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Feb 2021 · 217
best of liars
Lillian Rose Feb 2021
best of liars
worst of women
haunted soul-child
death a'kindred

never answering
always asking
chronic idler

using borrowed
nothing youthful
no more time left
no more fruitful.
Feb 2021 · 86
Lillian Rose Feb 2021
Filtered-in reflection of a girl that never was
Taking pictures doing things a real girl never does.
New Orleans, the Bahamas, Paris, Rocky Mountain Range;
No matter of the time or place, the story doesn’t change.
Little photo album in my pocket, on a stick
With endless perfect options of a plastic smile to pick.

Then one winter morning when the snow was piled high,
They heard the news that perfect-girl of picture-land had died.
And wondered what could happen that would steal her final breath:
She took a final photo then she hurtled to her death.

So, let this be a warning to the kids of picture-land
Who post all day and travel taking pictures in the sand:
These falsely plastered fictions of the lives we do not live
Sometimes take much more of us than we have left to give.

Know that what you see is almost never what you get,
So next time you see “perfect”, power off and don’t forget
That when you visit places, you don’t have to snap a shot.
Instead breathe in and live the moment, loving what you’ve got.

— The End —