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Mar 2015 · 672
lilah raethe Mar 2015
i remember me and you, the you who is underneath
the failing heart, smoke brained; the sister dunking you,
the you who took me fishing.
and helped me rescue a butterfly on the beach
whose wings were wet and was half buried
in the held it in your fumbling hands
until it could move again
and we watched it fly away. if it wasn't for us,
that butterfly would have died.
now you are
the butterfly; you sit in God's hands.
i've always believed that this person is the person you truly are, no matter how you have treated me.

this is for a friend going through a hard time.

treat yourself well.
Aug 2014 · 835
airport blues:
lilah raethe Aug 2014
i feel faint.
actually i feel the solid parts of myself seem to be
dripping away;
a dog could lap my sanity off the floor.

someone really fainting
could wash their hair in my skin;
someone scared
could slip in me and fall to who knows where.

"hey cathy it's dan"
they are solid, also known as
not fainting.

in a cafe in oklahoma! surprise!
are they home there with each other?
well it is known...they are known.
we are not.
we are faint: some
glimmer on the pearls of her teeth.

someone wearing cowboy boots
has never ridden a horse...
how is it the world has come to
sad, fainting

everything boiling in simmering water
everything good boiling
everything good is leaving home
for the coast of faint stardom
faintly singing stars...
among them
she has a humble heart.

somewhere, God paints a figure
painting a figure -
up on a podium
is a new heart -
it is small.
faintest heart beat.

an even fainter kiss,

is that faint wave in the distance
a good-bye?
Jul 2014 · 427
"sharp moon"
lilah raethe Jul 2014
on most days
i feel like i don't fit in
in a daze
in-side the lonesome house
power to get out
out-side i don't fit in
Jul 2014 · 583
stay safe
lilah raethe Jul 2014
i can hear deafening screams
the outside nighttime calls out
and flashes disguises the moonlight
pulls the cloak over our eyes and
calls itself daytime
for a picture of that blue sky.

only it's the middle of the night
and a neighbors drunken boyfriend
has left the door unlocked
and unhinged and screaming
so all the animals can flee out
while the insects

and this is where we make our home
on the outskirts of dysfunctional
bordering loony
keeping the balloon tied down
by threads on our tent stakes in the ground
and even those move
campsite to campsite, past adventure and
future chaos - excitement
in the carnivorous blows of midnight winds
pleading us all stay inside, cocooned
has me begging for company
within my room; reminding me home
is the thing that never leaves the soul
once she's here.

is the echo
that the scary but empty thunder
trails behind in the noiseless spaces.

yet the sound of patter on the concrete
not even a samurai sword could swing through
like running naked and exposed
through wet grass lawn and
prodding danger
with a skinny stick stabbing marshmallows
to mend the wound
that lightning brings
like when everything hurts
that the light in her eyes
sees what we are trying to hide
sees and does not question
knows and does not cower
accepts and does not judge
the tower
of beckoning searching power
is as mystic as the magic behind
the truth that its miraculous we're still here
beating chambers of our hearts to open
into that stormy night
and beam our ships back home
like bearing wedding rings
that will only officially make us wives
to bruise our loyalty with kung-fu
and pirating
but we will make that wreckage
into battered art and take fear
into our shaking arms
swaddle its rain soaked face
in warmth

teach it love
consists of way more than two parts
that every ghost has its dance
every bull has its muscle and its horn
and every soul
has its retreat into the unknown
yet it spills grace
to grab it by the throat
scream there's still hope
and stand up toward
the blackout of a thunderstorm
like the doorbell might break down
and she would rush in
to swaddle doubt once again
against the cradle of her belly
to sing: *shh, hush, now...
it's me, i've got you.
[ ive been writing more spoken word ish poems lately so they tend to be more extensive in length ]
lilah raethe Apr 2014
this is the last call
before the end of this.

remember how her fingers
used to look
gently twirled within
the curly cord of connection
speaking heavenly
through the wires
where birds make their

remember how she looked
lying naked in your arms;
when you slip
you are obligated
to redial.

you have come this far.

dialing numbers
in the inbetweens
of feelings.
they are not fleeting.
but for some time
have rested
somewhere under her armpit

but it is too late now.

are you braced to say
will there be good in your
how far will you be from home
without her in those

dialing numbers in between
  convulsions, and sobs;
you are leaving.
why cant you seem to
hang up the phone.

