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Dec 2012 · 542
Roses You've Welted
Roses you've welted
And violets your dead,
I tried to keep you sheltered
And allow your beauty to spread,

But I failed as the cold came,
I couldn't prevent the frosts ever kiss,
Now you'll forever be frozen and never the same,
Because I had not this numbness dismissed,

Roses I am sorry,
You’re gone with my pain,
Violets forgive me,
That this numbness made you to me inane,

Roses I wish I could love still,
And violets I had once cared,
But you cannot refill my heart,
With all the love I once shared,

Love tossed back to me like weeds,
Care inane for others selfish needs,
Roses you can’t blame me,
And violets do not dare try shame me,

Flowers you’ll me resent,
For the cold I could not prevent,
As the dark dawn of my frost nears,
And my numbness Inheres.
Dec 2012 · 949
Violets you Lied
Roses I despise thee,
And Violets you lied.
In deceit you left me,
Alone in the pool I cried.

Roses you promised,
Foretold and foresaw,
Violets you stood there,
Frozen while I was raw,

Red promised love,
But blue spoke of sorrow,
Which to believe?
The question left me hollow.

Roses you are thorned,
And Violets your colour says it all,
Your appearance screams I was warned,
And yet I still took the fall.

Roses red I despise thee,
And Violets blue you lied.
You never told me all to see,
But I knew pain wasn’t forever as I cried.
Dec 2012 · 9.0k
Lone Wolf
Alone I stand,
Forgotten how to trust,
A title I am brand,
For the knife in my back ******,
In envious lust,

A pack once thought,
Once united as one,
A battle together once fought.
Till our pack shrivelled down to none,

Now alone,
In haunting silence,
No pacts just on my own,
In daunting defiance,

With all the loyalties won in wars,
My trust wilted and rotten,
Torn by deceits hateful claws,

A Wounded wolf still raw,
A lone wolf forever will I be,
A wounded wolf with scars I wore,
A lone wolf for everyone to see.
Its crap...
To never be good enough,
feel good enough,
that’s how you always feel,
Because nobodies ever made you believe otherwise.

To feel ugly,
To always look in the mirror
And no matter what I do,
I’m still ugly,

And nobodies ever let me feel otherwise,
And when they try I can’t believe them,
Because I’ll never know what’s
Really true and really not,

To always be outshined by the girl next door,
Never be the one whose lips he’s hanging on,
Just the one sitting there who might as well not exist,
And nobodies led me to believe otherwise,

To always be the one who tries so hard to make others happy,
But they just expect you to be,
Like its my duty to keep everyone happy,
And nobodies led me to believe otherwise,

To feel
Like nothing,
And always lonely...

And nobodies ever led me to believe otherwise.
Dec 2012 · 2.2k
Plain & Adequate Girl
I sit in front of my dressers mirror,
Stare at the plain adequate girl staring back at me,
Is she enough?
Can she walk out this door and hold her head up high?


And so I pull,
And tweak
And brush
And dry,

I look at the girl in the mirror again,
Her hair is done up,
Pretty and well kept,
But dead dry and limp because of damage,
And I can’t help but think it represents my inner self,

Though dead,
I look substantially better,
But is she enough?
This girl staring back at me?
Can she hold her head up high with the confidence of knowing what she wants?


And so I apply base,
Try to fix my uneven complexion and blemishes,
Eye shadow,
Then eye liner,

And again I stop to look at the girl,
She looks like women now,
As every feature is defined and highlighted,
Her complexion even,
Blemish free…

But is it enough,
This women staring back at me,
As the make up smudges and rubs off,
She’ll become the drab adequate girl underneath it all,

I can put on beautiful clothes,
Amazing jewellery,
But I remain the plain adequate girl that stares back at me,

With her sad eyes,
Set jaw,
Lips that barely ever quirk upwards with a hint of a smile,
That girl who’s cried so many eyeliner smudging tears,
That girl who fears,

No matter how much I do,
To hide her away,
Keep her from the world,
No matter how many layers of,
I try to mask her with,

She will come out,
As my clothes grow rumpled,
My jewellery loses its shine,
Its glow,
As my hair turns grey,
My make up smudges,
I become her again,

And is she enough?

I stare at her long and hard,
I notice the high cheekbones,
The strong set features,
I realize this girl is only adequate,
Because she believes it,
Only plain because it’s all she’s ever been convinced to see,

With all her wear and tear,
She is beautiful.
And so I grab my make up remover,
Wipe away the mask suffocating me,
I shake my hair out to its full volume,
I remove the jewellery that’s cold against my warmth,

And I look at this plain adequate girl,
Not so plain and adequate anymore,
And I ask myself,
Is she enough?
Enough to face the world proudly as whom and what she is?
Is she?

Those sad eyes stare back at me with a new found spark,
Those set lips quirk up into a hint of a sly smile,
And she winks at me.

