealously
5 cups of hate
3 cups of adultery
21 teaspoon of lies
And a lot of backbiting
You take the devil and mix him with the 1 cold heart, then you go around tearing God church apart
You take the 2 cups of whiskey, and mix it with the 21 teaspoon of lies; you then persecute God’s saints, and ignore their humble cries
Mix the 4 cups of jealously with the 5 cups of hate, don’t worry about heaven, you will never enter the gate
Now last but not least; you take the 3 cups of adultery and mix it with a lot of backbiting; you are on your way to hell now; Ain't this exciting?
This is a recipe that I would not use, nor would I sell, and if you use it today, it’s a recipe for going to hell!
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
First we start with Jesus
1 Heart
5 cups of love
4 cups of understanding
3 cups of peace
2 cups of joy
21 teaspoons of long suffering
And a lot of the Holy Ghost
You take Jesus and mix him with the 5 cups of love, and then you go about your business spreading it throughout the world.
You take the 21 teaspoons of long suffering and mix it with the 2 cups of joy, Go out and tell the world about Mary’s baby boy.
Add the 4 cups of understanding with the 1 Heart; testify to your sisters and brothers about the Almighty God.
Now last but not least, you take the 3 cups of peace and mix it with the Holy Ghost. Now you got what you need to go from coast to coast.
This is a recipe for being a good Saint, it’s the best food I ever ate, and you can
Take That To The Bank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 2016 · 177
Christmas Prayer
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
May God bless you and
Your family today
Lord let them be blessed
With the words that I say
Lord fill them with joy
And happiness to
Lord let them prosper
In everything they do

Lord let this family know
That they have a friend
Someone that is specials
And will love them till the end
Let them be happy and
Know that you are there
Let them be heal with
This Christmas prayer

Lord let this family be
Filled with so much cheer
And Lord you bless them
Throughout the year
Jul 2016 · 736
God Understands
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
In life, we tend to make excuses
For all the things we did
And blame our childhood
It started when we were kids
What about being raised on the right
Track in church since the age of 2
How do you explain why you are
Doing, or do the things you do
God gives us choices and he
Knows the aftermath
But we use God’s grace as an excuse
To choose the wrong path

God understands that loneliness
Works best for me
I have random love partners not
Thinking of death or STD
God understands that I drink to
Pull away from reality’s hell
Not once thinking about the
Organs that will fail
God understands my need for
Someone to hold me at night
Do you think he will send a woman
Or man you constantly have to fight

God understands us all
He made both me and you
He wants us to know
That he understands
Every situation and problem
We go through
Have you ever thought what
Would happen if you fell short
Of God’s grace and glory one day
Have you ever thought what would
Happen if God turns a deaf
Ear when you pray

A thought you don’t want to answer
Or really want to know
Show a little gratitude to the man
That caught you when you
Felt like letting go
Make wiser choices
And do what’s right
Don’t be that worrisome person
That only calls when they
Want something at night

We all have a manual, (the Bible)
On how to have a smoother life and
Constant protection by God’s hand
So read the guideline and get more
Pride about yourself, and stop excusing
Your habits with well----------
God understands.
Jul 2016 · 1.9k
Silent cry of loneliness
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Setting by the window
Feeling all alone
Wishing and hoping someone
Would call me on the phone
Feeling hurt, broke down
And so depressed
Looking at my life
Wondering what a mess

Empty on the inside
Is what I now feel
Realizing in my heart that
The pain is now real
No one will call or
Speak to me a word
The silence of loneliness
Now can be heard

Lonely and ashamed with
My head hanging low
Crying many tears flowing
Freely than before
All kind of thoughts keep
Flashing through my mind
And I try to defeat them
Time after time

Can anyone see the
Loneliness deep inside
Can you see within myself
What I try hard to hide
The silence of loneliness
Is pleading for help
Fighting with the emptiness
Deep within myself

This disease has left me
In a nerve wrecking state
Begging and pleading
Before it’s too late
Calling on someone to
Give me a hand
Someone who cares and
Really understand

What can I do, and
What is my choice?
Not even a sound,
Not even a voice
All that I see is a
Much horrifying end
This is what happens
When you trust loneliness
To be your friend.
Jul 2016 · 285
Young people day
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Today is young people day
So relax and kick off your shoes
Fill your hearts with joy and
Listen to the news
Young people is of the
World to be
And if you train them right
They may one day become a tree

One that is planted and rooted
Strongly in the ground
One that stands tall and
Never fall down
God is calling young people
Because they are strong
But remember their training
Starts first at home
Jul 2016 · 603
Cheer Up
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Today is a new day and
The sun shines so bright
The smell of roses and
Everything seems right
Oh what a mighty color
Is God’s perfect sun
You should be outside
Having so much fun

Instead your head
Hangs low to the floor
Sad, teary, feeling much
Broken than before
The smile you wear is
Turned upside down
Cheer up, be happy
Stop feeling down

You got so much to live for
In this dark but happy world
Take the time to look around
And simply enjoy the love
You think you are the only one
Going through many things
Cheer up and deal with
The troubles life brings

You will see that the road
Is broader and wide
All the strength you need
You will find inside
Look around you and see
That this is a good day
You can make it
If you only press your way

Turn that frown into a smile
Look up, live, and rest a while
Let everyday be brighter
And bonded together
With peace, and a smile
That will reign forever
Jul 2016 · 1.9k
What if God took a vacation
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
What if you realize one day
You needed God’s help
And no matter how you tried
There was nothing to be felt
Sick on your bed and the
Doctor’s has given up hope
So with the little strength
Left in your hands you
Write someone a note