the sneezes come in threes;
you say goodbye
to freedom.
Apr 2014 · 863
~ Leaves ~
lilah raethe Apr 2014
the last piece of tree
before he leaves for the
somewhere in a forest
she falls asleep
the only whisper
in her ear
the sound of her fears
and the wind between
her legs...
calling them.
they are calling them,

God paints a figure
painting a figure, naked
like the new dawn
up on a podium
is a new heart.
it is small.

he leaves and the
crisp red of autumn
brushes his holy ankles
as he walks down the street
the cars seem weird there.
but the leaves seem right.
is in the forest.

somewhere, boots come
together to tread
on stage
to break glass
and announce: something
has been made.
he says he wants
to hold it,
but they both shy away.

she is brave.
the wrap around the page
keeps her sane
when the whispers
turn to howling
she is in the forest
of her dreams,
yet still
she scours
for a way to leave.
(broke out the type writer last night.)
Mar 2014 · 592
lilah raethe Mar 2014
what a game being played
I feel the strings
not yet fine tuned to my soul
they want to be taut
to be taught
to step away
from hurt, loss, happiness
none of it is mine
I am separate.
outside of this experience
there is laughter to be had.
of course there are feelings to feel
and things blockading my clear canvas but
outside of this
there is time to learn
things to teach
there is wisdom to be taut
so the events of nonlinear, wavy days
can pass, as it all must.
greater opportunity
to uncover the self and harness
the only distinct power that one has.
is forever.
but it happened and there is time
to make it all happen.
understand it will never happen
that way
we are all going.
I don't want to be left behind and I don't want
to leave anything behind.
we are all alone.
but that doesn't have to hurt us
Mar 2014 · 385
lilah raethe Mar 2014
i can feel that i don't belong here.
feel it in their stares
their "airs" of "wisdom"
sat there the first couple days
feeling twisted
in my ways
and a whole lot more
than my gut
felt like puking.

felt like extracting
the pointy smiles
porcelain fingers of humanity
a constant war
with my painted skin.

if it is a sin
to condemn and judge
a brother
tell me with a smile
and a hand on that book
how so much hatred
and resistance
hides behind their
lash plumped eyes;
their porcelain hearts.

beating far
to the beyond that i'd go
if they could know
to accept like me.

i'm learning to uncurl
my foiled toes to the world
tread with the tips of my fingers
molding my identity, a print
the sharpest laser couldn't forget.

cast my rusty skin to the sky
so i could show them
we are brother
derived around one another
a formula.

a formula skewed
for porcelain mates turning out doll faces
on the conveyor

we are moving too fast.
i can feel that i don't belong here.
i can't feel their warmth.
Mar 2014 · 526
lilah raethe Mar 2014
i think you are pretty great.

give a lot of things

the capacity

to be really freakin great

when you let them.

the world is

a personification

of your perception.

and i think you are pretty great.

i wanna be pretty great too.

so i decide that i am.

i am pretty great too.
Mar 2014 · 403
lilah raethe Mar 2014
this is a trick.
the ghosts of the past
are not gone.
sweeping smoke
beneath their doormats
whispering, "get in"
within their smiling teeth.
they are talking
to my rubber face.
happy to be learning to say no,
i can contentedly and stubbornly
say "are you crazy?"
and walk away.
this is something
i never would have been able
to do before.
i was never good at knowing
when indulgence
under the surface
was for pleasure
or to reverberate even further
into the echoes of pain.

notice the easy grace
in the red flag painted morning
warning some
of the coming rain.
tell them
i am typing this poem on a
phone screen
walking into a building
supposed to fill me with knowledge.
tell them
that some of these people
took in the lonely smoke
wandering around
in the night
looking for a warm mouth;
they are high today.
tell them
that some of them
don't need the bitter whip
of substance
to substitute for beauty.
tell them
i have walked away;
and let them know
that i
am the happiest that i have ever been.
:shift happens:
Mar 2014 · 321
lilah raethe Mar 2014
I have been writing poems
like parades;
on the fingertips
of the timid
among the crowd
lilah raethe Mar 2014
Mar 2014 · 365
lilah raethe Mar 2014
im deeply in love with someone
i can't be with

my mom is depressed and drunk
and screaming weeps
into our couch

the world is gray
it is cold

nothing good
can last for long
Feb 2014 · 5.5k
lilah raethe Feb 2014
there is a scene
where the wind cant be kept from the ocean
and introverts
are sitting
they are fishing at the end of a moon
and artificially lit

the only thing they have caught so far
is a banjo shark
they blamed each other

i am out there with them
i am reading a book about humanity
contemplating hope
and simplicity

where there is a world
that people pick a book off
their shelves
and say
it's yours!

