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Mar 2014 · 369
Take it away-
Lillian Sechrest Mar 2014
Don't think about the yesterdays, Don't worry about tomorrow,
Focus on the present and take away my sorrow.
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
-Safe haven
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
My refuge, my safe haven.
fit for a getaway on any occasion.
The smell of the ocean breeze.
The feel of the water up to my knees.
linens as comforting as the
scented candles which smell quite fine,
all in all the perfect place to unwind.
Feb 2014 · 514
-A month ago
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
A month ago.
31 days .
744 hours.
44,640 minutes.
2,678,400 seconds.
From this very moment.
I ran up to the man of my dreams,
And was held tightly in his embrace.
His smile light up his face,
Like the sun lights up the afternoon skies.
His eyes gleamed with happiness.
Like the stars when they fill the up the dark night.
Caught up in his presence alone.
I remembered once again what it felt like.
What it felt like to be whole again,
Not worrying about the tomorrows to come.
Or the yesterdays once held.
Now holding more then my hand.
He carries my entire being.
Treated with delicacy,
Shielded from the damage that falls all around me.
Taught once again what it feels like,
What it feels like to love.
A month ago.
I ran up to the man of my dreams.
To J.-
Feb 2014 · 571
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
The words you want to hear.
The words that's should be said.
Sometimes they hurt,
Or sound better in your head..
Feb 2014 · 327
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
She sat next to the window seal,
Stared blankly out into the world.
Watching each raindrop until it reach the end of its course.

   She wondered where she went wrong,
What did she do to deserve this?
Why did everything have to happen to her?

   She's the girl with the smile that could light up a room.
   She's the girl with the personality so beautifully unique

   She's the girl with the heart so kind.

   She's the girl that experienced to much pain to realize this about her self.
Broken by the people she thought she could trust.
Eaten up from the inside out, from all the memories.
Lived with her regrets chained to her ankles.

   She cried to herself every night.
Feeling stuck. wishing for a way out.
But never found one..

   She dreamed of someone you only see in movies.
someone to wrap her up with comfort, and care for her.
That person hasn't come..

But little did she know..

   She's the girl everyone loved.

   She's the girl everyone wanted to be around.

   She's the girl no one could ever forget.

   She was to blinded to realize that these things were true. no matter how many times she heard them, she'd never  fully believe them..

  " She's" me.
Feb 2014 · 2.3k
Trust issues-
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
Love me.
hate me.
Want me.
forget me.
You saved me from drowning in this ocean of lies,
just to throw me right back in.
assumtions were made.
rumors were spread.
the choice was there.
you didn't have any faith.
but you still took the leap.
broken was my heart.
now shattered is a better word.
Feb 2014 · 343
Just another day-
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
Waking up with the sun spread across my face.
Lean over the side of my bed.
Moving at a slow pace.
Matted is the hair upon my head.
Make my way to the bathroom.
Putting on the face everyone see's
I need to hurry I'll have to leave soon.
Wishing I could just leave as I please.
Grabbing my things, heading out the door.
I need to catch the bus.
Left something I needed on my bedroom floor.
Can't go back to get it, my mom will make a big fuss.
I sit there in seat double my size.
In my own world not saying a word.
Awaiting at my destination is no surprise.
Looking out my window everything seems blurred.
Arriving to where we're forced to be.
I'll sit alone in the hallway.
Until it's him I see.
We both will say 'Hey'
Then we'll talk about anything that seems to fit.
loosing track of time until the bell sounds.
other then a few moment I don't like it here not on bit.
Walking on all new grounds.
lost the other half , working on it.
Feb 2014 · 468
Leaving home-
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
These four walls much like a cave.
In which I'm sent to if I misbehave.
The walls so seemingly bare,
Contain the stories of someone somewhere.
The air filled with sent of fresh paint.
Over all it's feeling quite quaint.
Unpacking my memories one by one,
Feeling the warmth on my skin from the sun.
The sounds of the cars speeding by fast.
Leaving my old home left a hole in my heart so vast.
Feb 2014 · 1.9k
Ich liebe dich-
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
Ich liebe dich..
We thought in the back of our minds.

Ich liebe dich..
We murmured under our breath.

Ich liebe dich..
We were to scared to say aloud.

Ich liebe dich..
We both knew it.

Ich liebe dich..
You finally shared it.

Ich liebe dich..
And I'll never stop..
Feb 2014 · 285
Book of secrets-
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
Book of secrets book of thoughts.
Tell them nothings but tell you lots.
What's inside you'll never know,
The feelings I try not to show.

At my side throughout the day
So I can record the things I can really say.
A simple book of 5" by 8"
Bu I stay up writing in you until its late.

It's pages to me are so familiar.
But whats this I see? something peculiar.
It's not a word nor a letter,
What could it be something better?

Not made of silk, not made of leather,
Could it be a small white feather?
It's looks are so delicate,
It's looks so pure, am I dreaming? I'm not quite sure.

Then with a rattle, then with a shake!
Are my eyes fooling me is this a mistake?
All of a sudden it begins to form wings!
Then I hear a chirping like a song you could sing!

Oh tell me now is this a miracle sent from above?
God has gifted me with a pure white dove.
Not a worry in my mind, no regrets left to say.
Oh thank you God. Thank you for THIS day.
The dove is symbolic for purity. My "book of secrets" is filled with regrets and memories. But GOD has gifted us with the gift of purity in Him through His name.
Feb 2014 · 319
Wonderful People-
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
"We're all beautiful, wonderful people.
so why did we become so fearful..?"
Feb 2014 · 278
Breath of Life-
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
If I took life for granted,
I would want to die no other way then by drowning.
longing for something so simple would be so eye opening.
every breath is a gift.
Feb 2014 · 302
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
Take my heart into your hand
Please don't squeeze to tight.
With you I will stand..
everything will be alright.