You said you look for God
And he were nowhere
To be found
At the point in your life you
Needed him he somehow
Let you down
Your children running wild
And there are bills to be paid
Drive by shooters, shoot
In your home, and now
You are afraid                                                                                  

So you feel like God has
Taken a vacation from all
The mess down here
Just the thought of God on
Vacation has arose
Your deepest fear
You call God with prayers
Only his answering machine
Picks up the slack
He said I’m on vacation
If you need anything it’ll
Wait till I get back

When God needed you
Just to spread the word
You refuse to do the job
Because you lost your nerves
He needed you to help your neighbor
And help the homeless out
You said I can’t give away my money
So you sat in a corner and pout
You thought you had it made                                                                  
With your brilliant education
It’s not helping you now
Cause God’s on vacation

So what if God took a vacation
And left this world alone
Where would any of us be
When he return home?
This is how God feels when
He gives you a task
He wants the job done and
He wants it done fast
So when God give
You a plan to carry
To the nation;
And you refuse his orders
Then to him you’re on vacation
Jul 2016 · 136
The Mind
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
The mind holds terrible things
We wish no one could see
It tells a flattering story
As flattering as can be
Deep dark secrets fulfill
This space of air
When we think we are loved
The mind says; I don’t care

In this empty space we
Somehow call our minds
Deceive a person’s heart
And somehow keeps them blind
We will never know
The inner thought
Buried deep within
In a selfish twisted mind
That somehow has no end

In a quiet place is when
The mind works best
It always distinguish itself
From the boundaries
Of all the rest
It sees things that ordinarily
Shouldn't be
It feeds on overload and
And why, we cannot see

You thought lies, envy, jealously
Always come from the heart
It always starts in the mind
The utter most selfish part
There are two things in life
You will never ever know
How the mind functions and
And how evil in the heart grow

You would be surprise all
The things the mind occupy
And all the dark evil to
The heart it can supply
It buries things you simply
Would never and cannot see
It’s like a silent hill and
A hundred year old tree
So never underestimate
The power of the mind
It somehow brings out
The worst in all man kind
Jul 2016 · 178
A Heart that smiles
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Setting on the sofa watching
A little TV
Things not in order
The way they should be
Combing my hair with one hand
And the remote in the other
A bake potato sat on the end table
With a little sour cream and butter
With everything that’s going on in life
Maybe I should be in pain
But tonight my heart smiles
So in life there is no rain

Looking at a photo taking
Many years ago
Feeling the exact same as I did
All those years ago
I have a heart that smile no matter what
I act lady like at times and
On occasions I act like a nut
Even when the sun stops shinning
And trouble stacks in piles
I will continue to reach new heights
Because of the heart that smiles

Even though the storm may rise
And water fills my eyes
It doesn’t stop the rhythm of this
Old heart that smile
Sometimes when you are going through
There’s nothing good you can hear
Place your hand on your chest
And you will feel your heart there
With every beat that you feel it’s
Giving you a message
Saying even though you are going through
A smile the heart expresses

A tender gentle breeze that blows
In the air
A warm fuzzy feeling that explodes everywhere
Boldly it tells us what and who to trust
Some are strong unbreakable and tough
Even in danger, afraid but yet smiles
The heart is remarkable traveling
Between space, time, and miles
This is what I think while setting here tonight
And a deep part of me know that it’s right
The heart is what judges us in life
It’s what God sees through his sight

It can let go of things you never thought
You had
It can make you feel good or condemn
You to feeling bad
Nevertheless; I can conquer the saddest troubles
And make it all worthwhile
Simple because God has given me a heart
That smile
Jul 2016 · 191
Insight of Life
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Sometimes you think in life
That the end beats the beginning
And you look for your life
To have that fairy tale ending
You look at other people and
Say; you got success and
Tears fall down because your
Life seems like a mess

You fought many battles
But the war lies ahead
You should control your life
But your life controls you instead
Recording of negative thoughts
Play over and over in your head
When you should be sleeping
You toss and turn in your bed

If someone would care about
How you feel inside
The pain it brings when all
They have to offer is lies
There’s this numb feeling when
You find yourself alone
The hurt twist your head
And your joy somehow has gone

You take a deep breath and
And try to count to seven
As you push through the anger
Trying hard to reach heaven
Just one little word you try
Hard to whisper in prayer
If God would only answer
You know that he’s there

Struggling in this life to
Do that which is good
What you know is best and
What you thought you could
No one ever told you that
This life would be fair
No one ever told you that
The world would care

Now it’s your time to
Build high upon faith
Believing you is somebody
With the keys to the gate
Which is your life that you
Fight to keep straight
Built upon love and a
Long way from hate
Think about this the next time
You feel sorry for yourself
Life becomes dusty when
You leave it on the shelf.
Jul 2016 · 161
I Don't know
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
I woke up this morning with my life in so much despair
I couldn't find my joy and my peace wasn't anywhere
So many things happening and going on in this world
It keeps me on my knees praying to my father above
Hatred on the rise, strange thing happening everywhere
You see things in life that you never seen before
Things that was long hid coming from behind closed doors
It makes me afraid because I don’t know what I’ll face next
I don’t know what’s coming my way or what to even expect

I don’t know what tomorrow may suddenly bring
Will it be sunshine or could it be a great change
I consider it a blessing just to see another day
Happiness fills my soul when sunshine comes my way
I wonder many times about the dreams in my head
Are they trying to tell me something, or am I misled
What is the answer to what’s going on in this world?
What happen to the joy, what happen to the love
I try to be uplifted in spirit wherever I may go
Will I ever find strength; Lord I just want to know