or pull out a drawer full of pens
and say
take your pick.

there are places
where people are nice.
there is hope
in the tiniest glimmer of light.
(true story)
lilah raethe Feb 2014
to feel the ocean move through you

swimming out
the strong rolls of breaking waves
jostle you about
and you can see the height
under the water
as they roll forth and past
and you bob

dive down
to where the water meets the
deteriorating sand
the line is blurry
as each wave
picks up each grain and
jostles it about

but if you dive down
the surface sway
doesn't affect your body as much

the world seems to drop away
and you are alone with your thoughts
and breath does not seem important because
it is all so still

you are still

swim up to the surface
and chaos begins
lilah raethe Feb 2014
things swing by me
in an instant.
passing whirlwinds.
the sun casts a
rainbow on this page as the ink flows from my hand
i wish i could capture.
i wish i could paint
the rainbow gracing this paper.
it is beautiful.
the sun will pass because
the earth will spin
or it will
move behind a cloud
and disappear;
swing by me
in an instant.
i'm still here.
(memories of camp)

what a powerful brightness you are;
what a                   light
Feb 2014 · 390
lilah raethe Feb 2014
the sound of my own voice.
sometimes i forget
the sound of my own voice
when my throat feels brittle
and unused and like
the sound never really reaches
ill say hi and
people won't see me and then
when i say bye
i don't think they notice when i go
who am i trying to impress?
the sound of my own voice
quietly echoes these empty bathroom walls
"hi bye" i say and
there is silence once again and
i am at peace.
2/10 sometimes i feel invisible and then sometimes that feels ok
lilah raethe Feb 2014
somewhere under the earth lies the truth. somewhere written in the heavens; the true nature is out there. every single living creature being on anything at all is an ugly distortion of the truth. i’m not saying we’re supposed to spend our whole lives devoted to becoming a less-ugly rendition; i’m not saying pleasing God is the answer for me. we are all meant to be faulted,
flawed.  we should not be tortured to claw at a nothingness we can never
obtain. there is
a lot left in the emptiness of rain. there is a lot left in the pair of eyes that refuse to meet my gaze. we fall to the basis as we raise the base higher “be this much – reach this level – for God’s sake, go to college!" God does not need me in college. maybe i will go there and struggle to find God in the faces that pass in the dust after it settles;
there will be peace there. there really is no need for this; for things to be this way. we are keeping ourselves in cages and God is throwing away the key. it is not his job to set us free. it is not his will to enslave us. it is WE that don’t let ourselves be. the scary, sad, condemning thing—that’s the irony.
we are fractals. reoccuring patterns deemed nothingness but:
there are colors there. there are colors within the folds. “life is but a soaring dream”
when we see, we laugh, we think, we pray, we dream; we be.
when we cry, we die, we fail, we lose, we pray, we dream; we be. there is not  one separate thing we ever did see. we are all fractals. reoccurring dreams.
reoccurring days when nothing seems to change—those are the still moments. the still moments are sacred. for it is only in the stillness (if we ever let ourselves be still—in thought, form, in space)
that the peace will come. the truth will come. and the truth will come ugly; to remind us we are ugly too. that dreams can turn to dust and we can watch and feel as they disintegrate.
the truth will never be pretty. i hope we can find the recognition to allow
peace to flow –
and i will marvel all the same. it is the truth that makes me stay.
Feb 2014 · 338
lilah raethe Feb 2014
something radiating within the sun that shines so bright.
it is that something
i feel it through me
pulsating out of my skin like infinity
like we are meant to be
and i have a chance.
i am the sun that shines so bright.
lilah raethe Jan 2014
it sometimes scares me
the feeling of being too wrapped up
too analytic too critical
too blind
to see the light
in every moment.

this foggy state of earth
seems to greet me
on my front porch
when there is a lot
on my mind.
maybe i'm pmsing.
i feel words
resting on the tips of my toes
and i am trying
to bend my back down
into freedom.

i know freedom is not like that.

