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 Oct 2013 lil silver
If you could step inside my heart
Would you recognize its walls?
Lit by thousands of the stars
As silver moonlight falls.

Would you hear the gentle rushing,
Of the waves against the shore?
Would you tread across the soft sand?
And lay here forever more?

Would you walk inside each chamber?
Whisper your name into each hall
Would you dance inside each vessel?
Hear the music of my call.

I call to you so sweetly
To lay inside my heart
I’ve built a place so full of love
You’ll never have to part.

You fly above my ocean
I’ll kiss you with each wave
Watch you soar into the sunset
Your skin glistening with golden rays.

Float across the night sky
I’ll watch you from the moon
I’ll blow you diamond stardust
To help you reach me soon

Travel through the worlds my love
But know you have a home
Deep inside my beating heart
You’ll never feel alone

The music of my heartbeat
Will be your lullaby
And the glow of warmth inside me
Will reflect in your brown eyes.

Explore all the worlds’ wonders
But know my love will never fade
The way you fit inside my heart love,
For you it must be made.
Christian, seek not yet repose,
Cast thy dreams of ease away;
Thou art in the midst of foes:
Watch and pray.

Canaan has for thee been won,
Christ triumphant led the way;
In His might possess thine own!
Watch and pray.

In the heavenlies see that land,
Satan would thine entrance stay;
Thou against his wiles must stand:
Watch and pray.
Take the hammer and strike the metal,
Take a person and strike their heart,
Smelt the metal down into steel,
Smelt a person so they understand how you feel.

The way you craft the metal is your own,
The way you craft a mind is unknown,
When finished thy blade be done,
When finished thy life has begun.

Once crafted no longer be metal,
Once crafted a life be gentle,
Now that you got a blade,
Now that you have purpose,
Choose a path or live in a furnace.

The way you craft,
The way you live,
The ways you love,
All comes down when smelting,

Just remember that,
Someone is always Smelting Thy Heart.
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