Maybe there is a reason why life is so tough
Why the hill is hard to climb and the mountains so rough
This is a pressing way just in life to survive
It’s a struggle to lay down at night and the next day to rise
I know where I come from but not where I am going
Life is always a lesson that’s too hard to learn
I can’t live the future by holding onto my past
I can’t shed tears without expecting to laugh
I don’t know if the life I live is only a test
Even I fail sometimes when I try to do my best
Since I don’t know much about these things
And the future is further than my eyes can see
Taking one day at a time will always be enough for me.
Jul 2016 · 122
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Why would you scream at me when you know it hurt
Why can’t you realize my heart loves you so much
Why call me nothing when I am your mate
Why we can’t resolve this before it’s too late
If loving me is so easy why I can’t see it
And if your love is plenty why can’t I reap it
Why do we scream and why do we fight
Where did our love go in the falling of the night…

Why can’t I grasp what you say is real
Why it doesn’t matter the way my heart feels
Why in this relationship we both can’t feel free
Why your eyes say differently whenever you look at me
I just want to know why we can’t be as before
Why it’s so easy just to walk through the door
Why you can’t hold me when I’m lonely and blue
Why it seems to always be about you…

Why did I think you would always be in my life
Why I don’t have strength day after day to fight
Why can’t I walk away and never look back
Why can’t I stand on the side line peeping through the cracks…
Why I can’t see that your love for me is gone
Why I can’t walk away and just leave it alone
Why I can’t see you are more trouble than you’re worth
And why I promise never to leave you on this earth
Maybe I can’t find the answers or walk away with the truth
But at least I’ll know why “I’m wasting my time with you”
Jul 2016 · 245
Stuck in Eternity with you
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
It must have been your smile
That glowed across the room
It must have been the sensational smell
Of my rose and honeysuckle perfume
Or maybe it was your touch
So bright, happy and true
That makes me feel so happy and
Stuck in eternity with you

Where the sun always shine and
The moon stands quiet and still
Where roses smell so sweet and
And love is genuine and real
Where holding hands somehow mends
And the feeling of happiness never ends

The listening of a heart with gentle beats
And always wondering am I stuck too deep
Somehow I don’t mind being stuck in this life
One that’s joyful, happy, and true
As long as I am stuck in eternity with you

I may lose myself somewhere along the way
But knowing me; I’ll take it day by day
With the stars sending forth a bright ray of light
And the moon shinning upon our face at night
I don’t care where you are or even what you do
As long as I am stuck in eternity with you
Jul 2016 · 212
What I dreamed that night
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Looking out of the window
While snow fell to the ground
Reminded me of a dreamed
And the peace of mind I found
Before I fell asleep I
Had many questions
In my heart
On how to love and
Somehow please God

I tossed and turned trying
To fall asleep
Pleasing God was like a tape
In my head on repeat
I tried to push away
The cold feeling inside
I remember about twelve O’clock
I finally closed my eyes

I dreamed I was in heaven
Oh what a beautiful sight                                                                              
Big golden gates, and
The streets shinned so bright
There were fluffy white clouds
Standing all around
I floated on air, and
My feet could touch no ground

When I walked closer to the gates
They began to swing open wide
Seconds later I found myself inside
There were Angels flying
Above my head
Welcome home child;
That’s what they said

You wondered in your mind
What it takes to please God
There were many questions
You planted in your heart
Up here there’s peace
You’re happy and free
Take a look around and
Tell me what do you see?                                                                      

I see a city with streets
Paved with gold
I see many of God’s
Created souls
Setting around the table
Eating honey and
Drinking milk
Even My gown is
Now made of silk

I see three gates in the south
West, North, and East
The saints setting around
Having a wonderful feast
I spent my time seeking
God the whole summer
Point me in his direction
I need to ask him something

I want to please him but
I don’t know how
I need to get an answer                                                                              
From God right now
The moment I spoke
A bright light appeared
I knew from that moment
My faith wasn't seal

I wanted to see his face
But the light was too bright
I couldn't see him, only feel
His present in my sight
He said its easy if
You want to please me
The answer is plain
And so simple you see

God began to tell me what
I had to do and it didn't seem clear
His voice began to fade and I
Couldn't really hear
His voice kept fading
Until I open my eyes
Not knowing what
To feel inside                                                                                      

Suddenly the sun through
The window shinned bright
And I remembered what
I dreamed that night
I wanted to know how
I could please God
This was something that
Always burned in my heart

I walked to the door
And I looked out side
Suddenly it hit me as
Tears ran from my eyes
I believe that I went to heaven
And had a conversation with God
I believed in that dream
With all my heart

He said the answer is plain
As can be
A voice whispered saying                                                                    
Just have faith in me
What I dreamed that night
Let me know it’s not too late
And to please God;
All I need is faith
Sometimes all we need is just a little faith!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 2016 · 133
Right back in love
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Every time I think
That I am free
The Image of your face
Is all that I see
I have tried my best to
Stay out of your world
I am left with no fact
And right back in love

Every morning that I manage
To crawl out of bed
Visions of your face
Flash through my head
I know that being with you
Is a waste of my time
There’s nothing new with you
I’ve heard all your lines

You told me how you felt
On our last vacation trip
It’s obvious to say; you
Ended our relationship
I tried to forget you
And move on with my life
It wasn’t easy for me, I
Had to cry tears and fight
Now I see you again;
You want to kiss, and hug
Just one touch from you
And I’m right back in love

What happen between us
Could never be again
Silent tears I shed but
This relationship has end
May be I will always
Love you in my heart
It’s better this way
It’s better that we part
I will never see you again
I’ve move on with my life
The next man I get
I hope he treats me right
It's so hard to break free of love
Jul 2016 · 317
Forbidden Love
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Every time he sees her
His heart skips a beat
Just the thought of her
Makes him tremble
In his speech
Gracefully she walks
Slowly across the floor
His heart is telling him
There could be so much more

At night he dreams of her
Deeply in his sleep
This is the only way
They can secretly meet
The morning that he rise
Wiping tears from his eyes
Knowing this is forbidden love
And the truth remains inside

He knows this love is wrong
And it could never be
How he fell in love with her
His eyes could never see
He wonders in his mind
How did this passion manifest
His love is in the wrong place;
Oh what a mess!