when i breathe into a stretch
towards the earth beneath my feet,
it comes easy.

should come easy.
it does...

most days.
death comes in waves.
on more than one occasion in my life
three people have died within a week of each other.
death comes in waves.

death might seem close
right now
but i feel it...
i feel it and it is only
making way

for the rebirth.

thank you life. i am still here. thank you.
lilah raethe Jan 2014
we are
swollen river
changing tides
the moon.

we are
blooming flower
cascading petals
the room.

we are
fading lamplight
by the sun.

we are
passing puddle
with what's to come.

we are
rattling bass
and rattling
every atom
our infinite

we are
joyous happening
parading  in the streets.

we are
simply complex
rooting its essence
to me.

we are
breaking apart
among the wind.
only to come
back together,
more complete
then when
we begin.

we are.

we are.

we are.


we are!
Jan 2014 · 717
h u m b l e
lilah raethe Jan 2014
i want to humbly live
with the eskimos
or in a kibbutz or
in a time when
most of the people around
were nomadic
with no attachment
to a real home.
to a big home.

i wanna be
where people
live in huts
by the sea
i wanna wake up
and see
palm trees
i don’t care
if i slept on the beach
the night before;
i realized last night
in my bed
that i’m always
where i’ll be.

right here.
i wanna wake up
and see
i don’t want
to be a ghastly
rendition of
i wanna be free
like what a bird is
to the wind

i wanna dig in
to the roots
of where i
come from…

…where we all
come from
i’m gonna
what it’s like
to be one

down the line
we lost the fact the
earth is our home
i don’t
wanna wake up
by my marble topped
counter top
because the red final
notice form
says to me
i’m leaving
that is not beautiful
did nomads even
that feeling?

i’d rather deal
with illiteracy
over our raging prideful
human stupidity

i wanna see the people
instead of claw at the
quiet desperation
eating at them raw
i wanna see the people
like they don’t know
what greed looks like
like they could get up
and get their waiter
a drink

ever think of that?
let’s get her
off her feet
let’s make it easier
for her
instead of harder
can we meet
in the middle?
when can
we shine
the black mans
shoes or kiss
the land of
the pyramids
can we bring it
all in?

what happened
to the Brotherhood
of man?

what happened
to man?
we are not
the nomads;
we are a
whole new
we are not
the same as when
we were young –
when God created us
out of universal will to become
before we found out
what greed felt like;
we are not the same
how we have changed the game
Jan 2014 · 1.8k
lilah raethe Jan 2014
we have to realize our ideals shape our world
change our consumption fueled
capitalist mindset
of oppression, poverty, power
and aren't we all human?
why tear down other nations?
why tear down the trees,
Mother Earth - the heavens?
will our greed end?
we create our greed and why?
we can create
all we dream -
we have power, we have steam
we are trains,
imaginatively stuck to rails
of society;
what will i be?
will i marry?
will i have money?
when we are truly
h o v e r i n g
there are no chains
no restrictions
to our peace, serenity,
wholeness, oneness.
the only question
we need ask is:
will we be happy?
are we creating a world
in which our children
will even be healthy?
i fear.
i fear for the lives of many.

will we realize our power?
we must
for we are shifters
we are dreamers
we are artists, creators.
we are angels;
we are alive.
Dec 2013 · 320
and love
lilah raethe Dec 2013
love the way you snap your fingers
and never whispers
love the soft feel of your hair
and the urgency in your lips
love the way you do what you want
and never sway to someone else's beat
love that you are firm
and stick to your beliefs
love that you can let me go
and force me to remember:
love is fleeting
lilah raethe Dec 2013
it is not possible
for the days to blend

as each moment
is fresh
like fresh cut leather
(no wait, fresh cut leather
would be animal skin-)
so fresh
like the wet cracked sheet
of something beautiful,
molded around
the frame of a drum.

remember how
you made them in memory of her.

each second is a new formation
of destiny

remember how the rough, wet gravel
felt between your toes?
how the surprise rose
from your mothers' throat
when you said "i'll do it!" took off
your shoes, rolled up your pants and stepped
- without inhibition -
into a crate of mud, rocks, cement
how you made wine
beneath your clumsy feet.