Take my memories make them yours.
see all the paths I took.
see where I opened and closed doors.
don't give me such a pitiful look.
that's in the past now.
I had to let it all go
I couldn't alone, but you showed me how.
those old memories I try not to show.

Take my affection.
As I stare into your eyes.
filled with such perfection.
much like the star-R-s that fill the skies.

Take my Love.
you are my 'Welt'
Me and you fit perfectly like a glove.
oh the feelings with you I have felt.

But Here..
take my entire being
my mind body and soul,
through your eyes I am seeing.
without you I don't feel whole..

should be something else I can give to you.
But I have nothing else, I've given you my all.
This love we share is more then true.
we stand..TALL.
'Welt'  means "world" in German.
Feb 2014 · 933
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014



                         ­               be   F
           ­                                           L
                    ­                                     L
                                                               ­ N
                                                              ­      G  
   Deeply...                                                        ­                                   Deeply..

                                                               ­              in LOVE.......

                               With..                                                           ­                YOU.
Feb 2014 · 321
Unspoken words-
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
Unspoken words that fill our head,
Are often the words that should be said.
Sometimes we just push them aside,
And try to find them a safer place to hide.
But it’s these words that I just can’t contain.
When it’s always you that’s on my brain.
Thoughts of you that take me away,
Always dreaming about a future day.
You and your perfect smile,
Makes seeing you worth every mile.
Filled with such perfection,
You’re in no need of anyone’s correction.
the refection in your eyes,
shows me you’re in no disguise.
Could it be true?
Am I in love with you…?
Just the thought of your four lettered name,
I fear I’ll never be the same..
Wrapped up inside your skin,
The thought of you so tempting, it’s like a sin
The taste of your kiss,
Leaves me in bliss.
Although your kisses may be a beautiful art,
All I’ll ever want is your heart.
If a lover is what you wish to find,
Just look into my eyes I know you’re not blind.
Just knowing you want to be mine,
Brings to my day a little more shine.
When troubles come our way,
Just remember tomorrow can be a different day.
If you ever feel down,
I’ll just cheer you up by acting like a clown.
To make you happy I’d do anything you see?
That’s because you’re where my heart whishes to be…
You’ve put my heart at ease,
Somehow manage to make everything go by like a breeze.
My days were always so gray..
Until the moment you chose to stay…
There’s only one thing left to say it’s to be handled with care,
But I feel that’s pretty fair..
I Love You.
Feb 2014 · 252
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
Trapped in my head.
Leaving me for the dead.
Caught in what seemed like a cage.
Always crisp, never did they age.
Crawling around in the muck.
Feeling like I was more than stuck.
But glimpse of light.
Was a less terrifying sight.
A warmth so tangible.
Consumed my heart like a cannibal.
The complex parts you disassemble.
They all changed to something so simple.
These thoughts of you so surreal.
It’s nice to finally be able to feel.
Your eyes with matchless perfection.
Just a glance fills me with instant affection.
Your touch sends shivers down my spine.
A simple feeling yet so divine.
These remarkable feelings I will not hide.
It seems as if they’ll never subside.
So wrap me up in your skin.
It’s just now about to sink in.
The possibilities we have ahead.
Keep me from going to bed.
With you I would stand.
With your heart safely inside my hands.
Trust me with every thought
In the end your every dream would have been sought.
Drive me out.
Past the fields, onto the mountains where we can shout.
It’d be our love, As delicate as a dove.
I asked God for a sign from above.
If we don’t rush this, and decide what we’re all about.
Our time will NEVER run out..
Feb 2014 · 812
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
why cant I breathe without you in my air,
how you've captured me. it's just not fair..

your perfect eyes,
look like the stars filling the skies..

your heart pounding in your chest,
makes me forget all the rest..

how I love seeing your soul like fire,
your heart is my only desire..

break the rage with blood and hate,
but never let it make your fate..
Feb 2014 · 440
Lillian Sechrest Feb 2014
Feelings running all through out my veins,
trying to let them out but they only leave stains.
Other then seeing your perfect face,
That night was a big disgrace.

Took me to the highest of high.
Made me feel as if I could fly.
But somehow I'm left with this pain.
Barely able to stay sane.

Trying to put the impossible back together.
Just so it'll last forever.
Feeling more then lost.
But I'm still aware why our paths crossed.

Even during the grayest of gray.
I'd still choose to stay.
Plenty of new days,but they manage to stay the same.
I guess I'm the one to blame..?

forgetting how to even cry.
sometimes I wonder why I even bother to try.
this roller coaster never seems to stop.
just using this fake smile as a prop.

Fooled you once, fooled you twice.
Some consolation would be nice.
Sitting in my glass box.
listening while every one talks.

Word's of bitterness, word's of hate.
I'm just trying to set a clean slate.
Some say I'm no ordinary girl.
that I'm just just caught up in a whirl.

I bet you cant even tell,
the world we live in can be livin' hell.
when It's to my knees I fall.
there's only one name that I call..

people tell me it's a glimmer of hope.
that I've somehow managed to cope.
I've been holding on.
I wish to see the morning dawn.

it shows me a glimpse off light.
another reason to stand up and fight.
inside of me it implants a thought.
happiness can't be bought.

everything happens for a reason.
these hard times here for only a season.
Just forgive and forget..
there's no need to fret..

— The End —