He tries to fight this passion
Even though it’s not right
But still she creeps in his dreams
When he falls asleep at night
This passion over powered him
Completely took control
Where he go from here;
I guess he only knows

Many times before this
Feeling he tried to fight
How can he live with the fact
That she is not his wife?
She belong to someone else
But do she feel the same?
I hope he understands
That this is not a game
How this turns out
I guess he only knows
Passion has trapped him
And completely took control
Jul 2016 · 310
My father gave it to me
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
My father was a good man
God rest his soul
My father was the best father;
But one day he got old
He loved his family
In a kind and gentle way
My father is no longer with us
He gently slipped away.

He gave me something
That I will proudly wear
There is nothing like it
And none can compare
I will wear it with pride
Because I am free
I will wear it with dignity
Because my father gave it to me

  I will keep it polish
And pass it to my son
And he will wear it proudly
Until the day is done
I will do my best to let everyone see
That my father loved and passed it on to me

Many years have come and gone
Since my father slipped away
I hope he is proud of me
Because I wear it proud today
Father I thank you for trusting me with
The most important thing in your life

I promise to protect it
And always treat it right
Now I have a son father;
And I will do the same
Thank you always father; we
Proudly wear your name
Jul 2016 · 224
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Drugs is the number one killer
Of our young people today
It’s abusing and destroying them
In a sad and hurting way
We act like we don’t care
Turning away our head
We are finding our young
People strung out and dead

Looking and talking about
It, just won’t do it
We need to band together to
Help them get through it
Call a meeting and tell
Them about drugs
Show them some consideration
But most of all our love

We can do our best
To offer our affections
Put our arms around them
And offer our protection
They are looking for a way
To take back their life
Crying, fearful, fill with fright
Our young people are reaching
And trying to find hope
But we need to tell them
That poison is dope

We need to steer them in
The right direction
Building a bond
With love and affection
If this doesn’t scare you
Then tell me what will?
Drugs is on the streets
And we better wise up
So our young people can LIVE!
Jul 2016 · 1.5k
Life Highway
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
I walked life highway
A long time ago
Reaching for the window,
Walking through the door
On my journey through life
I met a strong man
None have I seen before
Traveling through the land.

On my way through life
I met Mr. Pain
He changed my whole life;
It would never be the same.

In the middle part of my life
I found Mrs. Good,
She taught me the
Better part of life;
She did what she could.
Mr. Failure was waiting,
For me to slip and fall,
He left me with nothing,
He took it all.

I found myself crying
As I stood in the rain,
Smiling at me on my way down,
Stood Mr. Pain.
Life’s highway took me
Down a dark piece of land
When I thought
I could not make it;
I saw this strong man

He said failure will take it all,
And leave you with pain;
Good overcome it
And wash away the rain.
At the end of life highway
I could plainly see,
That the strong person by my side;
Was always me.
Sometimes we think that we are not strong, and unable to complete the task, but if we keep striving we will eventually find the inner most strength that we need to reach the top.
Jul 2016 · 216
It was me
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Who carried you for nine months
Through heartaches and pain?
Who sheltered you,
And gave you a name
Who rubbed your tummy
And dried your little eyes
Who said baby it’s alright,
Every time you cried?

It was me; it was me all along,
It was me that stayed there with
You when everyone else were gone.
I did all I could and
Gave you as much as I had,
It was me which God gave,
Strong arms to last.

It was me that whispered to God,
To heal your body and strengthen
Your mind, it was me that cried
Out for you each and every time.
With God help it was me that
Clothed you and kept food on the table,
It was me that did this
As far as I was able.

It’s still me, and I will be
There until the end,
I am not only your mom,
But also your friend.
May be you didn’t have name brand
Clothes growing up through your
Life, but I know I taught you well,
And I know I raised you right.

Now you are a man,
And I can shout it loud
I can shout it from the roof top,
Because your mother are proud.
Remember my son, and never fail to see,
That in your life it was always me.
Jul 2016 · 9.1k
A letter to God
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Dear God,
I heard so much about you
Until it is burning me in my heart
I want to tell you how I feel, but
I don’t know where to start.
They say that you are the answer
To the way I feel inside
And once I am in you, I will
Have something to be my guide

I picked up the bible that
Had collected dust on the shelf
I decided to read it and find out for myself.
I read about how they nailed your
Precious body to the cross,
And the reason for this; was to
Save that which was lost.
Tears poured from my eyes as
Joy overtook my soul
I found a lot out about you that
I was never told.

I read about Job and
All that he went through
And the three Hebrew boys
That had all faith in you
I just had to write you Jesus
And let you know how I feel
No matter what I am told;
In my heart I believe you are real.
As long as I have your spirit,
I will never be alone
You told me if I hold on,
You would give me a new home.
I am taking you at your word
Because it means a lot to me
The day you died on Calvary,
It was to set me free.

