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Jul 2017 · 136
s p a c e
liberated-by-ink Jul 2017
When I'm alone
in my car
driving f a s t
just like you used to
I'll smoke a cigarette
Marlboro reds
inhale s l o w l y
just like you used to
I'll get halfway through
and I toss it out
d i s g u s t e d, because
it reminds me of you
I can't stand this anymore
too bad i didn't toss you
halfway t h r o u g h
like you did to me, too
I could have saved myself
from this
all of this h e a r t a c h e
all these thoughts of you
Then last night before sleeping
your face crossed my mind
h a u n t i n g me
following me
Through my days
but mostly nights
and I h a t e it
and I hate you for it
I kind of hate myself, but
most of all
i hate you
for making me w a n t you
I bet tonight, I'll see you again
I don't want to
I used to
but not a n y m o r e

— The End —