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Lewis Findley Feb 2011
the Blood Of Christ was not intended to be shed for any?
That Christ died for nothing?
So it seems.
No wonder the world has gone berserk.
What happened to the old church that spoke truth
that those elect for whom the blood was shed
predestined prior to known time, and those obedient
to God, rather than those false Christians expecting God to obey them?
As then , so now... for there is naught new neath the Heavens........
Lewis Findley Feb 2011
beyond the highest skyscraper
beyond the apex of Everest
Beyond the reaches of the Farthest Stars
I have ascended
where even angels it does seem, are inhibited
and tremble to tread.
faster than a beam of light,
stronger than a million Atlae holding the spheres on their shoulders
I have made the ascent.
The dream became a bold reality.
The pages of the book opened.
Vini, Vidi, Vici.
Lewis Findley Feb 2011
life cannot go on always
after the end,
our souls as humans go somewhere
Heaven or hell,
the most defiant, so it seem
are the closest to the Heart of God.
and the burden falls to them
to pray for those lost.
Lewis Findley Jan 2011
America, land of the free , home of the brave
however, she is trapped by her dependency on commerce.
She has forgotten the simplicity of her former agrarianism.
Buying and selling is her obsession.
America, the plastic, and online society.
The ways of old remain the ways true.
With progress comes detriment.
This along with the benefit spoken of.
It is not always a bed of roses.
The thorns are there America. And they ***** deeply.
Lewis Findley Jan 2011
the old ways are the powerless
they can and will do nothing
they are impotent... and dying
the new ways are the living...
and ever the changing...
they are life

— The End —