Thank you for bringing me out of the world
And giving me a brand new life
I promise to keep your commandments
And do that which is right

I promise to teach my children
To obey every law
And not let a day go by
Without you being in their thoughts
I have to go now Jesus
And share you with someone else
As much as I want to,
I can’t keep you to myself.
I want to thank you for saving me,
And being my friend
I thank you for your love,
And your grace unto the end.

                              Love Your
                          Precious, Precious Child
I love writing to God, he is a great inspiration to me and in my life.
Jul 2016 · 178
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
I am a woman,
I respect myself
I am only me,
And no one else
I cry, I hurt, and
I can even love
I am beautiful, unique,
An extraordinary girl

I am brave, honest,
Cute,, and kind
Respect is earned
So today its mine
My words are simple
Short and sweet
Even the cloths I wear
Is **** and neat

My walk is slow
Seasoned with Grace
You can tell from my
Talk I have good taste
Gentle and delight
I bow with ease
A Virtuous woman
Easy to please
I need respect as
A part of me
It’s something that’s
Earned, not given free

I am young and special,
An extraordinary girl
I demand respect, and
A place in this world
When I look in the mirror
I see all I can be
I am respect; kind, graceful
And free
Jul 2016 · 222
I Am
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
I am gave you sunshine,
I am gave you spring,
I am that I am who
Gave you everything.
I am gave you flowers
And planted every tree,
I am delivered Moses
Across the red sea.

I am was crucified
And hung on the cross,
I am gave his life to
Save that which was lost.
I am is the one and
With me you will win,
I am delivered Daniel
From the lion's den.

I am healed the sick
And did raise the dead,
I am always did
Just what I said.
Who is this man, a
Meek and humble lamb,
Remember he told Moses,
I am that I am.
Jul 2016 · 322
When Eve bit the fruit
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
When Eve bit the fruit that
God had forbid her not
It put a lot of pressure on us
And things got really hot
Sin then came forth to
Tear the people apart
Satan had the perfect opportunity
To work in our heart

Eve gave the fruit to Adam
And he bit it to
Now it’s hard to get a man to trust
A woman no matter what we do
When Eve bit the fruit
The world changed forever more
Now men try to get us back
And even up the score

God help us; and
Stretch forth thy hand
Help our men to forgive us
And help them understand
Though Eve and Adam bit
The fruit it certainly not the end
God sent his son Jesus down
To wipe away our sin!!!!!
Jul 2016 · 306
Morning Air
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
There’s something in
The morning air
Love and friendship
Is everywhere
People smiling, and
Shaking hands
Singing and dancing
Throughout the land

The scent of roses
Fill my nose
Chills and goose bumps
From the cold
The smell of coffee
Lingers there
Pancakes and Waffles
In the morning air

Prayers and blessing
Hanging near
The morning tulip
Bright and fair
Rain and sleet
Falling down
While Ice and snow
Covers the ground
Children playing
Here and there
Bringing Morning love
To fill the air
The morning air is special, waking up smelling the breeze starting the morning off laughing, singing, dancing, and shaking hands. :-)
Jul 2016 · 183
Pieces of a letter
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Tonight is tonight that I
Find out where I stand
I’m nervous, shaking
Trembling in my hand
You kept telling me that between
Us things would get better
If this being the case
Explain these pieces of a letter

I found it on your night stand
Next to your bed
When I read it, it gave
Me a pain in my head
This guy said that with you
He had a good time
He made it sound ****
And tried to rhyme

As I read these pieces
Of a letter
It hurt inside
Because I knew deep down
To me you had lied
You made me feel alive
And always charmed
I have always kept you safe
And secure from harm.

It’s hurting me inside to think
Of you and him as being a pair
And the running of his
Fingers through your hair
When we were walking
Barefoot through the sand
You could have told me
You had another man

When you tore up the letter
And left it by your bed
Did you do it to play me
And mess with my head?
My love for you goes deeper
Than the bottom of the sea
Now your lies and letter
Have all but destroyed me

Did you plan these pieces of
A letter so I could see
That all your life you
Wanted to be free?
I guess it’s over and
Nothing left to say
I guess I’ll move on and
Lick my wounds another day
You hurt me real bad, and
These tears I cannot hide
But at least I know now
How you really feel inside
Jul 2016 · 185
My name is
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
I am the reason people
Lie to one another
Hatred, jealous, and envy
Toward their brother
I will make you cry
Don’t care how you feel
And if you are not careful
Your very life I will steal
My name is what, and
Who you think it is
I am the big dog
The one and only thrill

I am known to cause
Confusion on the spot
I been chased many times
But never ever caught
I’ll make you do what
You never thought you could
I am bad, I rule this hood                                                                            
Don’t take me lightly or
Say what I wouldn't do
Anything is possible when
I choose to do it to you

All this time and you still
Know not my name?
When bad things happen to you
Tell me who do you blame?
My job is to keep all of you
From reaching Heaven
I bet you know me now
My name is the devil
I cause wars and fights
In every single town
I stick out like a sore thumb
I am easy to be found

When a person pulls a trigger
And takes someone’s life
I made them do it;
I brought hatred in their sight
I told you to leave your wife
And your husband as well
You love what I offer you
I make great sells

It’s easy to plant a seed
In most people head
Some people is easy
Prey to be led
Once you open up and
Let me inside
You will repeat all kind
Of jokes and lies
I love it when people let
Me have my way
I dance you like a
Puppet on a string
And there’s nothing
You can say

My name is, and always
Will be
Mr. devil to you
Hey! That’s me                                                                                          
I am cunning, and come
In so many forms
If you are not a child of God
My spirit you fail to learn

