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Cacophonous waves washing over me
White teeth exposed
The folded skin framing your blue eyes
Your laughter is for me
And for that I am honoured
But I'm finally old enough to know
That it isn't a code

You say the most flirtatious things to me
As if you don't know
That each one feels like a stab in the chest
And that the closer you move your chair to me
The farther away I want to be
To keep you away from my vulnerability

Never tell me you care
For I may just disappear completely.
Love is in the air.

Little pollen fibres floating with
Drifting dust motes
Small and invisible
Were it not for
Light refracting on a window pane
Socks with a positive charge
Metal doorhandles

My body's whispers for oxygen become shouts;

Love is in the air.
Wow, trending! I feel loved. Thanks, guys!
Are we
To be herded in lines
Sheared of all that makes us valuable

Legs weak and pink
We hold ourselves as tall as we can
Transfigured to be the same as everyone else

Bleating feebly from hoarse throats
Brushing up against each other desperately
Tufts of hair shooting from thin bodies

Led off to slaughter
You are
A soft blue shirt on a passing stranger
Soaked by wayward droplets of rain;
The silvery lake water
Rippling and lapping at the rocky shoreline;
The roar of a jet-engine
bound for distant dark places;
The knit grey material of my best jumper
sheltering my skin from harsh winter air;
The pining that comes so naturally to me
radiating from every pore of my being.

I am
Bruises on the knees of a lost child
Ever-present, worrisome ink-blots of pain;
Rocks skipped by young lovers
Lost, forgotten, and replaced.
The glow of the call button above seats in a plane
Belittling all those who respond;
The frayed sleeves of an abandoned jumper in Goodwill
Irreparably destroyed by whomever I have trusted;
Out of sight, out of mind
No object of your affection.

I ask you
*"If I watch you, will you boil?"
Dedicated to my current disaster.
Often-times when we part,
My cheeks are pink with laughter.
My heart has to restart,
And it's beating ever-faster.

When we speak, how I smile!
How my eyes meet yours with pining;
How your grin makes all worthwhile
When, with laughter, we are dying.

How I crave the simple things;
Small gestures of solidarity.
How a kiss would give me wings;
Fill my heart with such clarity!

This is fine, I suppose,
If your heart would beat for mine;
But now I'm red as a rose,
And all that's left to do is pine!

*That, my love, is how I'll die.
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
I sweat as my fingers pound the keys.
My breathing becomes erratic, my words bordering on incoherence.
Will be...
A masterpiece!

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more of a disaster as I become more temperate.
Did someone say... procrastination?
I watch the rain as it patters against the window.
It reminds me of you,
Loud and unsettling.

You take my hand and I adjust your tie;
A feat of symbiosis.

I whisper,
"Thank you."
But I know that I am not welcome.

Your eyes slide down my cheeks
Following the blue trails of my tears.
You whisper,
"I'm sorry."

Forgiveness is anything but subjective.
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