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Only yesterday,  
We lost our beloved ones,
Leaders of yesterday,
And leaders of tomorrow,
And we prayed that it does not happen again,
Not in America,
Not in Afghanistan,  
Not in Africa,
Not anywhere in the world.  

The echoes of our cries still reverberate,
And our wounds still smell,
Our fears were forever awakened,
And our tears are still rolling down our cheeks,
Our deeply broken hearts still ache,
And day in day out we pray,
September 11 must go forever,
And never revisit us.  

Innocent people were blamed,
And innocent people suffered tremendously,
God painfully abandoned the children of Afghanistan,
As some ungodly and heartless forces tortured them,
The unborn, the born and the already dying,
Children of a living God.

And today,  
September 11 is unrespectfully intruding on us,
Like a crazy vampire seeking a ****** revenge,
Shame on the innocent and noble children of Iraq,
Their now cheap-as-a-chick lives are on the block,
As the greedy and insensitive demon prepares a barbaric carnage,
All because of egocentricity and sour power,
All because of a personal vendetta.  

Anytime now,  
The whistle will be blown,
And world peace and stability will be gone,
But who is George Bush in the eyes of God,
Who is brainless terrorist Bush in the eyes of man,
Just another September 11.
Every morning we look at the calendar,
We look not to check the date,
Not for the month,
But to confirm,
How many days could be left,
How many days,
Before the righteous devil takes him,
The one-time epitome of African Renaissance,
The now heavily expired dinosaur of African Patriotism,
A stubborn stain on the underwear of Africanness,  
We sit by radios,
We sit by television sets,
Every news hour,
And we buy papers every day,
In anticipation of the news,
The news that would throw the world into a frenzy,
The Zimbabwe News,
The news that would be the news,
The President is no more,
The pain of a pain so painful,
The pain of the hopelessness of losing hope,
The dire pain of hopelessly plunging into dire hopelessness,
The pain of progressing very fast,
And very fast in reverse past the reverse,
The pain that is so so,
The pain of dying,
But still living to tell the tale,
The sad stale tale of a country so deserted,
The tale of a country so dilapidated,
The toll tale of a people so dead,
The tall tale of a land surface so empty,
As if the buildings have turned into lions,
Crocodiles and snakes.
I did not decide,
To be Zimbabwean,
Neither did I decide,
To be in Zimbabwe,
If I had a choice,
I would neither,
Be a Zimbabwean,
Nor be in Zimbabwe,
Only if I had a choice.
For long,
We have looked to the heavens,
Our necks are now stiff,
For long,
We have kneeled to pray,
Our knees can no longer stretch,
For long,
We have hoped it to happen,
But for long,
It has just been exacerbating,
Others have even prayed,
For his demise,
How much longer,
Will it take,
How much longer,
Are we still going to suffer,
At the hands of this monster President,
How long Lord.
His mind is empty,
And so is his conscience,
Shops are empty,
And so are streets,
Schools are empty,
And so are workplaces,
Churches are empty,
And so are beer halls,
Towns are empty,
And so are villages,
Food stuffs have taken refuge,
And so have masses,
Empty the word,
Empty all over,
An emptiness so full.
God bless the woman,
God bless the queen,
An Angel,
Whose immeasurable services,
Are never appreciated,
A varied flower,
Which decorates the world,
And makes life,
Worth living,
A being,
That is just another way,
Of making another being,
God bless her.

You are so many things,
In one,
As much as you are one,
In so many things,
Daughter, sister,
Mother, wife,
Comforter, consoler,
To mention,
But just a few,
And an irreplaceable extension,
And conduit,
To man,
You are some unique kind,
Of symbolic,
And unbending sanctity,
A conspicuous epitome,
Of courage,
And encouragement,
As confirmed among other items,
By the pain,
You endure in labour,
But not minding,
To go through it,
Again and again,
And again.

Can only imagine how it feels,
To carry an unknown live object,
In your body,
In the darkest,
And most precarious waters,
Of humanity,
Changing your living habits,
Owing to a vacuumed unknown,
Incognizant of what to expect,
At the end of the long,
Tiresome wheelbarrow push,
A snake or a lion,
A murderer or a saviour,
A ******* or a nun,
A president or a dissident,
A Mugabe or a Mandela,
All these,
Came out of your generous belly,
And made you to sweat,
Writhe and wince,
In burning,
And torturous agony.

You are peripatetic,
And ubiquitous,
A convincing symbol,
Of unfailing love,
Love personified,
You imbue pride in us,
And our children,
And a very infectious sense,
Of longing and belonging,
Mother of man,
And woman,
Mother of the station,
Mother of the ration,
Mother of the nation.

Your heart is soft,
Like your breast,
And is fraught,
With forgiveness,
And care,
Despite that,
Some of your sisters,
And daughters,
Engage in heartless,
And heinous baby dumpings,
And others,
****** our innocent,
And defenceless unborns,
And mothers of tomorrow.

Like us with the sun,
You fall and rise with us,
Feeding us,
And fostering us,
When we are sick,
Having sleepless nights,
When our progeny are unwell,
While we snore,
And dream of fake riches,
A literal pregnant mine,
You really are,
Rich and abundant,
In love for us,
And a very nourishing fluid,
For our young offspring,
An offspring you strive to nurture,
Even single-handedly.

But nevertheless,
We cheat on you,
And lie to you,
With absolute uniqueness,
We abuse you,
Belittle you,
And inhumanely eviscerate you,
We make you our slaves,
And regard you,
As being beings with no rights,
Nights and tights,
Days and bays,
No matter how much,
We subjugate you,
Or how diabolic,
We treat you,
You continue to love us,
May God bless you,
On earth and in heaven.

“If I could have it my way, everyday would be women’s day” - Dr Noah Marutlulle
A monstrously graceful and gracious disgrace
A malicious tyrant with a burning vengeance,
The Satanic betrayal of a people so down and out,
The atrocious ****** of a defenceless citizenry,
The barbarous Lucifer of our era.

When we thought our nation had gone to the dogs,
You religiously rescued it and plunged it further beyond,
When we thought our motherland was dead and buried,
You exhumed her, mutilated the remains and fed them to crocodiles,
******* child of the product of our soil.

Our guides are painfully turning in their graves,
Monomotapa, Nehanda and Kaguvi,
Lobengula, Mzilikazi and Joshua Nkomo,
A collection that epitomizes peace and order for their descendants,
Patriots that sacrificed their lives for their offsprings’ wellbeing.

But Grace, time is always of essence,
What goes around, certainly comes around,
Has it ever occurred to you that God is for us all,
And he is not asleep,
When he hands over the button to us, what are you gonna do?

— The End —