I am a peace breaker
I hate to keep things together
Continue to do what I say
We can spend eternity
In hell together
So the next time you are lonely
And crave to do wrong
Call me on the phone
Or visit my home
I live between purgatory
And the inferno in hell
If you forget my number
You can send me an E-Mail
I thought about this because when we were little every time we got in trouble and my mom get at us about it, my little sister would always say to my mom I'm sorry, the devil made me do it. So when I think about strange things I think about what my sister use to say, and got the idea to write this poem.
Jul 2016 · 466
She's my little girl
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
She’s my little girl
So bright and fair
Wide eyes and
Little nose
With long silky hair
She makes me happy
And fills me with love
I’m her whole world
And she’s my little girl.
Jul 2016 · 278
It's not about you
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
I got something to say to you
And I hope you Understand
I hope to get the message through
To interrupt your plan
You walk around with your nose
In the air looking down on me
You walk around conceited
Thinking you is better than me

Your hopes and your dreams
Are no better than mine
You need to hear the truth
And from where I stand its time
You wear red rose lip stick
Finest perfume money can buy
Everything you stand for
Isn't anything but a lie

You say God answer your prayers
Because you know how to pray
You know how to move God
With the correct words to say
To me my sister; it sounds
Like you got a lot of issues
This whole statement about God
You got the wrong picture
There is no respect of person
In God’s sight or in his mind
He loves all his children
All the same, and all the time

You think the world revolves
Around how you want it to be
And the self-centered person you are
You can’t and will not see
It’s all about God, and
What he wants us to do
It’s not about long prayers
And it’s not about you

You think that your riches
Makes you special in this world
It’s not worth a dime
If you don’t have God’s love
Your gold necklace
And diamond ring
Will not score brownie
Points with God
And your high heel shoes
Is not worth
Anything with a
Conceited concrete heart

I thought it was time
To set the record straight
You can’t get through to God
When your heart is fill with hate
So think about this; and
What it takes to be true
Today you get the lecture
And remember its
Not about you
Jul 2016 · 297
Twists and turns
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Sometimes we
Get let down
With all the twist
And turns in life
To keep your head
Above water
You are ready and
Determine to fight
You find the cost
To feed your family
Is more than you can bear
And the worries shows on
Top of your head
With black and grey hair

You try to keep up with
The browns afraid of
Being left behind
You can’t afford that
Big white house
You don’t even
Have a dime
Your wife is on
Your back and
Your baby needs
A pair of shoes
You find yourself in
So much trouble and
Now you got the blues

Your job doesn't
Pay enough money
So now you are talking
About leaving
When you think you
Got it under control
This week you
Didn't break even
Now your kids are sick
From playing out in the cold
Little Johnny has a fever
With a red and runny nose
You feel bad inside because
Others have money to burn
Hospital garnish your check
Because you had no insurance

You bow your head
With a honest heart
Fighting tears as you pray
Sleepless nights, teary eyes
Believing there must be a way
Because life takes away
Whatever you earn
With all its twist and turns
Now you wonder
How some can make it
And other can hardly stand
Half supporting your family
Makes you feel less of a man

You can’t stand the pressure
So you want to go back home
There are times in the day when
You prefer to be left alone
So you figured out that life
Waits patiently for no one
A lesson that is well learned
And life doesn't play fair
With all its twists and turns
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Maybe I hurt you and
Caused you to cry
I know the pain went deep
And this I won’t deny
I know I am to blame for
All your sleepless nights
The things that I said
I know it wasn't right

I never meant you any sorrow
And I never meant
To make you cry
I am the cause of your pain
I accept all the blame
I called you cheap words
And a lot of other stuff
Sometimes saying I’m sorry
Just isn't good enough

Somehow I felt what you
Felt deep inside
So much hurt and pain
Like a reflection in your eyes
Every breath you took
Filled with deceit and sorrow
Maybe your forgiveness
Will come on tomorrow

I can’t expect you to push
This all away
Maybe another time,
Another hour in the day
If I could take the words back
That caused you to cry
I would do it in a heart beat
And you know it’s not a lie

Nothing I can say right now
Will keep your heart still
I’m sorry, I apologize for
The way I made you feel
Even a broken heart is
One that’s hard to mend
This will follow me
Until the very end
In your eyes I am the enemy
And you have to do what you must
But sometimes saying I’m sorry
Just isn't good enough
Jul 2016 · 189
Merry Christmas
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
I hope this Christmas find you
As happy as can be
I pray your life is filled with blessings
As you receive best wishes from me
I hope that this day will bring
You closer in love
And may you feel the Christmas spirit
As it spread throughout the world
May your friends and family see
How special you really are
And may you get your wishes as you
Wish upon a star
I hope that you feel the love I
Share with you in my heart
True friendship is one that can
Never be torn apart
You are a special person and
To this I am a witness
From my heart now and always
I wish you a Merry Christmas
Jul 2016 · 250
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
I feel that people don’t listen and
They really fail to hear
How my depression goes deep
And how it opens my deepest fear
My mind tends to play games and
Nothing seems the same
To open up about my feelings
I feel so ashamed
I am this worthless person
Not able to pick myself up
I feel I am not worth it
And life really *****
Depressed in the morning,
Depressed all day long
Depression is my middle name
So I want to be left alone
When I look in the mirror
I hate what I see
I wish I could fade away
It’s a tough journey every day

I am just an old frame and
A broken down old shadow
Why am I stuck in this body
And why life doesn’t matter
Tears became my breakfast
And pills is always my lunch
I feel like I’m in a boxing ring
Knocked down with every punch
I don’t know how to make it
And I fail to simply get through
I’m only sure there is no joy
No matter what I do
Others may understand and
Find a way to cope
From where I stand in life
I can’t find and see no hope
Maybe if I'm lucky
My life will bring a change
And if I'm only dreaming
Depression will always
Be my name
Jul 2016 · 2.1k
Hope You Feel Better
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
I dreamed that you were sick
And I hope you feel better
I pray you be healed
When you read my letter
Friendship like yours;
I do not see every day
You are my best friend
There is nothing else to say.