what a strange feeling, forgetting;
where is it
let the essence of those memories,
of the things that make you
who you are
echo through your eyes
in conversation.
forget instead,
the unknown. coming. forget the question.
for in forgetting you are lost,
you are found.
in forgetting,




and that is the ultimate answer.
Dec 2013 · 373
lilah raethe Dec 2013
I watched you walk away
Like I watched the storm bubble;
I couldn't escape the
It was going to rain
Dec 2013 · 393
what is it like to be free
lilah raethe Dec 2013
i know
that if i spend my time
for my phone screen
to light up
then i am so disconnected
from the moment

and that scares me
because ultimately
i want to move about the moment
with the grace and ease of a bird in the sky;
there is nothing
and no one
tethering them
to anywhere.

what else
does freedom
look like?
Dec 2013 · 355
stay or go
lilah raethe Dec 2013

because of her
I know I am worthy
of love

I know there are
people out there
who might sometimes wanna
push me up against
bathroom stalls
or concrete walls
and wrap their arms around me

I will never

but I understand
it is possible
and I understand
because of her.

Nov 2013 · 908
lilah raethe Nov 2013
you* are a lighthouse,
a beacon of light
shining out in to the darkness--
maybe for others
but most definitely
for yourself--
and you are not absorbed
by the extraneous details
because you are a lighthouse,

and divinity
cannot be dragged down
by drama.
lilah raethe Nov 2013
I swear
           I've never been okay with myself
     grown up
always needing someone else --
like I didn't spend
                 enough time
            tending to my soul
(even when I'll be all alone

and it hurts in my bones
                   because no one's
if I don't have a

but I don't want to run
             to the guy who wants the pictures
       I don't want to run
             to the people who have no problems
                        kicking me to the curb
     when all I wanna do is help them

      I don't want to run
           to the outside

               the outside
   is where the hurt comes
            and it
                     cuts deep
     because there's no one home
          and the lonely corners
  are screaming
                     for a hand
          and I am wondering
    how many more mornings
                I will wake up
            clutching my own

           until I realize
           I cannot find what I need
           on the outside...

    maybe I'm starting to realize
                    the answer  
                 must be within
lilah raethe Nov 2013
every time I get close to something
that could potentially allow me to be
eternally grateful,
it is ripped away
from closeness
by the unbelievably unforgiving
force of the change of the flow of
and I am reminded
of the harsh temporary presence
of everything good
(and everything bad,
if you wanna get down to it,
but those are easier to find)
and every smile
turns to frown
turns to smile
but for how long?
every time something leaves
I am forced to let go
and I believe the trick is
no attachment
at all
except the inferior human brain
is focused on feelings
and escapes from today
-from right now-
into a million fleeting yesterdays
and for what?
the mere "comfortable" urge
never really fully satisfied because

there is no comfortable

there is no permanent

and there is no thing
that lasts forever
except maybe
the soul.
and when the soul
is no longer conjoined
with the human flesh
that weighed it down for years on end,
the soul
the soul
is free
is free
from all attachments.
Nov 2013 · 762
even in distance
lilah raethe Nov 2013
even this separation
I feel
becoming a dance
as you process the events of Sunday,
I slowly let you go
and tell you it's okay to leave
because I'll survive
and you have never promised me

and even the separation feels
Like you are kidding and might return
home for dinner.
that you might return home
and welcome me into your arms
maybe with no hesitation
behind your eyes or
guilt ruminating beneath your bone

And I don't want to break down
your structure,
it is not my desire to see
pieces of you on my bedroom floor
or a shattered heart
beneath your ribcage

and I never want to enter a realm
where I can hurt you
but you've already hurt me
every Sunday and every time
you feel unworthy and
every time you don't see the disparity
between what you say
is my truth and what you can't
see as your own.

even the separation between
these figures
seems close
to being intricate and a
of who we are and who we might be
Nov 2013 · 420
lilah raethe Nov 2013
it's hard to be the object of someones' sin.

to be
the sin;

as a physical being I am
ruining another
for themselves,

call me
the selfish sin
because I want her to indulge
in me.

she is painting me as the devil,
and everyone knows
always triumphs
over evil.
Oct 2013 · 395
I think you are almost Gone
lilah raethe Oct 2013
You won't be here forever.
You won't be here forever.

Sometimes I wish I could survive
         on the insides of your skull
     as a parasite
                    you hated...
I'd always be with you,
close to your flowing
                      stream of conscious thought;
    you could never rid yourself of me.

