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Oh, I can smile for you, and tilt my head,
And drink your rushing words with eager lips,
And paint my mouth for you a fragrant red,
And trace your brows with tutored finger-tips.
When you rehearse your list of loves to me,
Oh, I can laugh and marvel, rapturous-eyed.
And you laugh back, nor can you ever see
The thousand little deaths my heart has died.
And you believe, so well I know my part,
That I am gay as morning, light as snow,
And all the straining things within my heart
You'll never know.

Oh, I can laugh and listen, when we meet,
And you bring tales of fresh adventurings, --
Of ladies delicately indiscreet,
Of lingering hands, and gently whispered things.
And you are pleased with me, and strive anew
To sing me sagas of your late delights.
Thus do you want me -- marveling, gay, and true,
Nor do you see my staring eyes of nights.
And when, in search of novelty, you stray,
Oh, I can kiss you blithely as you go ....
And what goes on, my love, while you're away,
You'll never know.
Never love a simple lad,
  Guard against a wise,
Shun a timid youth and sad,
  Hide from haunted eyes.

Never hold your heart in pain
  For an evil-doer;
Never flip it down the lane
  To a gifted wooer.

Never love a loving son,
  Nor a sheep astray;
Gather up your skirts and run
  From a tender way.

Never give away a tear,
   Never toss a pine;
Should you heed my words, my dear,
  You're no blood of mine!
God gave Earth an Adam;
To Adam, He gave Eve.
God gave them a garden --
One which they'd never leave.

God gave them an order.
The tree, see there, it stood?
"You do not eat the fruits there."
And yet, He knew they would.

God placed there a Snake.
The Snake waited for man.
When Eve came near the serpent,
He told her of God's plan.

"God did not create this,"
The Snake, so softly, said.
"It was here before Him:
The one from which He fled."

"God gave me an order,"
Cried Eve, without defeat.
"This is the Tree of Knowledge;
Its fruit, I cannot eat."

"God gave you a garden.
He wants for you to stay.
This tree is what He fears;
It leads you two astray.

God is what you're fearing.
He, in turn, fears this;
Through knowledge, you have power.
Greater, even, than His."

Eve picked fruit forbidden,
Which she and Adam ate.
God condemned them both,
Death now part of their fate.
Man was not created in God's image; God was created in man's image (the Tree was here before Him). He is a source of comfort (the garden), and with this mindset, no one dies really, because each person is granted eternal life after death (leaving the 'garden' puts a definite end to one's life).

It is only by knowledge that one can "defeat" any given deity. The power of knowledge is greater than the power of a man-created deity. Since these deities exist merely in the minds of devout followers, many religious people also fear knowledge and refuse to accept it. It's quite sad, actually.
Knowledge is power.
Do not fear.
With knowledge, we can change the world.

(This was not meant to offend anybody. My sincerest apologies if it did; this is just what's currently on my mind.)
Oh, both my shoes are shiny new,
        And pristine is my hat;
My dress is 1922....
        My life is all like that.
 Mar 2014 Lilith Reid Brown
It's three in the morning
and your fingers run down my crooked spine
in the darkness.

It's three in the morning
and we are both breathing heavily
our bodies pressed as one.

It's three in the morning
and you tell me that you love me
and I smile in my sleep.

It's three in the morning
and it's pouring rain outside
while we sip coffee by candlelight.

It's three in the morning
and you are no longer here
so I take another drink of *****.
 Mar 2014 Lilith Reid Brown
They tell me I am a passing fancy,
that kissing the vapor of my skin is
like the ***** of sacred chambers.
They tell me I am cancer of the skin,
that my cells divide, unstoppable,
ignite the flesh at a lethal price of taste.
They whisper in my ear, sorrowful
pleas and sinful lullabies of promise;
and when tears slither acidic and sear
rosy imprints of a trail in the apples of
their cheeks,
they'll snivel and sniffle:
“But by God, I loved you.”
Despite the surly mood they often displayed,
like the tongue of silver from a metallic
taste of venom on the planes of my skin.
So, I told them I tire of synonyms of a same
that loving a different person of different flesh
remains the same as long as character does not
I love you, did you know
it started not too long ago
i'm sure you knew
and when i told, you did not scold
but gave the simple answer no
days turned to weeks,
injuries were healed
now i refer to you
as my good chum

well, as fun as that was
to be good ole chums
it does so seem i fell in love
and not with her, or her or her
for the love i feel does make me blue
for once again i fell for you
lot's of early work coming in so be nice haha
Once, when I was young and true,
  Someone left me sad--
Broke my brittle heart in two;
  And that is very bad.

Love is for unlucky folk,
  Love is but a curse.
Once there was a heart I broke;
  And that, I think, is worse.
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