I want us to stay close
As close as we can be
When I am around you
I can always be me.
In my life you lift me
When ever I am down
Oh how things change
And suddenly turn around

You are my best friend,
Your presence I do miss
Please get well my friend
It hurt me to see you sick
What are friends for? They are always special---------
Jul 2016 · 157
It's My First Time
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
I sat patiently for you
To walk through the door
My heart beat faster than
It ever did before
I know you understand
You read all the signs
Just be gentle with me
Because it’s my first time

When I look in your eyes
I feel something new
And all I want in my heart
Is to spend time with you
Tonight I will know what
It feels to be love
And from now on I
Will be your only girl

Please be patient with me and
Everything will be fine
Before you began the process
Remember; it’s my first time
I am nervous, shaking,
Sweating in my hand
I am scared;
I never been with a man

I keep walking back and forth
Trying to hide my tears
Because what take place tonight
Somehow will be real

I need you to comfort me
I don’t want any regrets
And what happens tonight
I don’t want to forget

I want to remember that;
The man I share tonight with
Will always be mine
Please be patient with me
It’s my first time
Jul 2016 · 238
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Lying in this little room
Tied down to this bed
Men walking round in white coats
While insanity in my head
Laughing, talking, hanging
Out with my friends
Led down a lonesome road
Where I could see no end

One little taste, I
Swear that’s all I took
Now I’m lying in this little room
Strung out and hooked
I am dreaming of a life
I wish I almost had
But I’m lying in this little room
With my heart feeling sad

My friends are all gone
Nowhere to be found
They led me on a wild ride
And then they let me down
I’m in this little place
So cold, and dark
I can’t feel my body
I can’t feel my heart

I took a final vow
And took a new oath
No more little rooms
Or men in white coats
One night of happiness
For only a short time
Restraints holding me down
While I slowly lose my mind
My life now for everyone
Has become an open book
Lying in this little room
Strung out and hooked
Amazing how easily it is to become hooked with and on anything..........
Jul 2016 · 138
I Didn't Know What To Do
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
One day I was hungry
And my family was too
So much of stress,
I didn't know what to do
I sat and wondered what
My next meal would be
No apples or oranges
To fall from the tree
I went to my neighbors
And ask for bread
Only enough for our self;
That’s what they said
The look on my children face;
I just couldn't forget it
The store manager said;
No money no credit
By now I was tired
And my eyes fill with tears
I have to feed my family,
But no one would give.
My children crying for food,
And I didn't know what to do
If only I knew some way
To help me pull through.
On my way home
I passed this church
I heard good singing
That I like very much
The doors of the church
I fasten my eyes
I walked slowly through
The door, on the inside
The preacher walked down
And took my hand
He said; you going through,
But God understand
The message was clear
As the bible on my shelf
I needed the faith
To believe for myself.

I prayed and I waited,
Setting quiet as a mouse
Mid-day the next day,
God sent an Angel to my house
A knock on the door,
I open with a smile
Please come in and sat a while.
He said; I tried to call you,
I did my best
To bring to you
this very last check
When you got fired from your job
They fail to give you your last pay
This is what brought me
To your house today.
It clicked in my head
What the preacher had said;
God understands, and he sent me bread
Tears ran down my face
As I walked up my stairs
It’s a miracle; God do answer prayers
He has saved me
From the trouble in my life
And for that I will
Sleep well tonight.
Jul 2016 · 257
A Talk With The Devil
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
One night while watching television
I suddenly fell asleep
And when I open my eyes
This stranger I did meet
A wild looking creature,
Bolder then I had seen
Somebody shake me and
Tell me this is a dream.
I did not want to be here,
This is a mistake
Wake me; shake me,
Before it is too late.
The creature began to laugh,
As he laughs so hard;
You are down here to stay
So said the Lord.
You had your chance
To live a Christian life
But you didn't count on
Taking this deep sleep tonight.
Listen careful my child,
Don’t you hear the bells?
You missed the streets of gold
And ended up in hell
I started to scream and plead to God;
He never heard me as
I stood there in the dark.
People was crying and gritting
Their teeth; my night gown caught on fire
From the intensity of the heat
I yell out with pain saying
Forgive me, this is a mistake
I realize it was the devil when he said;
Take your place I appointed
You in the lake.
All while you live,
I stayed ******* your back
You down here with me
And there is no looking back
I showed you things
That drew you from God
Not giving you a chance
To receive him in your heart
Oh foolish one, how foolish could you be
I did not want you in heaven,
But down here with me.
You did not have to come here,
Or allow yourself to be fool
I do what I want,
I got nothing to lose.
I know how heaven look,
But I did not care
I want all of God’s people for myself
Maybe you should have loved
God without a doubt
The day I got unruly up there,
He simply put me out.
.I got all kind down here
With me, young and old
I am out to **** and
Destroy all of God’s souls.
As I talked with the devil
My heart did ache
My head hung in shame
Because I knew it was too late
I scream loud as I could
To the top of my voice
Suddenly I open my eyes
And grabbed for my heart.
I remember everything
I had seen that night
I had no time to waste,
To get my soul right.
I got one more chance
To try to save my soul
I got one more chance
To walk the streets of gold.
You may say that this is a poem,
And you are right
But what if you fall asleep
And go there one night?
Do whatever it takes
To live the holy way
Time waits for no one,
It must be today.
Jul 2016 · 176
The Long Road Back
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
He took me for a ride one day
To get away from home
What started out as having
Fun, left me all alone
I wondered why a right turn,
Turned into a left
Where are we going, I
Suddenly ask myself?

