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Mar 2012 · 945
Lester Bangs Mar 2012
Mental halitosis
My mind stinks
Because I can't scrape off memories of you.
Trepanation is the only solution
Drill out my old life
And stuff it full of molded silver
Then my thoughts
Will sparkle
In the soft sunlight
Of forgetting.
Mar 2012 · 958
Trickle Down
Lester Bangs Mar 2012
Peeing on myself
In public
Is the excuse I use
As to why I can't meet your gaze.
Don't come any closer
You don't want this on your shoes
Just hand me a tissue
And walk away.
Mar 2012 · 1.2k
Pasty Faces
Lester Bangs Mar 2012
Jumping, jumping, jumping
My feet leave the groud
Trying to stay grounded
Like a stag that keeps bumping
Their head

On a tree

While I sit on the branches
Reaching out to catch your dreams
But I know I'm only dreaming
And there are no second chances
Just the knowledge that you're


— The End —