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775 · Dec 2014
Felicity Gong Dec 2014
"You deserve better"
may have been the biggest lie i've ever been told

He used to look at me with awe,

I would look at his eyes,
they were smiling at me as he saw me
his heart was racing
his hands were shaking

I would look into his eyes,
as he spoke to me
his gentle voice speaking in such a monotonous yet, enchanting tone
his eyes still dancing with glee

I would look into his eyes,
as we sat in silence
because in that moment,
we were the only two people left in the world

but when I looked into his eyes one last time,
he said, "you deserve better"
I saw nothing,
I saw a cold, glassy stare off into the distance
as if every memory we had together had vanished into oblivion.
455 · Jan 2015
Felicity Gong Jan 2015
as I stared at my reflection,
the words "you're not good enough" clouded my mind
the person looking directly at me, was not me
it wasn't the person I wanted myself to be
I spent years and years trying to perfect myself in a way where I would be "good enough"
I let every insult slowly tear the very skin that made me human
I wanted to live up to the expectations my parents had,
only to be disappointed with innumerous failures set up along my path
but then I realized
after beating myself up day and night and
after i had no skin left to tear,
that humans weren't meant to be "good enough"
us humans were meant to be better
from then on,
I grew on skin so thick even words couldn't puncture it
373 · Dec 2014
Felicity Gong Dec 2014
I don't know what I'd do if I saw you again.

— The End —