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Nov 2016 · 254
Levi Nicholson Nov 2016
Friend- Levi your so nice i can't imagine you being mean
Me-Some people have gone through hell and i have nothing but respect and love for you, but my demon is boredom.... and i'd burn down a nation if i felt it'd make me feel something again
Oct 2016 · 354
lonely vent
Levi Nicholson Oct 2016
I'm so consumed by the challenge, i never think about the win.
I know I should of thought of that, before i just went in
I'm not used to the crush life, and i wish you would've told me
But no music tames the beast, so until that time you hold me.
I'll be run through these shots, just like I'm that ***** Kobe
I know you heard the rumors but I swear that's just the old me
And its a **** shame, how much time it takes
just to realize that it was my mistakes...
Sep 2016 · 500
Levi Nicholson Sep 2016
Through worry and necessity I'd search for you, from emotions and biology I thirst for you. I know sometimes I might seem like a curse to you,  but i'm a first for you,So I'm trying to act like I'm not worst for you.....
Jul 2016 · 265
2 sided soul
Levi Nicholson Jul 2016
To my family I'm known as the confident one,
Friends say I'm wild, and daring
Only because emotions are things I never feel like sharing
So now I'm on a pedestal to high for ya'll to see
logic and anxiety 2 sides that fight in me
I'm confident with strangers, who cares i'll never see them
I'll bring a girl back to bed my bed cause alone I'll wrestle demons
I love the pillow talk it always captures my attention,
I'll keep the chat about her, and dodge her prying questions
they say I'm easy to talk, I'm chill and nonjudgmental
But if you don't wanna share your thoughts, listening is fundamental
I eat away my worries and hit the gym when I feel angry
I keep on gaining muscles while losing half my pantry
But the best escape I've ever found has been in music and books
I tried people, but the ones who feel my pain just judge me for my looks
"You're too popular to feel rejection", you're too strong to ever feel weak".
I walk away a 2 sided soul, and one side will never speak
Its ****** but I couldn't sleep so I started writing

— The End —