Dec 2012 · 548
Roses are Violent
Roses are violent,
And violets despair,
Blood will drip
And wounds ooze with lack of care,

Bleeding till dry, till empty and hollow,
Bleeding and so pain will follow,

Lovers won’t fix
And cannot restitch,
Wounds gone wrong,
And scars come undone,

Tears of red,
And salted dread,
Cries of fears,
As the lost void nears,

Tired and cold,
Blood dry and old,
Thorns cut me deep,
And tears bleed blue,
In all this hurt my mind comes true,

Bloodied and ruined,
Unwound and intoed,
Roses are violent,
And violets despair,
From thorns blood will drip,
And ooze with lack of care.
Dec 2012 · 650
Tell Me of My Faults
Go ahead and tell me of my faults,
You who perfection from exalts,
I believe you not to have the broom
To come and my doorstep to groom,

Don’t come and claim the splinter
From my eye,
When a log of great timber,
Does so in your pupils lie,

I wish not to hear of the words
You believe to preach,
The words you do not of practice two thirds
But wish to teach,

Don’t come here with your empty
Don’t come here with your plenty

For I know of all my that my heart
Has tinted black,
But I have the resentful part
That you in your words do lack,

My heart is not of ideal
Bled red,
But it knows the things I feel,
The things I’ve done and said,

There are like all
The things I do not preach with pride,
But even though to sin I have befallen,
I have redemption on my side,

So go ahead and tell me of my faults,
You who perfection from so exalts,
But my closet was cleaned long ago,
But of your skeletons you will owe.
Dec 2012 · 475
Pick A Finger
Like the water wasted on green ground,
To our moral virtues we are bound,
And as we come to turn the other cheek,
People love to push us till we no longer stand on two feet,

There’s an error in playing nice these days,
As humanity crumbles in all it’s ways,
Nobody does appreciate your troubles,
And how holding back is your struggle,

When it comes down to being the better person,
Man always must think twice,
Because on our heart we put too much exertion,
In walking away and being nice,

Like rugs we are kept,
Treated with pure contempt,
Because to pretend like its all fine,
Keeps a person walking on a thin line,

I will give credit where credit is due,
But no longer can this heart rue,
For the people it had not put on their places,
Or had not Just knocked back down a few paces,

But to the world of the cruel,
I am not your cowardice tool,
And on your actions my heart will not linger,
So all I have to say is “here is my hand, now pick a finger.”
Dec 2012 · 986
Her Monsterous Hate
I see the way she looks at me,
Her words and her body language are contradictory,
She smiles but behind it is everything she thinks me ignorant of,
All her hate and no love,

She wishes to take from me,
Show me she can have what I want,
She wishes to break me,
And show me she can what I can't,

Her compliments are to miss-make me,
And her insults are in jest,
Her eyes scream I hate thee,
And her smile whispers I'll you best.

My mind whispers hate her,
But my heart whispers don't care,
One day karma will take her,
So don't act on what’ll make it fair,

She likes to push me,
Claw at my surface,
She wants to drag me,
It is when I stand tall she grows nervous,

Even if I break,
I will put the pieces back together,
I am what she fakes,
I will brush her actions off with a “Whatever.”

She is what she is,
But I am who I am,
I’ll greet her with calmness,
And not fall for her sham,

She can take who she wants,
They where of no worth if they walked away,
Truth is she my friends’ shunt,
Because they're the ones who will stay,

She's a waste of breath,
A waste of time and hate,
She's a waste of my depth,
A waste of mine and fate,

She is what she is,
But I am who I am,
She can’t beat me with this,
Because what she can’t I can.
Dec 2012 · 789
Good But Still Bad
What is this diminutive?
This quiddity of how we live,
This good and bad,
And right from wrong,
This insane concinnity,
We’ve followed for so pitifully long.

We need learn and ruse our minds,
To understand all types of kinds,
For man is not salubrious,
And all we seek is dubious,
We need to come to understand,
We all are good but all still bad,

We all are docile but maleficent,
Average and Magnificent,
We choose to be one or the other,
One or another,

Some skilled to beguile,
Others only know how to be difficile,
We all are weakened by indigence,
And we all are to this world exiguous,

So what is this surquedry of whose good and bad,
just because some may be of duende,
And others temerity mad,

No matter what you may do or say,
Your actions my apodictic opinion will not sway,
We will always be of human nature,
What is this good and bad nomenclature?

