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LH Dillard Jul 2013
you were words
scribbled in beauty onto
my broken skin
your ink is bleeding through me
the stain tells me a story
it is perment
while you are not
LH Dillard Jul 2013
Somewhere outside
it is raining  
the very first rain of spring
everything is thawing
LH Dillard Jul 2013
I wish
I had the
to cast
you away—
But it would
hurt more to
pry you out
then to
let you
**** me
LH Dillard Jul 2013
on quiet bitter nights like these
i get drunk on the memory of you--

i allow myself to get wasted in remembering.
to drink in all the foggy images
of you
sighing my name
asleep in my bed
your hands on my hips
it is intoxicating
and it burns down my throat

but still i pour myslef another glass
and it is strong
and smells like you

i allow myself to swallow your posion
on quiet bitter nights like these
in the hope that
i would wake up
with a headache
and you would be gone
LH Dillard Jul 2013
when i have been gone
for a very long time
i hope you find me
in these blue lined pages-
and if you find me
i hope you could make room
in the simple parts
of your heart
to forgive me
and keep me safe

— The End —