I wouldn't have to leave you
I wouldn't have to change you...
  maybe I could just see you
I wouldn't have to break you--
  maybe you wouldn't break me

  maybe we would both crumble;
     I know I can't escape--
--you cant escape--


                                         *I'll miss you.
lilah raethe Oct 2013
I couldn't even feel
              the breeze
until you went inside

You keep me warm,
       keep me secure
          like a blanket
on a cold winters night

The breeze chilled me--
it assaulted my

I never even felt it
ten seconds

and maybe I'm crazy
for attributing the cold
to you,
but everything changed
and the only
independent variable
Sep 2013 · 359
Where Are You Going
lilah raethe Sep 2013
What came so
will tear out your eyes
when you watch it

When it turns your back on you,
like just missing the breeze in your face
as you long

a sunflower pointing
     in the evening

They all go
[          ]
"a love poem"
lilah raethe Sep 2013
snuffed out too quick
like the oxygen stuffed
              flick of the wick
                               of a wax bundle
as it extinguish/es
and the smokey exhale
is born;
The flavor disappears.

Remind me to never fall asleep

with a candle burning.
Sep 2013 · 473
Ok? Okay
lilah raethe Sep 2013
                  if I am soft
                   like an
                   child's' skin

                 if I am not
                  you can rest
                  your head
                  on me

                 if I don't
                  when it doesn't
                  feel good

                 *if I go somewhere
Sep 2013 · 413
Who are you? Right now?
lilah raethe Sep 2013
it's not
What you say
    or how you articulate
  your body

it's not
Who you are
    But how

it's not about
  doing the right
  but being the right

and we
              can all dream
    about who we'll someday

but until we get
  we'll fight to be
Sep 2013 · 878
Poetry is...
lilah raethe Sep 2013
poetry is the water under my feet
as I lightly step upon
the surface
of its deep terrain

It is the water
supporting my weight;
words won't let me

The crazy part
is the fact that
I'm not weightless.
I'm not a waterbug
skittering across infinite hydrogen bonds.

And I walk along the surface tension
like I have never been tense;
I feel all the ripples below
but I cannot be influenced.


I am walking on water
and therefore

I must be God.
Poetry is...assignment (for the second time)
lilah raethe Sep 2013
The empty page comes out.
              -        -        -
(    It was said to me before
      that the very essence
       of brainstorm
             -  of creation  -
      is a blank sheet of paper     )

I want to talk about

She said
and she was genuine
   -  they all are  -
when she made a list:

She showed me
the stars I'd never
        and my

And I...
Well I,
I started crying
         pushed up against the
old cracked kitchen cabinet
         and my family stared
at my flushed face
         And turned away
because none of them
         could say I was scared.
Marisa once said something profound to me: "You have to make your own choices. Because Max is thinking of himself when he makes choices and you need to do the same. Where do you see yourself living for the next four years?"
I couldn't stop thinking about Max and all the places he'll be going.  Where I'll be living remains undecided.
Aug 2013 · 520
And so it is.
lilah raethe Aug 2013
at the turning point
you take a breath and look back
before taking the next

"The more
the more it

when it should be
reversed - with
time to heal

it's hard    to not keep ourselves
by the chain reaction
of a thought process
driven on bad vibes
and faulty actions

it happened,
and so it is

"Except I - myself - destroyed
and now I have to
from my own doing"

we all  have that
neglected friend

"I caused it all."
we all have that bend
that hurts
to remember
so turn your back on it

It's gone

it happened,
and so it is
Aug 2013 · 703
Looming Despair
lilah raethe Aug 2013
It's the feeling of still air
of despair--
how it creeps
to chill her tongue
and paralyze her legs
into a coma-
tosed state
of routine and a life
lost its shimmer

There's nothing to sparkle,
(no sun to illuminate)
under her covers
and she can't feel
because she is stagnant there,
even past the suns peak
and into the dead
of night

She is stagnant there--
where sadness calls her sweet
My mom's having a hard time. She has consistently been having a hard time for a long while.
It is saddening to me as her child that loves her so. I fear that what I can do for her is simply not enough to shake the looming despair.
Aug 2013 · 444
lilah raethe Aug 2013
for the woman
with the faith
which keeps her afloat

even when
her Breaths are short
and she can barely move
in her cocoon
within her head
where she sits with dread
within a head
that pulses with pain
every second of every day

and still
she manages
to take a big Breath
and go on a ride

for a best friend
for a daughter,
A family;

for her passion
she crawls out of bed
and rises
with the sun

to one



of another day
~ One of my mothers dear friends has suffered consistent chronic migraines for 10 years now that have seriously taken a toll on her life. It is inspiration to me as a witness of her still smiling face; she is so strong in her faith and still allows herself to count her beautiful blessings.

