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Mar 2012 · 774
Do you like hurting me?
Lillie Marie Mar 2012
I dont understand
why you keep doing this to me
you said you'd give me warning
so then i would be happy

But instead he just walks in
and you won't do what you said
do you like hurting me?
like seeing me so sad?

I have my issues with dad
I have my issues with Bricker
now I have them with you
all because of the new Mister

Its a slap in the face
its a punch in the gut
it shreds my heart  into a thousand pieces
and you don't give a ****

Oh, Wait
thats all you want
That is why he's here
I'm sorry, I forgot

Mom I wish you'd stop
or You'll lose me too
I'm tired of being hurt
being hurt by you..
Mar 2012 · 392
I just hope.
Lillie Marie Mar 2012
I can say to you
with direct words all the same
but you don't want to understand
why there's so much pain

It takes me to the point
when I start to break
before I say what I want
but by then it's way too late

My time feels like its wasted
since you don't seem to care
but I kept coming back
even though there was nothing there

you may not realize now,
you may not realize then
but putting me through that
is not where I begin

I hope you know you hurt me
I hope you know the truth
I'm tired of your secrets
I hope you know that too
Mar 2012 · 547
Lillie Marie Mar 2012
What happened when you left
Broke us all apart
you brought her in our lives
and she broke both our hearts

I have refused to go one time before
it took you by surprise
I'm tired of empty promises
I can't take anymore lies

You said you wouldn't go back
you broke that promise too
you told me you never intended
to put me what you went through

she thinks its all dandy
she thinks its all the same
making me go back
is increasing all my pain

Days in, days out
no word from you at all
not even a simple text
saying "Sorry I missed your call"

I am your child
you said to put me first
but instead she's number one
and I'm the one who's hurt

just a simple answer
just saying sorry I'm busy
but instead it goes to voicemail
and its making me go crazy

why is it so hard
to believe my words
when I say im not going back
instead you make me hurt

Her last blow up
didn't **** me inside
okay, I get it, you cheated
but that didnt **** my pride

you did it to her
and even to mom too
so she thought that it would hurt
to know what she went through

I try and try again
my feelings don't ever show
I'm not ready to go back
But I've tried so hard to let go

So here is my last thought
that one last request
don't put me in that house
I'll let you clean up your mess
Feb 2012 · 521
Lillie Marie Feb 2012
You can be a thousand miles away
Be right next to me
But I still will feel alone
Wishing I could breathe

You boy have left me breathless
You've made my legs give way
You havent even left me yet
but i still want you to stay

I dont care how hard itd be
or how far things may become
I just want to be your girl
baby let me have your love
Feb 2012 · 431
With the Lonely Tree
Lillie Marie Feb 2012
As you sit down by the lonely tree
wanting to scream and yell
wanting to be free
instead you cry
you cry so hard
wishing things were different
wishing you didn't have a heart
Instead what you get
is the most painful feeling
the feeling of loneliness,
just like this tree
You shiver you quake
you feel so numb
like everything is crumbling around you
and you cant stop it

I can't take it anymore
I plead I plead
but no one can hear me
I just wish to be free
Lillie Marie Jan 2012
Eight months I almost spent with you
but then you ended all
your excuse was "I need to be single"
Then why'd you let me fall?

I was as happy as could be
I thought you were the same
But I guess that I was wrong
so apparently I've lost the game

you broke my heart before
three times to be exact
every other two months it seemed
you got tired of what was that?

Sometimes I wish I never loved you
So I wouldn't have this pain
but I only wish you happiness
even if I go insane..
Jan 2012 · 507
I promise
Lillie Marie Jan 2012
I feel as if I'm broken
I feel so scared to death
I wish that you could see
how I'll take my last breath

just make sure no ones home
make sure the doors are locked
I'll be up in my room
with all the windows blocked

I'll have my trusty side kick
a shiny silver blade
since no one can see me
I don't have to wait

just take that first step
just put it on your wrist
starting it off slowly
and ending with a twist

Stop it! that second guessing,
you know its what you want!
is what my mind is telling me
ignoring my whole heart

But then I hear a sound
I hear the front door open
I cut a little deeper
they don't know I'm here I'm hoping

they are on the stairs
with more feet than just two
then suddenly my door opens
though I can't make out a view

tears are falling down
and they take me in their arms
they say that its alright
'We love you with our hearts'

Now finally I realize
that its not worth the pain
I have those who need me
I will finally be happy again
. . . I promise

— The End —