Snow fell on the ground, and
Ice hung from the tree
There was a painful look in
His eyes, as they
Suddenly focus on me.
In the middle of nowhere
Forest and the weeds
I knew from the start
A tangled web was weaved

Forced out of the car
For no reason at all
Crying, begging, as the
Grass broke my fall
Lying on the ground, cold
And scared to death
Terror took my voice as
I tried to call for help

He left me in a place I
Never had to be
All this time I thought
The man loved me
The long road back turned
Day into night
I couldn’t find my way out
So I gave up on life

I fell to the ground covered
With ice and snow
Why he left me here I
Really fail to know
I remember closing my eyes
And hearing strange sounds
Shadows of fear covered
Me as I laid there
On the ground

When I open my eyes
I were lying in bed
Frozen from my waist down
With a cut on my head
Hunters found me there
That night in the nick of time
My boyfriend got arrested
For this indecent crime
It’s a long road back
To finding my life
But I will always remember
What I went through that
Jul 2016 · 206
Christmas Memories
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
This Christmas season will
Bring something new
Memories of an old friend
Kind and loving like you
Another year has gone
And finally come to an end
It’s a long story; of all the
Places we’ve been

It’s wonderful to have
These memories in mind
Just thinking about old times
Remember how the snow
Would fall for days
And the cups of eggnog we
Would always crave?

The fresh smell of pine and
Colored ornaments hanging
From the tree
Brought close friendship
For you and me
Memories are photographs
That will always last
They are of the present
The future and the past

I will always keep these
Memories in my mind
And we will bring them up again
Another year, and another time
Memories are so very special!!!!!!!!   :-)
Jul 2016 · 153
Planned Suicide
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Lying on the bed
Crying for help
The only other option
Is a slow painless death
She picks up the telephone
Talking to a friend
My life is useless
It somehow must end

There’s no joy in
Her soul today
Visions of suicide in
Her head do play
When she needed someone
To just be there
They turned their backs
They just didn’t care

She went into the bathroom
And looked into the mirror
Heart broken, lonely,
Sad and teary
No one would answer her
When she calls
No, not a soul,
Not anyone at all

She held up her arms and
Said, my life is a twist
Seconds later she
Cut both her wrists.
Laying on the floor
In a puddle of blood
Crying, and sad because
No one gave her love

While slowly closing her eyes
One more time she cried;
It’s over for me now
No more hurt inside
Before she planned
This selfish act
She wrote a note
And explained the facts

The note said I’m leaving
Not that anyone care
When I needed you the most
You were never there
You can’t find my life
Because Now I am free
No one ever cared what
Happened to me
I don’t have to hear
Or put up with lies
No one made me do this
It’s a planned suicide!!!!!!!
It is sad how sometime feeling alone can cause so much pain.
Jul 2016 · 360
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
Yesterday I felt that I
Could soar up high
Today I feel down
I really want to cry
Yesterday I thought the
World was in my hand
There is so much pain today
I really don’t understand

Waking up today from a
Restless night of sleep
Only to find that yesterday
Has fallen down on me
Yesterday I had peace
And a warm gentle smile
Today I wear a frown
And nothing seems worthwhile

Yesterday I thought that
I could win this race
Today I find that things are
Thrown back in my face
If I could take yesterday
And switch it for today
The frown I wear upon my face
Would be a smile today

Yesterday I visualize the
Perfect life for me
Today my vision is cloudy
And there’s nothing left to see
Why is there so much pain
Traveling through this world?
What part of my life
Can I rely on love?

I cannot bring back yesterday
Because today is gone
Why did it leave me, and
Left me here alone?
Today on my bed
A lonely person lay
But I will still be trying
To bring back yesterday
Jul 2016 · 270
In Search of Me
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
I awaken from my sleep one morning
In search of poor old me
Where have I gone?
Where shall I be?
I walked over to the mirror and
I couldn't believe my eyes
There stood a selfish woman
With unspeakable pride

I went in the living room and
Jealously walked out of the kitchen
Something is terribly wrong; because
Hate was washing the dishes
I went in the bathroom
I just knew I was in the tub
I raised the shower curtain and
Stupid was making suds

I said excuse me Mr., Stupid
I am in search of me
I have been looking and looking
But where I am, I cannot see
He said did you look in the closet
You are sure to find you there
Among all the clothes, the glare,
And the heart that just don’t care

I know I am in here somewhere
But where can I be?
So much stuff in the way
My eyes find it hard to see
Somewhere in the den I saw
Crazy hanging from the wall
And envy danced a jig
Walking down the hall
Judging sat on the sofa
Making a phone call
While peace breaker laugh
And had himself a ball

My head hung in shame
No wonder I am lost
Backbiting sat in the corner
Eating cinnamon apple sauce
Oh my God! No wonder
My search is in vain
No wonder I am hid and
Can’t find a thing

I started out this morning
In search of me
Never thought I would find
So much junk to see
Now that I know what
It takes to clear the air
Seven days a week in
My life will be PRAYER!!!!
Jul 2016 · 238
I Didn't Bring
Lillie Williams Jul 2016
I didn't bring a flower mother
So I hope its alright
I didn't bring you candy
To eat in bed tonight
I brought something special
That you can always see
Guess what mother?
I brought ME!
I thought this would be an amazing thing to say to your mother on Mother's Day or any other day. I know that mother's and father;s love their children all the time and being around them bring special gifts into their lives.
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