May we all find the courage to continue when times are rough. ~
Aug 2013 · 548
should we listen to Them?
lilah raethe Aug 2013
Thrive  --  they say
Be alive   --   they say
but then I wake up everyday
to a dying world
filled with so much pain?
This wasn't part of the plan.

and when will we come to understand:
It's all gone;
sand dropped straight out
from our parted fingertips of ignorance

and we're clutching
at something
that holds little-to-no mass
or structure
for the masses

All the grains are
settling now
at the bottom of the
we've seen it all,
wiped out every
beautiful species
with a tusk to make
and brought back
the ones
that died before
our time, regardless to how the
course of nature was

The hourglass
is filled with dust
(to the brim)
I'm afraid
flipping it over to
allow for more time
won't work
any longer--
There is no more room
to linger

Thrive  --  they say.


"They" can't speak.
"They" no longer exist.
{How I see the future of this world unfolding.}
Aug 2013 · 641
With-in // With-out
lilah raethe Aug 2013
the silence of the night
creeps in on all sides
and all l may hear
is the crickets
patterned chirp
of conversation
billowing between
my concrete walls

They were built up
to be impenetrable --
So how is this noise
grazing my earlobe
with its incessant

I can hear them
because the walls
of my house
are structure,
[they keep out light;
They're strong]
while the walls of my mind
are scattered
and confused,
In a maze not even
the North Star could guide
a mouse out of--
and they don't keep out noise

they keep out simplest
rationality and logic
because the walls
might as well be
beer goggles,
blinding me from
an unbiased situation.
Because my perception
tints the picture
with rose
(or blood)
colored glasses
toggling my experience
with notions:

But I know the crickets are real.
Aug 2013 · 578
Dedicated to a silent weep
lilah raethe Aug 2013
to the innocent ways
you used to utter my name

and grabbed my hand
to guide me through
the tight-packed
ocean of faces
swimming for fingers
and grasped in trances


so simply when I look back
to the days of
no confusion
recorded--briefly behind
the lens of my vision

I am knocked off my feet
by the beauty
of the feat
of our garden



the lines of your


the bridge--you'll find

The key lies

          within the roots--

to disguise                    

the crime

of feeling deep



                  in the deaf


of the unspoken word--

to hear

     your silence

as it Cries
Aug 2013 · 445
unfinished business
lilah raethe Aug 2013
It feels like
I haven't left
the soil of
my past
because I've
sitting in the dirt
for the past 3 days
trying to
the scars off my feet
but it only makes
the branding
seep down to my roots

and the sunshine on
the pond
reflects only on
the enlarged
pupils of your

I'm still
my goodbyes
Aug 2013 · 804
These Two Tons
lilah raethe Aug 2013
feels good
to not levitate
beneath your "broad,
wings. Where the weight
of the world--
or who won the
while missing parents
canoodled their partners
or pole dancing classes
swept them from their
normal floors;
and kids
fought with sticks
and warpaint
for fun;
until it was war
and the kids
battled kitchen
on the
and the weight
of the blame
fell to the
little girl
who stood watching
from a safe distance
while her
two best friends
fought over tator tots.
{whose side would she

Those tator tots sadly evolved
into **** packs
and late night robberies
& unfortunately the
kids on the block
become thieves--
and the weight
of this economy
this system dancing
on the knapsacks
{as the kids ransack
and abandon for dead}
on the briefcases
{as the adult clones
corrupt til dead}

And it
feels good
to not hover
beneath the
of chemical dusted skies and factory worked

There is a world
in the sky
where none of this
has happened--
It's a place where humans
don't exist--
{where we cant crush the earth
with our weighted machines}
((nothing ever turns out quite how you thought it would.))
Aug 2013 · 1.4k
seductress es es es
lilah raethe Aug 2013
**** me
to the slow
of your heartbeat

as you tug me
from reality
and into the trap
of open arms
on sweet

Cloud 9

as you gently
unfold me,
The rain
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