We are human and not irrefragable,
And the definition of unstable,
So be thee good or bad,
Be thee happy,
Be thee sad,
Be thee sane and be the mad,
We all can be good but we still stay with some bad.
Dec 2012 · 1.9k
What is this that of which you speak?
Any ounce of effort I put in,
Not a speck of acknowledgement do they me beseech,

What is effort?
If effort is thrown back at one,
Told that one is not good enough,
And that all the time ones put in work is of no luck,

Its not good enough,
Never will it be,
No matter how much sweat or tears,
It’ll never suffice to those who see,

I can slit my wrists and bleed into my creation,
Put every bit of essence of me in,
But there will always be those,
Who tell me my best is not enough,

So effort who the hell are you?
Effort who so does tell me I will reap,
All I get from you effort,
Is wasted time that doesn’t come cheap,

So effort you’re done and fine,
But some acknowledgement is about this time,
If it’s not enough my best,
You can just ****** off like the rest.
Dec 2012 · 959
Bad Friends
Wanted to call you my bestie,
But you’re stupid enough to want to best me,
I’m not into this crap of competition,
This crazyness to try and be my better composition,

Are you trying to hurt me,
Or are you just plain unasious,
You just got no true friend basis,

Your sequedry of your actions,
Will just get you unpleasant reactions,
But I’ll just greet it with my insouciance,
Because you got to face your own plans consequence,

Don’t come here and play “exegious”,
I know your true colours of deceitfulness,

Just keep note when tails are gone,
And everyone figures out all your wrong,
I’ll be good enough,
But then I’ll wish you luck,
Because you’re mad with these ends,
If you believe we’ll stay anything but bad friends.
Humpty Dumpty
Sat on a wall;
Humpty dumpty;
This stories not about him at all;

But rather a tale
Of a heart gone askew;
A tale of pain; broken heartedness
And nothing new

A heart bathed in blood,
In pain and misdeeds,
A heart bathed in insecurities;
And its doubts that it bleeds;

So this heart;
It was bandaged;
Fixed up but never again new;
This heart of bled tears;
all emotions did rue;

Till the faithful day it came across a wall;
A wall so high; so spiked and jagged;
It pinched and bruised and tore
The heart ragged;

But the heart did it climb
To get to the top;
It refused its beats of its pain;
And it refused to stop;

The wall it was heavy; large and stone cold;
But this heart knew this wall
That was its fears in a solid mould;

But this heart;
It was cracked; it was bleeding till dry;
Its beating was slow now;
More a whisper than a cry;

Till the heart stopped beating;
Let go and fell into the sky;
All this humpty dumpty watched from his seating;
As the heart fell to its silent lullaby;

Till the heart hit the ground;
Lay there stone still;
Without a sound;
Just wallowing in forgotten will;

And all the kings horses,
And all the kings men,
Could not put back together;
What was the hearts final end.
Dec 2012 · 2.0k
Little Puppet Girl
Hey there little puppet girl,
Sowing at your broken heart,
Puppeteer can’t pay his bill,
While you just fall apart,

Hey there little puppet girl,
I bet you where once new,
But now your cloth begins to furl,
And that heart of yours is two,

I see your dusty rags,
And patches of different cloths,
Your mouth it sags,
And you’ve been nibbled by moths,

Hey there little puppet girl,
Puppeteer he neglects you,
Once kept you shiny-now keeps you dull,
Puppeteer he forgets you,

But I see you reaching out,
Begging for his touch,
Mouths sown shut can’t shout,
And only one button eye can watch,

Hey there little puppet girl,
I know that you can’t cry,
But you reek of lost will,
And a need you can’t gratify,

Hey there little puppet girl,
I bet you where once new,
But now your cloth begins to furl,
And that heart of yours is two,

I see you little puppet girl,
Ripping at your stiches,
You’re no longer rational,
Your mind is specious,

Hey there little puppet girl,
Ripped to little pieces,
Puppeteers little pearl,
Your value he decreased it.
Aug 2012 · 953
Dear Child
Dear Child,
I hold so frail in my arms,
I look down and wish to protect you from all that harms,

But I know as the years grow more,
It will be harder on your choices to implore,

Your first few years will be a pleasant walk,
Where I teach and you don’t talk,

But as years go by,
A mother can only wonder what’s ahead will lie,

Soon it will be that “I don’t understand you”,
Even though I was a teenager too,

It’ll be that I am uncool,
You avoid me in public, especially at your school,

You will refuse my tender love,
I’ll be told “mom seriously that’s enough.”

We’ll disagree about boys,
Because you love him,
And I have no choice,

I’ll warn of things,
And you’ll just say “Whatever.”
As with every year my heart stings,
Because you think you’re more clever,

Dear child so small so frail,
Trust your mother and the boats she has set sail,
Trust your mother, whom upon you dotes,
She’s your mother, who to you her life devotes,

As time flies by,
So short as momentary as a sigh,
I watch her learn, I watch her grow,
As all who walk by in her soul do sow,

Will I ever be able to always protect my child?
Keep her sweet, young and undefiled,
I know her passion not mild,
Her streaks like mine is so to live wild,

But a good heart in her I did implore,
This young girl a mother does so adore,

A mother only wishes she could be there every step of the way,
And help a daughter understand,
She knows the exact games life tends to play.
I am not a Mother. But I can only imagine this is how a mother feels.

— The End —