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Nov 2013 · 598
a love poem
Les Nibbs Nov 2013
A kiss is all I ask of thee
a smile upon this face I see
tis kindly given, this lover's touch
I plead for this, seems not that much

Tis your eyes, holds this spell acast
upon my heart, it beats so fast
to taste that which lies upon your lips
some dawn rise dew, some honeyed sips.

Tis some dream that you can give to me
to feel you close, a touch tenderly
your breath upon my flesh or skin
tis now that life, my life begin.

Oh, I do ask for such favor nigh
to hear some sound, a soundless sigh
of joy and pleasure, or welcome smile
tis yes you say, your lover's wile
Oct 2013 · 702
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
Weep not, there is no end in death,
I need not blood nor mortal breath,
my clothes, no longer flesh and skin,
I have increased, I now begin.

I live forever, I pity thee,
your eyes are closed, you can not see,
you cry and weep, but I weep for you,
I walk this path, my journey new.

When you come, I will hold you tight
and show you things, in opened sight.
My friend, we part, to meet again,
forget me not, I wait till then.
Oct 2013 · 646
I Love Thee
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
I love thee? But I don't know why,
the truth of this, the tears I cry,
you left, but stay with in my heart,
my sweet memory, now thou art.

My lips still taste your lover's kiss,
thy tender touch, I sadly miss,
is proof, of what once you meant,
I see you still, in dreams I dreamt.

I loved thee once, I know now why,
my heart did answer, gave this reply,
your love you shared with others too,
so now I say, I no more love you,
Oct 2013 · 651
1st poem ever wrote 25/7/13
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
As a dawn rose, frosted,
  yearns it's kiss from the sun.
I await thy lips sweet embrace,
  a spring breeze, to come.
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
The Drought
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
The land is scorched, it lays bare.
Now become a blood red dust.
It's blown by wind, everywhere.
A strength corroded, turned to rust.

Where once was love, now is hate.
I am defeated, a wearing toil.
The land, I feel It's mortal state.
Burnt and parched, infertile soil.

My blood and tears are all spent.
Forsaken, in my thoughts and fear.
Tis cooler now, the sun has set.
No clouds nor rain we've seen this year.
Oct 2013 · 630
An Experiment
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
White apple blossoms falling free.
Dancing, swirling, playing joyfully.
Affection given lovingly.
Caressing me.
Oct 2013 · 803
A Tear Drop
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
In saddened eye, wells up a tear,
a shimmering glaze, crystal clear,
of heartfelt grief, it doth appear,
a drop is formed, it's birth is near.

A gentle struggle, to be free,
of eye and heart, lost love it be,
cheek caressed, it moves slowly,
down her face, touched lovingly.

A teardrop shows, a strength inside,
a depth of feeling, you need not hide.
Of soul's ocean, a cleansing tide,
to wash away, that grief denied.
Oct 2013 · 577
Stuff Winter
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
Tis a cold, grey, winter's day.
The sun's decided to stay away.
The cloud's have thought, we'll have a say.
It's bucketing down, so in bed I lay.

Bedding pulled up, warm and snug.
As cosy as,....       a bug in a rug.
My wife brings in, soup in a mug.
Feeling quite happy, to winter, I shrug.
Oct 2013 · 797
Most Unkind
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
Tis most unkind, to steal a heart
with glimpse of flesh, teasing smile.
A spell she casts, her lover's art,
in pause of time, to beguile.

With parted lips, she doth invite
a taste so sweet, from her kiss.
A lover's dance, in dark of night
shows such love, what pleasure is.
Oct 2013 · 988
A Song
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
A song I hear, my heart gives voice,
and sings such tunes, my eyes rejoice,
for blind, I would in mind, perceive,
her beauty that my dreams conceive,
For blind or dumb, I still could tell
her allure, a honeyed smell,
that scents the air, with such desire,
tis warmth I feel, my soul afire.
Oct 2013 · 1.0k
A Wedding Proposal
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
Sweet lips, that speak of love and hate,
says what of me, for this I wait
in patient hope, tis yeah or nay,
my life she holds, my words to weigh.

Tis love that said, my helpmate be,
from this heart, these words to thee,
my mind lays quiet, for what I hear,
is such sweet sounds... Yes, my dear.
Oct 2013 · 842
Romeo and Juliet
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
Juliet. O thy creature most perfect made,
shadowed in light, of some love displayed,
I ask thee, of simple whim, a kiss or smile
for spark of warmth, thy tender while.

I call thee thus, for what does that separate
us but some darkness, some family hate,
Nay, we tender shoots, deny what is
for that history's feud. I ask thee thus for that kiss.

See, what blood is on these hands, nay, it is none,
for sword or spear I denied, my betrayal done,
for thee is as that womb that bore and born me.
Alas I cry, Romeo and Juliet, now forever be.
Oct 2013 · 444
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
If a picture says a thousand words,
then speak them all to me,
on thy breath of sweetened herbs,
your eyes, each page I see.

If a face, tells life's story,
written by love's own hand,
yours is then of such beauty,
as timeless as the sand.

If the eyes, shows that within,
then I have looked in yours,
and seen flowing, pure truth,
ebbing to distant shores.
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
a nesting sparrow
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
Tis anesting, such sweet sparrow,
hath thou fleed from an icy grip,
tis springtime's warming blow,
that melts such waters, now to sip.

Tis some tunes, of squabbles in
thy nest, a gentle tugging snack,
of tasty worm, a hearty din
that chicks, with joy attack.

Alas, poor nesting sparrow,
thy chicks and you will flee,
when there comes the cold and snow,
then, I wonder where thy be.
Oct 2013 · 895
2 birds sitting on a branch
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
These hues of yours, some finery,
I'm single, alone, come nest with me,
of choicest worms, I share with thee,
a promise, for eternity.

Tis some worm I want, or juicy pear,
of these, and others, will you share,
with chicks and mate, my loving care,
Some dolting fool, I can not bear.

Sharp, thou art, with gnashing beak,
tis wise, to ponder, fore you speak,
known not was, of that I seek,
best advice, your right, to peek.

Ah. Stealthy comes this cat, to maul
which of us, a fateful call,
but safe we seem, and perchance you fall,
then choke that cat, on a male feather ball.
Oct 2013 · 684
Death Denied
Les Nibbs Oct 2013
My lover's head asleep does rest,
upon sweet cloud, my ivory breast,
his warmth of breath I no longer feel,
I hear his heart, it beats so still.

My tears anoint those lips I kissed,
he lays with me, he is not missed.
Strange, is warm, but he grows cold.
I bring him close, within my hold.

My prince does sleep, I see his smile,
such joy I give, for such short while,
my soul does mourn, It has not cried,
for he dreams long dreams. He has not died.

— The End —